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Inverted Heart

Final Verse ALRIGHT Screenplay Written by United Spirits US

US - HEAVEN US-21 To The RIGHT United Spirits A Foreign Land


EXT. CHURCH STREET - DAY A TOUR WAGON PASSES BY. IT READS, CHARLESTON THE HOLY CITY. SAINT PHILLIPS EPISCOPAL CHURCH STANDS IN THE CENTER OF PALM TREES THAT SHIELD ITS ENTRANCE. THE TAN, BRICK STRUCTURE ELEVATES FAR ABOVE THE OTHER HISTORICAL BUILDINGS. THE TOP HALF OF THE DOOR SHAPES OVAL WITH CEDAR WOOD AT THE BASE. A CIRCULAR STAINED WINDOW SITS ON NEXT LEVEL. THE TOWER-LIKE, UPPER-LEVEL HAS OVAL AND ROUND WINDOWS. THE MOST HIGH PORTION HAS A STEEPLE THAT SITS ON A GOLD POLE. WIPE TO: EXT. EAST BATTERY STREET - DAY THE BATTERY OVERLOOKS THE DISTANCE OF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN FROM BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN'S RAIL. THE WAVES MOVE SLOWLY. THE SUN RAYS SHINE DOWN. WHITE PIGEONS FLY OVERHEAD. JOGGERS AND WALKERS EXERCISE ON THE WALKWAY. INT. CHANCES BEDROOM - DAY The sun shines through the sheer curtains. It beams on CHANCE MIDDLETON, a 5'7, 135 pounds, twenty-nine-year-old African American woman. The bohemian, decorated room has a picture of Chance at her desk in her high school, English classroom. A picture of JESSIE MIDDLETON, a 5'11, muscular-built, thirty-one-year-old Store Manager has a picture that sits next to hers. The BIRDS CHIRP. Chance sits on the bed and grades papers. She looks at the clock. She pitches up. She kneels at the foot of her bed. She bows her head. She clasps her hands. She says aloud -CHANCE Oh my GREAT GOD! Please forgive me for this brief prayer, LORD. I love You so much. Oh, and GOD, if its not too much to requestplease dont let me lose my job -- in the name of SWEET JESUS Amen. Jessie lies asleep in bed. Chance stands. She places papers in her school bag. Jessie awakes. He looks at the closet door. JESSIE You still mad, sweetheart?

CHANCE What? Im going to be late. JESSIE Where's my suit? CHANCE Jessie we need counseling. You know we do. Jessie sits up. Chance puts his blue suit at the foot of the bed. CHANCE (CONT'D) You know we need it. JESSIE You can make the appointment on Monday. Chance smiles. Jessie GRUNTS. JESSIE (CONT'D) I can promise you this, I won't be there. CHANCE It's Natalie, isn't it? JESSIE You. You're delusional. CHANCE Everyone's delusional when you can't explain. JESSIE Natalie, enough. CHANCE Natalie? What did you call me, Jessie?

Jessie rushes to the bedroom's bathroom. She gets her purse from the night stand. She grabs her cell phone and leaves. INT. CHANCE'S CAR - DAY She dials, EMMA, a 5'8, 140 pounds, twenty-nine-year-old Norwegian. INT. EMMA'S BEDROOM - SAME TIME Her PHONE RINGS. She rushes to answer it. EMMA This better be good, lady. INTERCUT telephone conversation. CHANCE Well... I don't know about good. EMMA I have twenty, FUN elementary kids waiting for treats, Chance. CHANCE I need your advice. EMMA Anything for my bestie. CHANCE Em, help me think of a way to rekindle my marriage. EMMA At least you're married. I should be asking you for advice. Chance SIGHS. Emma grabs a bag of lollipops. She places them in her school's briefcase. EMMA (CONT'D) Are you still there? CHANCE

Yeah. You're good about great ideas. EMMA I don't know... Maybe take him out for dinner or something. Your treat. CHANCE That might work. EMMA Might work? Dinner out, and he doesn't have to pay? Tell him I said I'll take his place if he doesn't want free food. THEY both GIGGLE. EMMA (CONT'D) Cee, I've gotta get outta here. Are we gonna run today? CHANCE Yes. See you later. They hang up. Chance calls her mother, CHANDRA, a heavy-set, fifty-six-year-old. EXT. RIVERS HOME - PORCH - SAME TIME Her CORDLESS PHONE RINGS. She looks at the caller ID and picks up. INTERCUT telephone conversation. CHANDRA How's my baby doing? CHANCE Hey, ma. CHANDRA What's wrong, now? CHANCE Ma... Jessie and I just aren't going to make it.

Chandra sits on her end. She rolls her eyes upward. CHANDRA Then what? I want grand-babies. GOD promised Father Abraham many generations that will be fruitful and multiply. CHANCE Jessie barely pays bills. A child would be catastrophic. Chandra rocks on the porch's swing. She holds the phone up with her shoulder. She brushes her Egyptian styled, silver and black wig. CHANDRA Ain't nothing much here -- you do better to make it work. CHANCE Ma. I just got to work. I gotta go. Chance hangs up. Chandra looks at the phone. She removes it from her face. Chance rushes inside the school's building. INT. CHANCES DINING ROOM - NIGHT Chance sets the table with sweet peas, baked leg quarters, yellow rice, and sweet tea. She sits. Jessie skips his grace. He eats. Chance stares at him. Chance bows her head. She opens her eyes slowly. She grabs the rice bowl. No one talks for a few seconds. CHANCE So... you going to your job's annual dinner? JESSIE Possibly. Jessie eats a piece of chicken and simultaneously asks -JESSIE (CONT'D) Why? CHANCE I wondered if you wanted me to go?

JESSIE Yeah, yeah, yeah, Chance. Just keep your hair and outfit simple. Chance looks up. She nods her head. CHANCE I also wanted to treat you out one night after work? Jessie looks up at her. His FORK CLICKS the plate louder. CHANCE (CONT'D) That's if you have time. JESSIE Can we talk about this another time? CHANCE Fine. She looks at him eat. She eats and drinks. INT. BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL - CHANCES CLASSROOM - DAY Chance stands near her classroom window. Students walk to and fro. She stares at them. She wipes her tears. She turns around. MILLIE, a thirty-one-year-old, tall, Caucasian, slender, ninth grade English teacher knocks and walks in. CHANCE Millie. Come in. MILLIE How's the lesson planning going? CHANCE I haven't started it. Chance walks to her desk. Millie trails her. She walks towards Chance's stack of papers. MILLIE Looks like you need a student helper to help grade these assignments.

They get quiet. They stare at each other. Chance looks away. She holds her head down. MILLIE (CONT'D) Do you want to talk? CHANCE Millie we've been friends for years, and I trust you. But this is hard to talk about. MILLIE Chance. I hope I'm not out-stepping my grounds. But I saw Jessie out with another woman while out with my husband. Chance covers her face and CRIES. CHANCE He is cheating. I don't know what to do. Millie walks around the desk and hugs Chance. MILLIE Have you confronted him? CHANCE He doesn't admit to it. Millie holds Chance's hands. She swings them. She hugs her. MILLIE I'm here if you need me. CHANCE Thanks, Millie. Chance sits behind her desk. She looks at her wedding ring. She looks at her stack of paperwork. She gathers some papers and leaves. EXT. KING STREET - DAY Chance hustles through the crowd. She loses one of her pumps. She stops and puts it back on. She looks up. She hears a familiar VOICE. She looks around. An old lady bumps her. She looks

back. She sees an Army-green pair of slacks. She turns around. She walks against the crowd. NATALIE, a twenty-eight-year-old, 58, blue eyes, lean blonde holds hands with Jessie. CHANCE Jessie... Jessie. Jessie and Natalie pick up their speed. NATALIE (looks at Jessie) Oh my goodness, it's Chance. Jessie walks faster. He pulls Natalie by the hand. They disappear in the crowd. Chance fights the crowd. She bumps into BAILEY BEECHER, a thirty-five-year-old, 511 Caucasian male with dark hair, hazel eyes, slender, and tanned skin. Her papers fall from her bag. Chance tumbles backward. Bailey reaches for her hands. BAILEY Where in the world were you heading? CHANCE I should ask you the same. BAILEY (smiles) You head-butt me, ma'am. CHANCE Well, I'm sorry. Bailey and Chance pick up her papers. Chance frowns. Bailey stops smiling. He watches her. BAILEY So, where were you heading? CHANCE Nowhere special. I just thought I saw my husband with --

BAILEY With? Chance smooths her shirt down. She looks side to side. She smooths her hair. Bailey smiles. He waits for an answer. CHANCE With a... colleague. BAILEY And when you uhh say a colleague -- that means uhh -Chance SUCKS her TEETH. She stares at him. CHANCE Look, thanks for your help, uhh -Bailey pulls on his nose and LAUGHS. He stares at her. He grins. Chance pushes her hair back with her headband. BAILEY You're a joker. I'm Bailey Beecher, and your name is? CHANCE (hesitates) Chance Middleton. BAILEY Now that's a beautiful name. Chance pulls on her earlobe. CHANCE Thanks. BAILEY (reaches inside of his jacket) Well, Chance. Here's my business card.

CHANCE What's this for? Bailey gives her a thousand watts smile. BAILEY Just incase. Chance looks at the card. She rolls her eyes. She looks at him. CHANCE Incase what? BAILEY Just incase your husband and his colleague insist on having lunch without you. Chance stares at him. He smiles. He touches her shoulders. He turns and walks away. Chance turns back and watches Bailey disappear. She places the card inside of her purse and walks away. INT. CHANCE'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chance sits on the couch. She sets her school bag beside her. She takes her shoes off. She lays her head back. She closes her eyes. She sits for a few minutes. She gets up and walks to the living room window. She looks out. She folds her arms. She leans against the wall. She walks to the couch and sits. She wipes her tears. She picks up her photo album. She looks at her and Jessie's wedding picture. She sets it back on the cocktail table. She covers her face. Jessie walks in the front door. She waits a second. She uncovers her face. CHANCE Worked late, again? Jessie stares at her. JESSIE Somethin' like that. Chance folds her arms. She looks at him. He looks at the photo album. JESSIE (CONT'D) What's for dinner?

