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26 January 2011

An original play written by Boulder Creek PawPrint Players
With a theme of the daily lives and struggles of high school students, this years Social Change Piece will be anything but ordinary. The PawPrint Players give insight into real statistics, stories, and opinions taken straight from students in your community: Boulder Creek High School. This play puts into perspective what truly matters in this time of discovery. Perception is the third Social Change Piece that has been presented by the BCHS Theatre Department. Last years Social Change Piece, Speak Truth to Power: Voices from Beyond the Dark documented the struggles and triumphs of the worlds Human Rights Defenders by bringing light to global issues; and inspiring the audience to get involved. Boulder Creeks first Social Change Piece, [Pandemic] promoted an awareness and education on the topic of HIV/AIDS. When asked why the BCHS Theatre Department chose to produce Perception as the Social Change piece this year, Senior, McKenna Barber explained: High school is truly a time to form new opinions, and experience new things. The students of our school, much like any other high school, deal with so much more than theyre credited for. Our goal this year is to use Social Change to show kids theyre not alone in what theyre facing, or how they feel about certain issues. We want to bring light to different viewpoints on high school life, and hopefully influence some perceptions for the better. The play, co-directed by Keith R. Huff contains a cast of twelve students: Ben Alfich, Cameron Rexroat, McKenna Barber, Shelby Truax, Victoria Marston, Katie Potter, Carly Stackhouse, Joey Preiss, Grant Link, Miranda Barrera, Marissa Kulick, and Nicolette Zaretsky. The play will run February 16th, 17th, and 18th at the Boulder Creek High School Performing Arts Auditorium: 40404 N. Gavilan Peak Parkway. Admission to the event will be by donation and all proceeds will go to support the theatre program at Boulder Creek High School. All performances will begin at 7:00pm; house opens thirty minutes prior to the event. While the issues presented within the play are relevant to all ages the play does exhibit mature themes that may not be suitable for all audience members. If you would like more information on the play; or future BCHS Theatre productions, please feel free to contact PawPrint Players through e-mail at .

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