CHANCE Spaghetti. JESSIE Good. You eating with me? CHANCE I already ate. He stands and stares. He walks away. Her eyes follow him. He enters the bedroom. INT. CHANCE'S BEDROOM - DAY Chance gets up. Sunlight beams in. She grabs her school's paperwork and a red pen. Jessie wakes. He looks at his clock on the night stand. JESSIE Why you up already? She ignores him. JESSIE (CONT'D) You heard me? CHANCE I'm trying to finish grading these papers. JESSIE What's bothering you, now? CHANCE What's always bothering me? JESSIE Look, I can't read yo' mind. CHANCE If you can read my body language to know that I'm mad, then you know why I'm mad.

Jessie stares her. He props up on his pillow. JESSIE Enlighten me. CHANCE Don't you have a lover for that? JESSIE What? CHANCE Where did you eat lunch yesterday? JESSIE I got a sandwich from the snack machine. CHANCE Really? I could have sworn I saw you with your lady friend on King Street. Jessie's mouth falls opened. His eyes roam the room for a minute. He gets out of the bed. JESSIE Chance. You ain't see me. CHANCE Don't... Jessie. You're at this again. When will you get enough, hmm? JESSIE Don't what, Chance? Jessie walks over to the dresser. He throws bills in the air. Chance covers her face. CHANCE What's wrong with you? JESSIE

We got all of these bills, and you 'round here worrying about a co- worker taking me for lunch? CHANCE You're her boss. JESSIE And? Chance walks away. Jessie grabs her arm. She looks into his eyes. He lets her arm go. JESSIE (CONT'D) Are you going to get my clothes ready? CHANCE You mean I get to be your wife for five minutes? I'll pass. Chance rushes towards the bath. JESSIE I don't worry about who you eat with. CHANCE Because you don't have to. He rubs his bald head backward with both of his hands. She enters their bathroom. INT. BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL - CHANCE'S CLASSROOM - DAY Chance packs her bag at her desk. She clears off her SmartBoard. She collects papers from her cubbies. She places them in compartments in her school's bag. She sits for a second. She gets up to leave. The principal of Blake High School, MR. ANDERSON, a tall, mid-built, brunette Caucasian with glasses walks into her classroom. MR. ANDERSON Did you check your e-mail? CHANCE No -- not yet, sir. MR. ANDERSON

You missed our meeting. She fidgets with her paperwork and school bag. CHANCE Sir, I've been sort of all over the place. Umm. What was it about? MR. ANDERSON Poor state, test scores. Lateness. Your dwindling professionalism. CHANCE Sir. I have a personal issue. MR. ANDERSON Nothing personal here -- this is a professional setting, Chance. You know that. My office ASAP in the morning at 6:30. He pushes his glasses up. He turns towards the door and leaves. Chance stands behind her desk. She pulls her earlobe. She grabs her purse, school bag, and walks out. EXT. EAST BATTERY STREET - DAY Chance walks to the rail near the water. She leans forward. She sits down. She watches the waves. Tears stream from her face. She wipes them. She turns away from the water. Chance looks at the crowd walking to and fro. She sees an interracial couple. She looks away. She drops her head. Emma walks up to her. She sits down beside her. She touches her knee. Chance looks at her. Emma hugs her. EMMA Chance, we've been friends since elementary school. I know your deepest, hun, but I can't figure this out. CHANCE You know how my mother and the church are about divorces, Em. I don't want to be the failure here. All of my life... I had to overcome something. EMMA So what? Let up on yourself... We all have flaws and make mistakes. If you want your marriage, fight for it.

CHANCE But I don't know what to do. What would I say to people? My mulatto husband hates black women? EMMA Just don't say anything. Emma moves Chance's hair from her face. CHANCE What would you do if you were in my situation? EMMA He wouldn't get away with it but for a day. CHANCE That's why your house is empty. THEY LAUGH. Emma stands and pulls Chance to her feet. EMMA And that's why it might stay empty. Emma places her arms around Chance's waist. They walk away from the ocean towards their cars. INT. CHANCE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Chance props up on the bed. She grades English papers. Jessie comes from the bedroom's bath. He sits on his side of the bed. Chance looks at him from behind. He reclines. He turns the television on. She looks over at him. JESSIE Where you been after school? CHANCE The Battery. JESSIE Alone?

CHANCE With Em. JESSIE Oh, okay. Did y'all run, today? CHANCE Nope. Chance continues to grade papers. She stops. CHANCE (CONT'D) Jessie, am I unattractive to you? JESSIE Wouldn't have married you if I thought that. CHANCE So, that's a yes? JESSIE It's not a no. CHANCE Why can't you tell me I'm beautiful? That you adore me -- you know? JESSIE Chance, I think you're lovely, okay? Chance places her papers on the night stand. She smiles. She fluffs her pillow. She closes her eyes. Jessie flips the television channels. INT. BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL - MR. ANDERSON'S OFFICE - DAY Chance rushes into Mr. Anderson's office. He looks at the clock. It reads 7:00. Mr. Anderson sits behind his desk. He makes notations on a piece of paper. Chance folds her arms. She rubs them up and down. Mr. Anderson hands her a stack of papers. MR. ANDERSON

You're thirty minutes late. Chance gazes at him. Tears form in her eyes. MR. ANDERSON (CONT'D) Seventy percent of your students are in danger of not marching. CHANCE Seventy percent? MR. ANDERSON Yes. The paperwork states what the Board of Education recommends for you to keep your job. Are you following the state standards? CHANCE Yes, sir. He continues to write. She fidgets with the papers in her lap. CHANCE (CONT'D) Sir, more than half the students fall asleep during the state exam or don't try at -Mr. Anderson holds his hand up in a stop motion. Chance folds her arms together. CHANCE (CONT'D) I've reached out to parents, and -MR. ANDERSON And it's no excuse for poor, classroom management skills and targeting these students' weaknesses from prior classroom lessons. None. CHANCE Yes, but I do spend extra time with the students who need it. And I place strong students with the weak ones for support. MR. ANDERSON (slides slip) Sign here.

She signs the slip. She slides it back to him. CHANCE Please, Mr. Anderson. I'm having marital problems. MR. ANDERSON And it looks like you're going to be unemployed if you don't produce. If you're late again-- there's going to be repercussions, Chance. He gives her a copy of the slip. SHE leaves the office CRYING. INT. BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL - CAFETERIA - DAY Chance stands with SANDY, a thirty-year-old, short, stout, African American, History teacher. CHANCE I got written up this morning, Sandy. SANDY What happened? CHANCE Late. My kids' test scores. Things are slipping. SANDY My goodness, Chance. What's going on? CHANCE Personal problems. I can't take much more, Sandy. My job's at stake. Sandy looks at Chance. Her eyes stretch. An interracial couple sits at a table. Chance looks at them. Sandy looks at the couple. They look at each other. CHANCE Well... SANDY Girl... we in Charleston -- the epitome of slavery history and racial mixing. CHANCE

Oh, Sandy... Let us not forget the real epitome and history -- religious freedom.

INT. CHANCE'S BEDROOM - DAY Chance wakes up. She looks through bills. Jessie's asleep. She wakes him. CHANCE The electric bill is due today, or we're gonna get turned out. He ignores her. He rubs his eyes. CHANCE (CONT'D) Did you hear me? JESSIE What you want me to do? You tell me the morning of. CHANCE So what should I do? I'm not asking my parents. I'm not doing that. JESSIE I'll just stay to Stevie's. CHANCE (Slams the bill on the dresser) And what about me? JESSIE I might can help with half. CHANCE Half? Jessie doesn't respond. CHANCE (CONT'D) Half. Humph... Now we're roommates?

She sits on the bed. She shakes her head. INT. BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL - MR. ANDERSONS OFFICE - DAY Mr. Anderson sits behind his desk. He looks through paperwork. He stands. He walk towards his door. The PHONE RINGS. He hesitates. He walks back to answer. He reaches over his desks name plate. He grabs the phone. MR. ANDERSON Hello? Mr. Anderson nods his head. He leans back on the desk. MR. ANDERSON (CONTD) Un hun. Let me go, Chance. Just had this talk with you -- last warning. HE SIGHS. MR. ANDERSON (CONTD) I need to find a sub. He hangs up the phone. He walks behind his desk. He sits. He looks through his substitute teachers directory. He picks up the phone. INT. CHANCES BEDROOM - DAY Chance lies on her bed. She stares into space. She holds her cell phone in one hand. Her other hand rests on the top of her forehead. CHANCE My goodness. One more write up, and Im canned. This is ridiculous... Chance calls Emma. INT. EMMA'S BEDROOM - SAME TIME Emma PHONE RINGS. She picks up. EMMA Hey, Chance. INTERCUT telephone conversation.

CHANCE I need a favor. EMMA As usual. Emma LAUGHS. She sits down on her bed. EMMA (CONTD) What is it? CHANCE My lights. EMMA What are you guys doing with your money, Cee? CHANCE Evidently taking care of others' households. EMMA And clearly yall dont want me to feel left out. CHANCE Can you do it? I dont want to be in the dark here, girl. EMMA Whats the account number? Emma writes the account number down. CHANCE Thanks, Em. I owe you. EMMA No problem. She flings her blond hair off of her shoulder.

EMMA (CONTD) (pauses) Are you still there? Chance BAWLS on the other end. CHANCE Call me when you're out from school. EMMA Will do. They both hang up. Emma stares at her cell. CHANCE Oh goodness. Chance gets off of her bed. She grabs her purse from her night stand. Her purse falls over. She picks her items up from her purse. She sees Baileys business card. She stands up. She sits back on her bed. FLASHBACK - INT. RIVERS HOME - NIGHT David and Jessie embrace. David tells Jessie -DAVID Okay, son. You asked for my blessings. We dont return daughters back to their family, you hear? Younger Chance and Chandra stare at them embracing. Chandra says -CHANDRA You hear that, dear? No divorcing. We Rivers know how to stick things out. Chances smiles at her mother. Jessie and Chance's eyes meet. END FLASHBACK. INT. CHANCES BEDROOM - DAY Chance wipes her tears. She leans back on her pillow. She looks at Baileys business card.

CHANCE It cant hurt to call about a consultation. She hesitates. She dials the number. INT. BAILEY BEECHERS LAW FIRM - SAME TIME The PHONE RINGS. The receptionist, ABIGAIL, a thirty-two-year-old, slim, 57, long-haired blonde picks up. ABIGAIL Bailey Beechers Law Firm, how may I help you? INTERCUT telephone conversation. CHANCE Umm. May I speak with Bailey...? I meant Mr. Beecher, please. Abigail LAUGHS. Chance looks at the phone. She puts it back to her ears. ABIGAIL No one speaks to Mr. Bailey without an appointment, maam. Did you need to make one? Chance pops her eyes. CHANCE Well, umm. I ran into him, and he told me if I needed him, to call. Im not sure the procedure of speaking with him. ABIGAIL (confused) Now are you a personal friend or something? CHANCE (laughs) Oh no. No. Umm. I just needed to speak with him about a possible divorce. ABIGAIL

Maam... We dont do marriage counseling. Chance stares at the phone. CHANCE Well then... Let's set up the consultation appointment. Abigail turns to the computer screen. She puts Chances information in. ABIGAIL Well, Chance. The consultation fee is two hundred and fifty dollars, and his retainer fee is forty- five hundred. Chance chokes. CHANCE How much? Abigail rolls her eyes. Chance eyes stretch. ABIGAIL We do carry a list of more economical attorneys. CHANCE More economical? ABIGAIL Just a suggestion. CHANCE Well, let me just see what I can do about the two hundred consult fee. ABIGAIL Understood. And by the way, its two fifty. Chance nods her head. She hangs up. INT. JESSIES JOB - OFFICE - DAY Jessie sits in his office at the department store. Natalie sits at the desk. She stands to leave.

JESSIE Call me when you get home? NATALIE I thought you were coming over tonight? JESSIE Natalie. What did I tell you? Chance is really sick. Natalie smooths her hair. NATALIE What about me? JESSIE What do you mean, Natalie? Natalie stares at Jessie. She holds her head high. She turns her back. She walks to the door. She places her hands on the knob. She looks back at him. Jessies looks at her. NATALIE Jessie? JESSIE Yeah. NATALIE (looks at desk) That desk -- is less cold. She turns and walks out. Jessie smirks and sits at the desk. INT. CHANCES DINING ROOM - NIGHT Chance sits at the dinner table with a half empty plate. Jessies plate sits opposite of hers. She has covered bowls near it. She folds her hands under her chin. Jessie walks to the dining room entrance. JESSIE

How you, sweetheart? Chance ignores him. She looks down at her plate. JESSIE (CONTD) How was your day, Chance? CHANCE I dont know -- how should it be? JESSIE I see you got the lightbill paid. Chance sits back in the chair. She folds her arm. JESSIE (CONTD) Imma go wash up. CHANCE You mean Natalie doesnt have running water at her place? Jessie stops walking. He looks back. JESSIE Dont start. Dont start. CHANCE What? Picking on your trophy woman? JESSIE You got the ring. CHANCE But she has your heart, Jessie. I want both. Jessie raises his hands. He shakes them. JESSIE Im not going to leave you if thats what scares you.

CHANCE You dont have to -- Im leaving you. Jessie walks over to Chance. He props his hand at the dinner table. JESSIE What you say? Chance looks away. CHANCE Nothing, Jessie. JESSIE Who you say you leaving? Chance looks at him. JESSIE (CONTD) So you think you leaving me? Chance nods her head CHANCE Im not leaving. JESSIE Oh... I know. She watches Jessie walk away. INT. CHANCES LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chance cuddles with her pillow on the couch. She watches television. She dozes off. Jessie stands over her. She wakes. She sits up. CHANCE Whats wrong? You scared me. JESSIE

Why you sleeping out here? CHANCE I wasnt -- just fell asleep. JESSIE Come to bed then. CHANCE In a minute. Jessie walks back into their bedroom. She goes in the bedroom. INT. EMMAS BEDROOM - DAY Emma walks towards her closet. She looks at sandals. She says -EMMA My feet need attention.. She picks up her cell phone. She dials Chances number. INT. CHANCES LIVING ROOM - SAME TIME Chance sits on her couch. She watches television. Her cell PHONE RINGS. She fumbles through her purse on the end table and answers. CHANCE Hey, Em. INTERCUT telephone conversation. EMMA Hey, you. CHANCE Whats going on? EMMA You want to go get a pedi? Its my treat -- lunch, too.

CHANCE Yeah, sure -- why not? EMMA Give me an hour. The ladies hang up. INT. ELITE SPA - DAY Both ladies sit at a pedicure spa. Chance shuts her eyes. Emma looks around at others. A SALON TECHNICIAN, 56, Caucasian with short, brunette hair comes over. SALON TECHNICIAN Now ladies, will you all be getting any other services today? CHANCE I think I want to get my hair blown out for Jessies dinner tonight. EMMA Im not paying for your hairdo. Chance looks over at her. Chance says to the salon technician -CHANCE Nevermind. EMMA (looks at salon technician) No. I'm treating. Add it to my ticket. CHANCE Thanks, Em. You're really kind. EMMA I personally like your hair curly. CHANCE

Jessie likes it straight. EMMA And you? CHANCE I dont know. EMMA Well, you should know what you like and dislike and honor each with utmost priority. Emma looks over at her. She reaches over and touches Chance's hands. EMMA (CONTD) I know youre standing by your man, but the rule is, he has to be a man. Emma stares off into space. CHANCE Well, I made an appointment for a divorce consult. Emma sits up. EMMA So what's tonight, a farewell dinner? CHANCE No. I'm not really sure what I want to do yet. EMMA Un hun... CHANCE Im only exploring my opts. EMMA Stay -- it's up to you. But, I don't agree with a cheater.

CHANCE Dont go there. EMMA Jessie went here, there and everywhere with that finagler-- Im just saying. Chance LAUGHS. She sits back. Emma reaches for her lemonade on the table. SHE SIPS and smiles. INT. CHARLESTON PLACE RESTAURANT - NIGHT Chance and Jessie sit across from his Senior, Regional Supervisor, MR. LUXOR, a tall, slim, Caucasian man with slightly gray hair. His wife, AMELIA, a tall, slender, red hair with greeneyes and a pointy nose sits next to him. EVERYONE CHATTERS separately. Jessie looks over at Amelia and says -JESSIE Amelia, you look most lovely tonight. AMELIA Why thanks so much, Jessie. Such a gentleman. I second guessed my entire ensemble, but Mr. Luxor loved it all. Thanks for noticing. Chance flutters her eyes. Her head staggers. She looks down at her attire. She looks at Amelia's white suit. She strokes her hair. She looks around at the others. MR. LUXOR So Chance, what is it now that you do for a living? CHANCE Oh, Im a teacher. MR. LUXOR ... Teacher of? CHANCE Im not following you, sir. Mr. Luxor LAUGHS hysterically. Chance stops drinking her tea. She looks over at Jessie. He rolls his eyes.

MR. LUXOR What do you and who do you teach, young lady? CHANCE I teach secondary English to beautiful, little ninth graders. AMELIA Well, you must feel out of sorts here with a dinner table fueled with business tycoons. CHANCE Or perhaps y'all business folks feel out of place with a lower, five figure teacher who just wants to make a difference? Amelia touches her chest. Mr. Luxor SIPS his WINE. Jesses frowns. Everyone stares. Chance gets up. CHANCE (CONTD) Excuse me. I feel faint. INT. BAILEY BEECHERS LAW FIRM - DAY Chance sits inside of the waiting area. The receptionist looks up at her -ABIGAIL Mrs. Middleton, are you sure I cant get you a bottled water? Chance looks down at her paperwork. She sees the two-hundred and fifty dollars fee written in on the consultation line. She smiles. CHANCE On second thought -- my throat does feel a bit dry. As Abigail comes around the desk to hand her a water. The OFFICE PHONE RINGS. She picks up. ABIGAIL Mr. Beecher is ready to speak with you, Chance. Do follow me. Chance drinks some of her water. She follows her.

INT. BAILEY BEECHERS LAW FIRM - OFFICE - DAY Chance and Abigail walk inside of Baileys office. Bailey looks through files. He wears glasses. His suit jacket sits on a jacket rack behind him. A picture of his Rottweiler sits on the forefront of his desk. He has paper everywhere. He looks up at Chance and stands. BAILEY Chance. Please, have a seat. Or would you prefer, Mrs. Middleton? CHANCE Chance is fine, Mr. Beecher. BAILEY Please, call me Bailey. Because of my tight schedule, Im going to get right to it with ya. Whats happening? Why are you needing this consultation? CHANCE My husbands cheating on me. BAILEY With the colleague? CHANCE I suppose. BAILEY Look, Chance. I know this is hurtful and uncomfortable, but I have to tell you, as your possible divorce attorney, I need to know everything. Chance stares. Tears flow. BAILEY (CONTD) (hands Kleenex) Please dont cry. Im here to help. And besides, youre brave enough to be here doing this. Chances shakes her head up and down. BAILEY (CONTD)

How do you know hes cheating for sure? CHANCE I just know. BAILEY Youre going to need something better than assumptions for the Judge. CHANCE Like? BAILEY Like a private investigator report alongside any other supporting evidence. Affidavits from friends who might have witnessed his infidelity. Other than that, without proof of physical abuse, you have to wait a year before you can officially be divorced. CHANCE A year? BAILEY Unfortunately -- yes. CHANCE How much will all of this cost me along with the investigator? BAILEY Well, I credit you back your consult fee, so, youd owe me forty-two hundred and fifty more dollars, and Mr. Edinburgh's fee can get pricey after youve surpassed his set surveillance hours. CHANCE Do you know what his set fee is? BAILEY Its two-thousand.

Chance mouth opens. She holds her stomach. She looks down at Baileys floor. She looks back up at Bailey. CHANCE Okay. What should I do to get started? BAILEY Hire an investigator first because we need proof. Then we can proceed with filing for legal separation on the grounds of adultery. CHANCE Okay. BAILEY Do you say okay for everything, Chance? CHANCE Sometimes. BAILEY Even when its not really okay? CHANCE Sometimes. Bailey LAUGHS. He looks out of his window. He looks back at Chance. BAILEY Okay. Youre going to have to say adultery is not okay at some time in this process, or youre going to spend money just to go back to this guy. Are you sure this is what you want? CHANCE Now more than ever. You. Just. Dont. Know. BAILEY (stands)

Ill look to hear from you soon? CHANCE Yes. Soon. I need to work out the finances. But soon. Bailey reaches out for Chances hand. He leads her to his offices door. He shuts it behind her and smiles. INT. BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL - CHANCES CLASSROOM - DAY Chance dismisses her class. She rushes back to her file cabinet. She gets her phone from her purse. Mr. Anderson walks in. MR. ANDERSON Chance. CHANCE Hello, Mr. Anderson. He looks around her classroom. MR. ANDERSON Im just checking on your progress. CHANCE Aw, yes. Im working with one of the Nationally certified teachers to see if she has insight as to how I can get my students exam scores up. MR. ANDERSON How are your personal matters coming along without all of the gory details? CHANCE Okay. I just cant afford my attorney and related fees, but I feel better already. MR. ANDERSON A divorce -- its youre only option? Parents often frown upon young, single teachers. Let us keep this as quiet as possible. CHANCE

Yes. Yes of course, sir. Mr. Anderson forces a smile and leaves. Chance watches him exit. She gets the private investigators number from her paperwork. MR. EDINBURGH, a Caucasian, heavy-set, blonde hair, old man with a pot belly PHONE RINGS. INT. MR. EDINBURGHS SUV - SAME TIME Mr. Edinburgh BLASTS his RADIO. He turns it down. He answers his phone. MR. EDINBURGH Uhh, hello. INTERCUT telephone conversation. CHANCE Hi. Is this Mr. Edinburgh? MR. EDINBURGH Yes it is. How may I help you? CHANCE Umm. Mr. Beecher gave me your number so that I can retain you in order to have proof that my husband is being unfaithful. MR. EDINBURGH And you know hes cheating? CHANCE Yes. I do. MR. EDINBURGH Do you know his work schedule and his friends? CHANCE Most of them -- yes. MR. EDINBURGH

Okay. You do know I dont take payments, right? I take my payment in full and before I turn any relevant evidence over to your attorney, I need any excess past the set surveillance hours. CHANCE Yes. Mr. Beecher told me so, sir. MR. EDINBURGH Im ready to start whenever you are. CHANCE May I have a few weeks to figure out the money, sir? MR. EDINBURGH Holla when you ready, young lady. Chance looks at her phone and smiles. CHANCE I sure will. INT. WHELKS BANK - DAY Chance sits in the waiting area. MR. LEWIS, a short, black banker walks to the center of his door and calls -MR. LEWIS Chance Middleton? Chance stands in the hallway in front of his door and walks in. They both sit. Mr. Lewis looks up. MR. LEWIS (CONTD) Chance. Im afraid your debt to ratio is too unbalanced for our bank to give you this personal loan. Im sorry. Chance stares. Mr. Lewis clamps his hands together. MR. LEWIS (CONTD)

Im afraid you and Jessie have been slow with your overdraft loan as well, so all of these hurt your credit score rating dramatically. CHANCE Un hun. MR. LEWIS Have you considered borrowing it from a family member to avoid interest? CHANCE Its just... well, my parents might not want to loan it to me because of the purpose. MR. LEWIS I see. Well, Im sorry I couldnt be of more help to you, Chance. Im sorry. CHANCE Its no problem, Bob. I understand. Mr. Lewis walks Chance to the door. Chance turns around and asks -CHANCE (CONTD) Bob, what if I could get a co-signer? MR. LEWIS It cant be someone with mediocre credit, Chance. The person will need a strong credit history with the means to pay us if you can't. CHANCE Ill get back to you soon. Mr. Lewis smiles. Chance leaves. INT. CHANCES BEDROOM - NIGHT Chance sits on her bed. She calls her mother. INT. RIVERS HOME - BEDROOM - SAME TIME Chandra answers her phone.

CHANDRA Hi, dear. INTERCUT telephone conversation. CHANCE Hi, ma. CHANDRA Why do you sound upset? CHANCE Im not. Jessie walks into the bedroom. Chance looks up. CHANCE (CONTD) Hold on, ma. Youre home early. JESSIE You act as if you saw a ghost. Chances smiles. CHANCE Ma, Jessie is here. Can I call you about this matter tomorrow? CHANDRA Okay my dear. Ill be waiting to hear from you. Goodnight. CHANCE Night, ma. Chance and her mother hang up. Jessie stands on the other side of the bed. He stares at her. JESSIE Whats so top secret until you have to speak to her privately? Chance looks up at him.

CHANCE I think Im entitled to some privacy since you demand yours. JESSIE Entitled? CHANCE Yeah. You should be used to hearing that word. Chance gets up. She walks into their bedrooms bathroom. Jessie stands and looks at her. His hands rest on his waist. He turns his head forward. INT. EMMAS LIVING ROOM - DAY Chance and Emma set up the cocktail table with covered chips, trail mixes, and candies. EMMA Thanks for helping me prepare for my Book Clubs premiere tonight. CHANCE You know this is gonna turn into a male-bashing party, right? EMMA Maybe we should pick an author who has written a male-bashing book so that we wont feel so guilty -- you know? CHANCE Whos gonna feel guilty? EMMA Maybe youre the only exception to that rule tonight. Everyone whos coming is supposedly happily married, happily dating, or like me. CHANCE Like you as in single? EMMA No. Like me as in not looking.

Chance and Emma LAUGH. Chance stops. Emma rubs her back. They both look at one another. CHANCE Where in the world am I going to get seven thousand dollars? EMMA Thats a lot of money for our teachers salary, Chance. CHANCE My parents will probably want to know why I want it. You know they oppose divorcing, right? EMMA They dont have to live with the cheating. Do they agree with that? CHANCE I can't answer for them. I know they want the best for me. EMMA Then tell them. CHANCE What do you think I should say? EMMA Tell them that Jessie caused you to have to pay off a major bill. CHANCE Will you loan it to me? Emma chokes. She stands up. EMMA I tell you what. Ill give you half, but youll have to figure out the other half. Then pay me back with happiness. CHANCE I'm gonna sit with them and tell them the truth about why I need the money.

Chance smiles at her. They embrace. EMMA Now, can you go home and get rest before the party, please? CHANCE Im going to go see my mother first. EMMA Chance. Its going to work out. Youre too sweet not to be happy. CHANCE So are you, Em. So stop pretending you dont want to date. EMMA I dont know. Things just never work out. CHANCE Maybe its high time you took your own advice. EMMA And whats that? CHANCE Maybe its time that YOU stop feeling like the victim. Take charge of your life and go for it. EMMA If the right one comes along -- I might just let my guard down. CHANCE (laughs) Please let that be all you let down. Emma fans her face with her hands. THEY LAUGH. INT. RIVERS HOME - LIVING ROOM - DAY

Chance sits down on the couch. Her mother sets her cup of coffee in front of her. She cuffs her flower-print dress. She crosses her ankle. She sits straight up. CHANDRA This is a pleasant surprise, dear. CHANCE Ive missed you and dad. Where is he? CHANDRA Who on Earth knows? You know how David is. CHANCE I needed to speak with the both of you. Chandra SIPS some of her COFFEE. She looks up at Chance. She sets it back down. CHANDRA Im not sure if I want to hear this, but go ahead. CHANCE Ma. CHANDRA Ma, what? Chance pushes her hair back. She holds it. SHE CRIES. CHANDRA (CONTD) Divorcing that man won't solve a thing. CHANCE And staying with him wont either. CHANDRA The church will turn on ya, Chance. CHANCE

Will dad be here shortly, ma? CHANDRA Don't try to change the subject, Chance. CHANCE I need to tell him myself. Can you wait for me to tell him? Chance stands and walks away. Chandra CRIES. CHANDRA Chance dont do it, dear. CHANCE (stops walking) I don't want to, ma, but the other woman has to go. Chandra holds her stomach. She wipes her tears. Chance walks to her. She kisses her cheeks and leaves. INT. CHANCES BEDROOM - DAY Chance sits on the bed. She fills out her paperwork for her divorce. She hears the DOOR KNOB RATTLING on her bedroom. She covers the papers with her students' tests. Jessie walks in. She starts grading papers. JESSIE Its a big Saturday evening and you up in here acting like a fifty-year-old? Chance looks up at Jessie. He sits on the bed. JESSIE (CONTD) Now you ignoring me? CHANCE Ive got to stay on point with school. My jobs in great danger. JESSIE We need both of our incomes. The house is in danger.

CHANCE In danger of what, Jessie? JESSIE In danger of foreclosure. Chance stops grading papers. JESSIE (CONTD) Do you think your parents can help us catch up? CHANCE I have to get ready for Emmas book party. JESSIE Well. CHANCE Well what, Jessie? JESSIE Will you ask? CHANCE No. I. Wont. Chance puts her paperwork away. She walks out of the room. INT. CHANCES LIVING ROOM - DAY Chance sits on the couch. She shakes her head. She covers her face. JESSIE (V.O.) Where in the world we gonna go, Chance? Chance looks back at the room area. She asks -CHANCE (V.O) No, what are you going to do?

INT. EMMAS LIVING ROOM - NIGHT The music plays loud. Emma, Chance, Millie, and Sandy prowl around in the mix of their other five COLLEAGUES. Emma walks to the center of the living room. She gets everyones attention. EMMA Good evening, ladies. COLLEAGUES (sequence) Good evening. EMMA Please have a seat. Everyone finds a chair to sit. Emma remains standing. She hands everyone the agenda for the evening. EMMA (CONTD) Chance, will you explain to the ladies the guidelines of our book club. CHANCE As you all know, were all teachers in here, and were also all teachers of English whether we realize it or not. Were always trying to encourage reading to build comprehension and critical thinking for our students, so why not set a good example, right? COLLEAGUES Right. CHANCE This book club is an excellent idea for teachers to connect about authors, about ourselves and our students. CHANCE (CONT'D) The form you have is just a questionnaire to find out everyones favorite genres, authors, birthdays for gift purposes, and so forth. Were going to vote on our first

book tonight and meet in a month to thoroughly discuss it, but tonight -- were just going to share random stories about our favorite genres, authors, turn in our forms, and vote for our book read for next month. One colleague, HALEY, an average height, Caucasian, middle school math teacher asks -HALEY Now, Chance, will we meet every month? CHANCE Yes. Every month on the fourth Saturday. EVERYONE looks around, eats, drinks, and CHATS. CHANCE (CONTD) The books we choose will be selected from each of our favorite genres -- modern -- preferably from 2012 on. This wont be college guys. Just mere fun, supporting authors, reading, and fellowship. EMMA What do you ladies think our first read should be? Chance said shes not opposed to a book with male-bashing. Chance stares at Emma. She stops smiling. The COLLEAGUES LAUGH. CHANCE I believe you said that, Emma. Chance walks off. Emma excuses herself from the middle of the crowd. She walks to Chance. EMMA Excuse me -- what's the matter? CHANCE Look. I thought we were joking about that earlier. Everyone doesn't know my business. Emma pops her eyes. She places her hand on her chest. EMMA

Okay. Look, Chance. Im sorry. I didnt realize how deeply this was bothering you. I was inconsiderate. CHANCE Its okay. EMMA No. Its not okay. Chance LAUGHS. She turns her head. EMMA (CONTD) Why are you laughing? CHANCE Im laughing at your, ...its not okay. Bailey told me to stop saying it if I didnt mean it. EMMA Aw. I like that lawyer already. Chance blushes. Emma walks in front of her. She lifts her chin. EMMA (CONTD) I like seeing you smile. Even when you think you dont have a reason to. CHANCE My mother and I had it out this evening. EMMA About the money or the divorce? CHANCE I never got around to the money part. EMMA Chance. Do whats right for you. Youll get my half of the money.

CHANCE But where am I going to get the other half? EMMA Have you ever thought about mending you and Chavis relationship? He is your brother, sweetie. Regardless of how distanced you two are -- hed never want you to live unhappy. CHANCE Youre so right. Im going to call him tonight. I just dont want him to think this is only for the money, though. EMMA Is it? Or do you want to build a relationship back with your brother? CHANCE I dont know. But I think hell give me the money if I ask. EMMA Well my goodness, Em. Ask. They hug. The COLLEAGUES CHATTER and LAUGH in the background. INT. BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL - CHANCES CLASSROOM - DAY Chance dismisses her class. She places her lunch on her desk. She dials her cell phone. She mashes the end button. CHANCE I cant do this. She gets up. She paces with her cell phone in her hand. She sits back down. CHANCE (CONTD) Okay. Okay. We grew apart. We never were close after he went into the military. He resents dad, not the entire family. Millie knocks on Chances classroom door. Chance jumps. CHANCE (CONTD)

Millie. You scared me. MILLIE Are you okay? CHANCE Yeah, rehearsing a conversation Im about to have with my brother, Chavis. MILLIE Why? If you dont mind me asking. CHANCE We grew apart. I havent spoken to him in over six years. MILLIE No need for rehearsing, hun. You guys got lots of catching up to do. Let it come natural. Im sure he misses you, too. CHANCE Yeah. Im sure youre right. I'm gonna try now. Chance dials Chavis number. She activates the speaker phone. A RECORDED MESSAGE comes on and says -RECORDED MESSAGE The number you dialed has either been changed or disconnected. CHANCE Now what? I know my mom wont give it to me. MILLIE Do you know anyone else who has it? CHANCE Our Pastor. He keeps in touch with Chavis. EXT. EAST BATTERY STREET - DAY

Chance and Emma jog near the water. Chance stops and places her hands on her knees. Emma stops. She jogs in place. EMMA Whats the matter, Cee? CHANCE Just trying to think of how Im going to get my pastor to accept my divorce. EMMA Why you gonna tell him? CHANCE I dont want this to shock the church if Jessie stops coming. Emma looks at Chance. She squinches her eyes. She stops jogging in place. Chance walks towards the water. Emma follows. EMMA I dont think you should say anything. Just let them be shocked. Chance LAUGHS. She nods her head. EMMA (CONTD) What? CHANCE I worry about your ethics, Em. EMMA Never worry about what I DONT say. CHANCE What should I worry about? EMMA What I think and what I do. CHANCE

True. EMMA Your Pastor won't judge you. CHANCE Absolutely. Ill call him this evening. EMMA Come on. Were slackin on running. The ladies start jogging. INT. CHANCES BEDROOM - NIGHT Chance sits on her bed. She grades her students paperwork. Jessie walks into the bedroom bath. She grabs her cell phone. She dials PASTOR JONES number, a tall, medium built, black man with small glass frames. The PHONE RINGS. INT. ZION CHRISTIAN CHURCH - OFFICE - SAME TIME His PHONE RINGS. He turns from the door. He walks to his desk and answers. PASTOR JONES Zion Christian Church. This is Pastor Durance Jones. How may I help you? INTERCUT telephone conversation. CHANCE Hi, uhh... Pastor Jones? PASTOR JONES Yes. This is he. CHANCE Its Chance Middleton, sir. How are you this evening? PASTOR JONES Im feeling well, sister. CHANCE

Thats terrific, sir. Pastor, I know its close to your office hours being over, but -PASTOR JONES ...Theyre actually over, Chance, but what is that you need, sister? CHANCE Well, I needed to reach my brother. I remembered you stating in church that you speak to him from time to time when he calls to make sure youve received his tithes and offerings. PASTOR JONES Yes. Faithful believer -- that brother of yours... You mean you dont have his number? CHANCE I lost contact with him. Chance looks up at the ceiling. PASTOR JONES Hmm... I have it in my directory -- hold on. Chance smiles. She monitors the bathroom's door. PASTOR JONES (CONTD) Ahh. Here it is. Its 406-353-5788. Pastor Jones looks down. He closes the number directory. Chance hears the shower turn off. CHANCE Thank you, Pastor. See you on Sunday. PASTOR JONES Youre welcome. And have a nice -Chances hangs up. She shoves the number in her purse on the night stand. Jessie walks out of the bathroom. Chance reads school information. JESSIE

Did you talk to your mother about the loan? CHANCE (startled) What loan? JESSIE The one for the house. CHANCE Jessie. My parents are retired. On a fixed income. Just because they won that settlement money for dads accident doesnt mean they have any to give to us for neglecting our responsibilities. JESSIE Hun. CHANCE Hun? Hun what, Jessie? I gave you my half for the two months you said were in default of. What were you doing with the money? JESSIE What? CHANCE Im going to move out. JESSIE Move out? Why? She sets the papers on the night stand. CHANCE Jessie, I dont have money to catch up rent is all. JESSIE Ill get it from my parents. Just dont leave me. I wont allow it.

CHANCE We'll see. Jessie climbs into bed. His back faces Chance. Chance picks her school papers up. She looks at him. She nods her head. She begins grading papers. INT. JESSIES JOB - DAY Jessie walks to and fro with Natalie. He shows her prices to change on clothing. She fidgets. NATALIE How long are you going to avoid me? JESSIE Avoid you? Im right here. What you mean? Look, Nat. I got stuff going on at home. I dont need it here at work, too. NATALIE Youre never going to leave her, are you? Jessie walks away. He looks at a jacket on a rack. NATALIE (CONTD) Answer me. JESSIE Look, Nat. Shes sick, okay. Sick. NATALIE No. Jessie. Shes not. But I think you are. Jessie snatches Natalie by her arm. Natalie yanks it away. NATALIE (CONTD) I want more time. JESSIE Look. Ive got a past due mortgage to figure out thanks to helping you pay yours. You got twenty-four hundred dollars?

Natalie stares. Jessie SNICKERS. JESSIE (CONTD) Well then. That settles it. I suggest you shut your trap. Jessie smirks. She storms off. EXT. BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - DAY Chance gets into her car. She pulls out a paper. She dials CHAVIS RIVERS number, a 510, muscular built African American. The PHONE RINGS. INT. CHAVIS RIVERS MILITARY OFFICE - SAME TIME Chavis answers his cell phone. CHAVIS Officer Chavis Rivers here. INTERCUT telephone conversation. Chance takes the phone away from her face. She places it on her chest. Tears fall. She covers her mouth with her free hand. CHAVIS (CONTD) Hello? Chance places her hand on her forehead. CHANCE Chavis? CHAVIS Chance? Chavis waits for a response. CHAVIS (CONTD) Whats the matter? CHANCE Oh my gosh. Hearing your voice. I feel so full.

CHAVIS Its been a minute. How are you, big sister? CHANCE Im making it. Chavis leans back in his chair. He twists his tie. CHAVIS I'm not sure I like the sound of this. What's dad fussing over now? CHANCE Its not dad, Chavis. CHAVIS Just wondering -- I cant fathom married people arguing. CHANCE Right. CHAVIS So what's the matter? CHANCE Im filing for a divorce, but I dont have enough money... I had to build up the courage to -CHAVIS Yes. Its done. How much? CHANCE I need. I need thirty-five hundred more dollars. I cant take it anymore, Chavis. I just cant. CHAVIS Ill transfer the money in the morning. Text me your account info when we hang up. I just want you happy, sis.

CHANCE I know. CHAVIS I know this is against our upbringing, but Im proud of you. Youre beautiful inside and out, and you don't deserve to be mistreated. Chance sits and CRIES. SHE wipes her tears. She MUTTERS -CHANCE Thank you. I feel its time. I hope this is right. CHAVIS Chance, know that it's not wrong to take a stand against mistreatment. Hold your head up. Youre not a failure. CHANCE Ill dance at your wedding, kiddo. CHAVIS Well, lets just stick to your divorce party for now. THEY LAUGH hysterically. CHANCE Ill text the account number. CHAVIS Okay. And, Chance? CHANCE Yeah? CHAVIS Keep in touch. CHANCE No doubt... I love you.

Chavis looks at the phone and smiles. They both hang up. INT. CHANCES DINING ROOM - DAY Chance picks up the last piece of her egg. It falls on her outfit. Jessie stands near the sink. He eats a piece of toast. CHANCE Shucks! JESSIE What happened? CHANCE Ive gotta change. Chance walks away. Her purse sits on the table. Jessie hears her phone beep. He checks the entrance of the dining room. He opens her purse. He reads the text from Chavis. He hears Chance coming. He throws phone into her purse. He backs away. Chance walks into the dining area. She stares at her purse. CHANCE (CONTD) I need to get going before I get written up at work. We cant afford for me to lose my job, right? JESSIE No. No, we cant afford that, now can we? CHANCE Right. JESSIE Did you ask your mom or anyone to help us catch up the mortgage? CHANCE Why? JESSIE I was wondering...

CHANCE Look. Ive gotta go. Have a nice day. JESSIE Oh, I will. Trust me. Chance looks at him smiles. INT. BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL - CHANCES CLASSROOM - DAY Chance clears off the SmartBoard assignments. She walks back to her desk. She prepares to leave. The intercom tunes in. The SCHOOLS RECEPTIONIST says -SCHOOLS RECEPTIONIST (V.O.) Hi, Mrs. Middleton? CHANCE Yes. SCHOOLS RECEPTIONIST You got a message from a Mr. Lewis at Whelks Bank. He wants you to call him before 5:00 today. He said its imperative that you call him today. Do you have the number? CHANCE Yes, I do. Thank you. The INTERCOM BEEPS. Chance rushes to her purse. She gets her purse. She dials Mr. Lewis number. His PHONE RINGS. INT. WHELKS BANK - SAME TIME Mr. Lewis answers. INTERCUT telephone conversation. MR. LEWIS Hello, this is Bob Lewis. May I help you? CHANCE

Hi. This is Chance Middleton. The schools receptionist said you called. Did my brothers transfer fail? MR. LEWIS No. It fine. Jessie came to the bank to make a withdrawal on it. I told him that it will take three business days. Look, I know youre trying to divorce him, but hes still an authorized user. Come in and change this if you want him removed. CHANCE Bob, I owe you, buddy. MR. LEWIS No problem. Chance hangs up. She hurries out of the classroom. INT. CHANCES BEDROOM - NIGHT Jessie walks into the room. Chance sleeps. Jessie calls out -JESSIE Chance? She lies still. He sits beside her. JESSIE (CONTD) Chance, sweetheart? You sleep? CHANCE I dont feel well, Jessie -- what is it? JESSIE I see that you got extra money in your account. Some of it to pay up the rent? Chance sits up. CHANCE Jessie. I borrowed that money for another reason. JESSIE

Oh WOW. And what reason is that? I told my parents nevermind on the loan. CHANCE Well, you better tell them you still need it. JESSIE Can you give some of it? CHANCE Jessie... lets see what you can come up with first. You remember -- I paid my half of the rent up, and you spent it. INT. MR. EDINBURGHS SUV - DAY Chance opens the door to the private investigators truck. She climbs in. She gives him a two thousand dollar cashier's check. He takes the cashiers check. CHANCE Now. Before I sign, Mr. Edinburgh, how will you continue the investigation if you need to go over the allotted time you have here in this contract? MR. EDINBURGH Ill contact you if I havent caught em with the girl. Its rare that I dont get em in the amount of time you paid fo. CHANCE Good. Cause Im low with cash. MR. EDINBURGH Bailey good people. Ill look out fo ya. If somethin comes up -- Ill let ya know. Other than that, when you here from me, itll be to let you know the present is wrapped, kay? CHANCE Thank you, sir. Will I get copies of the pictures? MR. EDINBURGH What pictures?

CHANCE You mean you dont take pictures? MR. EDINBURGH I use a camcorder and send your attorney two copies of the CD -- one for the judge and one for him. If you want one, its extra, but I dont see you wanting a CD of your husband with another women. CHANCE No. Absolutely not. She signs. Mr. Edinburgh hands Chance a copy of the contract. She exits the truck. INT. HYMANS SEAFOOD RESTAURANT - DAY Emma and Chance take their seat. The waitress, MELISSA, a medium weight and height Caucasian woman pulls out a ticket book. MELISSA What are you ladies drinking? EMMA Ill take a lemonade, please. CHANCE And Ill take a sweet tea... Chance smiles at the waitress. Melissa repeats -MELISSA So a lemonade and sweet tea... EMMA On second thought -- I'll do half sweet tea, half lemonade. Thank you... Chance smiles and nods. CHANCE

Em, you're so silly. Speaking of thank you, I wanted to treat you out to say thanks. EMMA Thank me for what? That money I gave you was a gift for me -- now I dont have to worry about you steady robbing my savings -- I'm broke. Chance. She looks around. She looks at Emma. CHANCE I can pay you back you know. I just cant say when. EMMA No. No. No. I said repay me with happiness. CHANCE Of course. What did you do earlier? EMMA What I always do... Sleep. CHANCE I met with the P.I. EMMA Oh, good... Emma drinks some of her sweet tea that the waitress sets on the table. EMMA (CONTD) So that means you should finally have proof of his infidelity, huh? Chance folds her arms. She looks away from Emma. CHANCE Yeah. Yeah I guess. EMMA You dont sound thrilled.

CHANCE I still have feelings for him. The thought of starting over without him makes my stomach cringe. I feel guilty. EMMA Guilty? Oh my goodness. The waitress walks pass. Emma stops talking. The waitress disappears. EMMA (CONTD) Have you considered just trying counseling? Chance looks at Emma. CHANCE Of course. I don't know if it'll help. EMMA Just be true to your heart. CHANCE Right. I also dont want to feel like a failure. EMMA You know what I think, Cee? You just dont feel worthy. You dont think you deserve to be happy. Chance looks away from Emma. She looks back at her. CHANCE You think counseling will help? EMMA (raised brow) Can't hurt to try. If that's what you want. CHANCE He said he doesn't want counseling though.

EMMA Why not? CHANCE I assumed he doesn't. EMMA You'll know for sure when he gets served. INT. RIVERS HOME - DINING ROOM - DAY Chance, Chandra, and DAVID, a 510, slightly bald, with a raspy voice sit around the dinner table. Chance wipes her mouth. She drinks her lemonade. CHANDRA Chance, have you told David the news? DAVID Am I about to be a granddad? CHANCE Hardly. David drinks some of his lemonade. Chandra continues to gnaw on her chicken bone. Chance sits up straight. DAVID Then if she aint pregnant, what other news could there be? Chance pulls on her earlobe. CHANDRA See. Here' the situation. Chance -CHANCE Ma. Lets not ruin dads Sunday dinner. Please. DAVID Go ahead. Whats going on?

CHANCE Dad, Im filing for a divorce. David stops eating. He stiffens. He sets his fork down. He snatches off his handkerchief made bib. CHANCE (CONTD) Dad. He cheats constantly. Chandra begins to COUGH. David looks at her. He looks back at Chance. DAVID I wont hear of it. CHANCE Its too late, daddy. Its in progress. DAVID Whose idea was this -- yours or Jessies? CHANCE Mine. DAVID This is a disgrace befo GOD, gal. Undo this mess. Undo it, or Ill disown you. Undo it! CHANCE No, daddy. DAVID (with pride) Then youre not welcomed back in this here home. The church will condemn you. Chance jumps up. She grabs her purse. She races out of the front door. INT. CHANCES LIVING ROOM - NIGHT

Jessie looks emaculate. Chance stops reading her book. She looks him up and down. CHANCE Are you leaving this late? JESSIE Oh, aw yeah. I thought I told you me and the boys were going to watch the game together? CHANCE No. No you didnt, Jessie. JESSIE Well, Im telling you now. CHANCE Did you ask your parents for the mortgage? JESSIE Yea. CHANCE And? JESSIE And I dont know yet. Chance nods her head. She sets her book down. CHANCE I need to know if were losing our home, Jessie? JESSIE I told you we were. What you think? Im running round here looking for the money for fun? He walks to the door. CHANCE

If you cant find it, then what? Jessie pauses at the door. JESSIE Then I dont know, Chance. CHANCE Why dont you borrow it from, Natalie? Jessie smirks. He walks out. INT. BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL - CHANCES CLASSROOM - DAY The students take quizzes. Chance walks around the classroom checking. She walks to the front of the class and says -CHANCE Instead of me giving the grammar test on tomorrow, Ill postpone it until Friday. That will give me an extra day to go over the areas youre hurting in. She checks more quizzes. CHANCE (CONTD) Some are still confused identifying linking verbs. I also want assurance that you understand shifting verb tense errors before we begin the Composition and Rhetoric chapter. The BELL RINGS. The STUDENTS CHATTER among each other. CHANCE (CONTD) Quiet. Get your things together and place your quizzes in the cubby on your way out. Well go over your mistakes tomorrow and remember, your test is on Friday. Study. The students clear the classroom. INT. CHANCES CAR - DAY Chance drives home. Her CELL PHONE RINGS. She fumbles through her purse. She straightens the wheel. She gets the phone and answers.

CHANCE Hello? Her mouth opens. CHANCE (CONTD) Yes. Ill be right there. INT. BAILEY BEECHERS LAW FIRM - OFFICE - DAY The receptionist closes the door. Chance sits down. Bailey rumbles with his paperwork. BAILEY So good to see you again. How are you? CHANCE Nervous. So you got the CD already? BAILEY Yeah. Edinburgh caught him that same weekend. He was with the colleague. CHANCE Dont. Please. BAILEY Look, Chance. I can see this is tough for you. Do you need a minute? Chance nods her head. BAILEY (CONTD) Are you sure you want to go through with this? CHANCE ...Yes. BAILEY Okay. Im glad you were able to come up with the money. She stares out of his window.

BAILEY (CONTD) Chance. For the record -- you deserve better than this. Chance never responds. BAILEY (CONTD) The paperwork? CHANCE Oh. Yeah. She fidgets through her purse. She hands him the paperwork. CHANCE (CONTD) Where did he meet her? BAILEY Chance dont. Dont do this to yourself. CHANCE Where? At her place? A motel? Where? BAILEY Chance, Im sorry. Chance stands up. CHANCE Mr. Beecher. Is that it? BAILEY Yes. Ill call you if I need to let you know something or need information. Oh, Chance. One or the other has to leave the home. You cant remain under the same roof. Bailey walks around the desk. He pats Chances shoulder. Chance gazes into space. She walks out. INT. CHANCES BEDROOM - NIGHT

Chance gets her cell phone. She dials Mr. Edinburghs number. The PHONE RINGS. INT. MR. EDINBURGH'S SUV - SAME TIME Mr. Edinburgh reaches for his cell phone and answers. MR. EDINBURGH Edinburgh. CHANCE I think I want a copy of the CD. Can you make me one? MR. EDINBURGH Whos this? CHANCE Chance Middleton. MR. EDINBURGH What do you need one for, Chance? Everythings in Baileys hand -- leave that to him. CHANCE Where does he meet her? MR. EDINBURGH He met her at her place. I dont know if thats on a regular. Chance, dont overreact. Leave it up to the law. Youll get that divorce. Chance hangs up. Mr. Edinburgh looks at his phone. INT. CHANCES DINING ROOM - NIGHT Chance pours herself a glass of water. She sits at the table. Jessie walks into the dining rooms entrance. JESSIE Up late on a school night? CHANCE

Out late on a work night? JESSIE You know. Me and my boys. CHANCE You know. My thoughts and I. Jessie stares at her. He sits at the table. JESSIE I borrowed the money. The mortgage's paid. CHANCE Good. Im glad to hear it. JESSIE Look, Chance. Is there a problem? CHANCE I dont know, Jessie. Is there? Am I still that black girl you couldnt take to the prom? Or, that black girl who embarrassed you at your companys dinner? JESSIE What? You talking crazy again. CHANCE No Im not. This is the most sense Ive utilized in a while. JESSIE Im going to get ready for bed. You coming? CHANCE No. JESSIE May I ask why?

Chance drinks her water. JESSIE (CONTD) Why, Chance? Chance stares into space. JESSIE (CONTD) Chance -- do you hear me talking to you? Chance looks up at him. CHANCE No, Jessie. All I hear is Mr. Hurt Ego. Jessie throws his hands up. JESSIE And all I see is Mrs. Hurt Ego. They both stare. Jessie walks out of the dining room. INT. CHANCES LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chance sits on the couch grading her students paper. Jessie enters the front door. She looks up. JESSIE Hey, sweetheart. Chance ignores him. JESSIE (CONTD) Hey, sweetheart. Chance SIGHS deeply. Jessie looks away and grins. CHANCE Is there something you needed? THEY raise their VOICES. JESSIE

I was talking to you. CHANCE I heard you. JESSIE Then why didnt you answer? CHANCE You got off at four oclock, and it takes you ten minutes to get home. Its almost ten oclock. JESSIE So. CHANCE (snickers sarcastically) So? You know -JESSIE Know what? You a nag? CHANCE Well, get out of this nags life. Be with Natalie. Jessie rubs his head with both hands. JESSIE You... Whats for dinner? CHANCE Nothing. JESSIE Nothing? CHANCE

Have her make you dinner? Jessie walks to the bedroom. He walks in the room and SLAMS the DOOR. EXT. CHANCES FRONT PORCH - NIGHT Chance stands with her arms folded. OFFICER MARK FREEMAN, 56, slender, Caucasian male watches Jessie leave. OFFICER MARK FREEMAN I'm sorry ma'am, but when I get a complaint and have to come out -- someone has to leave. CHANCE I understand, Officer. Excuse me. She walks in the house. INT. CHANCE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chance sits on the couch. She calls Emma. The phone RINGS. INT. EMMAS BEDROOM - SAME TIME Emmas CELL PHONE RINGS. She CLICKS on her LAMP LIGHT. She looks at the time on her phone. She answers. EMMA Is everything okay? INTERCUT telephone conversation. Chance SOBS and musters -CHANCE No. Im not. Could you. Could you come over? EMMA Dont say another word. Emma and Chance end the call.

Chance lies on the chair arm. SHE CRIES. She sits up. She grabs her weddings photo album from under the cocktail table. She looks at a few photos. She stops and proceeds. She rips a few pages from the album. Chance hears a KNOCK on the FRONT DOOR. She wipes her tears. CHANCE Who? EMMA Its me, Cee. Chance opens the door. Emma wraps her arms around her. Chance CRIES hysterically. EMMA (CONTD) Let it out. Dont say a word, Cee. Let it out and stay in my arms as long as you need. INT. RIVERS HOME - LIVING ROOM -DAY Chance and Chandra sit. They wait for David to join them in the living room. CHANCE Ma. Is he angry? CHANDRA I dont know, but he aint happy. Chance tosses her hair away from her face. She looks at the hallway. CHANDRA (CONTD) Are you gonna let Jessie come back home? CHANCE As of right now -- no. Chandra begins CRYING. CHANDRA I just don't know. David enters the living room. Chance looks up and smiles.

DAVID Well, Ive heard you went against our religious beliefs... Now, I dont agree with your decision, but Ill help you in any way I can financially. Chance stands. She smiles. CHANCE Thanks, daddy. I just feel it's best to part ways with him. David looks away. Chandra looks at her ring and CRIES. Chance turns away from David. CHANCE (CONTD) Ma. Daddy. I just wanted you all to hear this from me. I love you both. Chance grabs her purse on her way out. Her dad grabs her arm and says -DAVID Im not proud of the divorce, Chance. But... I love you. They embrace. Chance slips from his arm. She looks back at her mom and smiles. She leaves. INT. COURTROOM - WAITING AREA - DAY Bailey greets Chance in the waiting area. Chance hands shake. Her purse falls over. Bailey helps her pick up the papers. They make eye contact. Chance looks away and stands. BAILEY I know youre sad, Chance, but youre not a failure. Chance sits down. Bailey sits beside her and says -BAILEY (CONTD) You have to check in. CHANCE Alright. Chance checks in. Bailey stands and shakes hands with EDDIE, a slender, brunette, tanned Caucasian with short, slightly bald hair in the crown. They exchange paperwork. Chance walks back from the registration desk. She sits down. She glances at Bailey. He stares at her. He leans over close to Chance.

BAILEY You wont believe this. Chance looks at him. CHANCE Yeah? BAILEY Jessie is contesting the divorce. He wants marriage counseling. CHANCE (nods) No. No. BAILEY Youll get a quick divorce with proof of adultery. When inside, sit quietly. Dont look bothered by what defense says. Chance shakes her head. The BAILIFF, a tall, Caucasian, stout male with grey hair wears a Navy Blue jacket with tan slacks. He walks to the entrance of the waiting area and calls for -BAILIFF Middleton versus Middleton. Bailey, Eddie, Chance and Jessie stand. They follow him to the entrance. A sheriff wands them. They enter the courtroom. HARD CUT TO: INT. COURTROOM - ROOM D - DAY THE BAILIFF ESCORTS CHANCE AND BAILEY TO THEIR TABLE. JESSIE AND EDDIE SIT ON THE LEFT SIDE. JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR, A TAN, BALD CAUCASIAN MALE PRESIDES. CHANCE AND JESSIE RAISE THEIR RIGHT ARMS. EVERYONE TAKES THEIR SEATS. THE COURTS CLERK TYPES SHORTHAND. SHE LOOKS STRAIGHT AHEAD. A SHERIFF STANDS IN THE FRONT ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE WALL. THE BAILIFF STANDS QUIETLY IN THE BACK. JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR

Hello, Mr. Beecher. The Mr. Ryan. Judge Manley Taylor smiles at Eddie. He bows his head in honor. Chance looks at Eddie. Bailey fumbles through paperwork. JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR (CONTD) Mr. Beecher... You may begin. Bailey stands up while looking down at his case file. BAILEY Your Honor. I wont demonize Mr. Middleton. Ill let the case file I submitted speak for itself. Bailey CLEARS his THROAT. BAILEY (CONTD) I also have included Private Investigator Edinburghs report and recordings of Mr. Middleton's extra-marital affair with another woman. Judge Manley Taylor looks at Jessie. BAILEY (CONTD) Mrs. Middleton does not wish to remain in the marriage and wants an imminent divorce... Judge Manley Taylor writes. Bailey flips his paperwork. BAILEY (CONTD) She also wants to remain in the family home and requests only half of the mortgage for alimony as he has been contributing. Without it, shes afraid shell lose the home. Jessie COUGHS loudly. Everyone stops and looks at him. BAILEY (CONTD) They do not have any minors in the home, and Mrs. Middleton is willing to give Mr. Middleton half of whatever he wants from their assets in the home. Judge Manley Taylor interrupts.

JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR Is the mortgage behind? Bailey looks down at Chance. She nods. BAILEY No, Your Honor. JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR Proceed. BAILEY (clears his throat) She wants none of his retirement and wishes to keep all of hers. She also requests to have her maiden name back. I rest my case, Your Honor. Judge Manley Taylor bows at Bailey. He looks over at Eddie. JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR Mr. Ryan. You may state your case. Eddie stands. He fixes his pants and jacket. EDDIE (clears his throat) Thank you, Your Honor. EDDIE OPENS HIS FILE. CHANCE SHUFFLES IN HER SEAT. BAILEY LOOKS AT EDDIE. JESSIE LOOKS FROM THE LEFT SIDE OF EDDIE. HE STARES AT CHANCE. EDDIE'S MOUTH MOVES. HE MAKES HAND MOTIONS. THE CLERK LOOKS AT CHANCE. SHE TYPES. SHE SMILES AT HER. JUDGE TAYLOR LOOKS OVER AT CHANCE. EDDIE SITS. JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR Ive received both case files and have read back each case numbers. JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR (CONT'D)

I should have a temporary decision for each partys requests in less than two weeks. Judge Manley Taylor dismisses court and HITS his GAVEL. Chance looks at Bailey. BAILEY Dont worry about him trying to state you were a negative and negligent wife. Nothing justifies cheating. Is that fine? Chance shakes her head and smiles. BAILEY (CONTD) Ill let you know as soon as the Judges decision comes back from court. CHANCE Thanks, Mr. Beecher. Bailey touches her shoulders and insists -BAILEY Chance, please. Call me Bailey. CHANCE Okay. Alright. Bailey. See you later. Chance walks out of the courtroom. Bailey walks over and shakes Eddie's hand. INT. CHAVIS RIVERS MILITARY OFFICE - DAY Chavis calls Chance. He CLEARS his THROAT. The PHONE RINGS. INT. CHANCES BEDROOM - SAME TIME Chance walks around the bed. She gets an empty box. She tapes the bottom. She places Jessies shoes inside. Her CELL PHONE RINGS. She runs to her night stand and answers. CHANCE Hello? INTERCUT telephone conversation. CHAVIS

Well hello there. She hears NOISE in the BACKGROUND. CHANCE Chavis... How are you? CHAVIS No. How are you? Mom told me Jessie left. CHANCE Yeah... She's really disappointed. CHAVIS At you divorcing maybe -- but not at you. CHANCE I guess that's a positive way to view it. Chavis CHUCKLES. They become quiet. CHAVIS Chance? CHANCE Um hum? CHAVIS I'm glad you found the courage. CHANCE The courage to what -- leave him? CHAVIS No. The courage to have self- esteem. CHANCE I still care, Chavis, but time will help.

CHAVIS Just take care of yourself. CHANCE Ive lost a lot of years with this situation. CHAVIS No, Chance. Youve lost a lot of time not knowing who you are. Find yourself. Im here if you need anything. CHANCE Chavis? CHAVIS Yeah? CHANCE Thanks, brother. CHAVIS You know it, sis. They hang up. Chance looks around at Jessies items. She CRIES. She begins packing. DISSOLVE TO: INT. CHANCES LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chance and Emma sit and LAUGH. Chance sets down her glass of tea. Chance fluffs her hair. CHANCE Ohh... Em. EMMA Whats wrong, sweetie? CHANCE Just thinking.

EMMA Bout? CHANCE Its a very good chance in a few days I'll hear that I'm getting a divorce. EMMA I know it's tough. But I can't pretend that I like Jessie's actions. CHANCE I just dont want to be alone. You know? EMMA Well, you have your friends. You have a job. And you have family. Dont sound like youre alone to me. Most of all -- you have GOD. Chance smiles at Emma. Emma rubs her back. EMMA (CONTD) Let's get together with a few friends soon. CHANCE Okay. Any occasion? EMMA I dont know. New beginnings for my bestie? CHANCE Yes. New beginnings. EMMA Come on, Cee. Don't sound so down. CHANCE I'm not sure where to begin with this new beginning that's coming up. Emma hugs her neck. Chance rocks to the motion of her lean. Chance face remains stoic.

EMMA I'd just take one day at a time. CHANCE You know what, Emma? EMMA What? CHANCE He can finally live that life he always wanted with Natalie. EMMA Well, to be honest, they probably won't stay together. CHANCE He seems to care for her more than me. EMMA He shouldn't base love from a color. It's absurd. CHANCE I think I do. I'm not sure if that's racism -- 'cause I'm not that. EMMA I think it all goes back to that old stigma of the slavery era and even post wherein interracial couples just werent accepted, so people hid people they loved of different races. CHANCE Thats interesting. EMMA Maybe thats what Jessie dealt with -- especially being that hes mulatto. Hes probably confused. CHANCE

Well, I know he messed up my self-esteem. EMMA With all due respect Chance -- you allowed it. Chance looks at Emma. CHANCE Youre absolutely right. I have to take responsibility for myself. Jessie did what I allowed. Im glad youre honest, Emma. EMMA And I'm glad you're my best friend. CHANCE Ive got church tomorrow. When are you coming to visit again? EMMA Come get me tomorrow. Love Pastor Jones and his wife. CHANCE Oh my... What if Jessie comes? Awkward... EMMA For who, now? I'd sit right next to him and praise the Lord. Chance keels over in LAUGHTER. She picks up her water and drinks a little. Emma looks at her. SHE rolls her eyes up at Chance and LAUGHS. INT. BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL - CHANCES CLASSROOM - DAY Chance walks around in her classroom. She hands back the students grammar test. CHANCE Im very proud of all of you. Each of your grades went up at least by ten percent. Keep studying and working on those extra credit, practice sheets. Your test scores will skyrocket.

The students look at their grades. Some students smile. Female students give each other fits bumps. Chance smiles. Mr. Anderson enters the classroom. He stands on the side. The BELL RINGS. Chance says -CHANCE (CONTD) Study hard for your Wednesdays quiz, everyone. Well go over gerunds and infinitives tomorrow. A student, MALACHI, an African American, skinny male with braces raises his hands. CHANCE (CONTD) Yes, Malachi? MALACHI You have to truly love this job to be interested in gerunds and infinitives. CHANCE So much until Ill tell you how not to split your infinitives tomorrow. Malachi LAUGHS and asks -MALACHI What? Did I split one? CHANCE Yes, Malachi. You said, You have to truly love and it should be You truly have to love. Some of the STUDENTS LAUGH. Malachi LAUGHS loudly. He SLAPS his DESK. CHANCE (CONTD) Malachi. Youre so inquisitive. Class dismissed. The students exit. Mr. Anderson walks towards the back of the classroom to Chances desk. CHANCE (CONTD) Please have a seat, Mr. Anderson. MR. ANDERSON

No need. Please to see how well your students reacted to your humorous corrections. CHANCE Yes. I try to be constructive. Humor is also a great means to help them remember errors, sir. MR. ANDERSON Well, keep up the great work. Your disposition looks promising. I know youre having personal issues. As for your professionalism, its looking awesome. Chance jumps slightly. Mr. Anderson CHUCKLES. MR. ANDERSON (CONTD) I look forward to have you on next year granted your students state scores improve along with their GPAs. Chance smiles and says -CHANCE Sir, this is delightful news. She stands. She extends her arms. CHANCE (CONTD) Thanks so much, sir. MR. ANDERSON I always knew you had the potential to make a difference, Chance. You just had to see it in yourself. Mr. Anderson exits. Chance smiles. She dances. INT. BASIL RESTAURANT - NIGHT Chance and Emma walk inside of Basils restaurant. They meet Millie, Sandy, Haley, and KRISTINA, a short, dark-hair, dark eyes, Chinese, math teacher from Blake High. Chance wears a knee-length, kelly-green, mock-neck dress with a gold, cloth belt and gold, strapless heels. Emma wears a torn, medium-blue jeans, a red blouse, tan jacket with dark-brown, peep toe heels. The hostess seats them and leaves.

EMMA Chance and I are so glad at least some of you guys could make it. SANDY I'm glad y'all here. I'm hungry and gotta finish grading papers. EMMA Sandy, what did the test cover? SANDY The Menu of Basil... Emma LAUGHS. Sandy continues to look over the menu. CHANCE It's good to see everyone again. Kristina, I can't wait to see which book you choose since you couldn't make our first meeting. KRISTINA I'm thinking about choosing a non-fiction, also -- if you all don't mind that genre again? HALEY That's fine with me. Just no male-bashing -- right, Chance? CHANCE Right. Choose a memoir. Just not bits and pieces of my life. KRISTINA Did I miss something? EMMA Ohh! Here's our waiter. A waiter, BILLIE, about 6' tall, brunette, green eyes, extremely dark lashes and thick brows waits on the ladies. Emma CHUCKLES. Billie smiles. BILLIE

Hi, ladies. I'm Billie, and I'll be your server tonight. Do you ladies need a few to look over the menu? CHANCE Yes. Thank you, Billie. Billie leaves. Emma rubs underneath her hair. She looks down. No one speaks. MILLIE Chance, you look sensational tonight. HALEY I agree. That green is lovely. CHANCE Aw. Now you all are gonna make me blush. Chance and Haley make eye contact. Chance smiles. Haley winks. EMMA Hey, meeting at restaurants might be more fun for our book club. SANDY Yeah, 'cause the bird food you feed those pigeons at the park ain't gone cut it for me. CHANCE Oh my goodness. EVERYONE LAUGHS. Billie returns. The ladies begin to order. INT. CHANCES DINING ROOM - DAY Chance pours herself a glass of orange juice. Her CELL PHONE RINGS. She answers. INT. BAILEY BEECHERS LAW FIRM - OFFICE - SAME TIME BAILEY Hi there, Chance. INTERCUT telephone conversation.

CHANCE Hello? Chance smiles. She paces the floor. BAILEY Just thought Id deliver the great news myself. The judge granted each one of your wishes. Congrats. A hearing is in a week. Bring an updated Financial Declaration. CHANCE Alright. Im thrilled. BAILEY So am I, Chance. Its time for you to be happy, beautiful. Chance hangs up the phone. She touches her face and says -CHANCE Beautiful? Anyway. She jumps up and down. DISSOLVE TO: INT. COURTROOM - WAITING AREA - DAY Chance, Emma, and Bailey walk upstairs to the courtroom area for the FINAL HEARING. Chance trembles. Bailey walks and sits next to Eddie. They shake hands. They exchange paperwork. Bailey walks back and sits. Jessie peeks at paperwork that Eddie opens. BAILIFF (points at Chance) Maam, did you check in? Chance gets up. She goes to the registration desk. She sits down and asks Bailey -CHANCE Are there any problems, Mister -- I meant Bailey? BAILEY

No. You should be walking out of here today a divorced lady. The Judge is going to swear you in and make sure no one forced you to this decision. Then youll go with me to the Clerk of Court and get your Divorce Decree. CHANCE And thats it? Im single? BAILEY Yes. Youll be officially divorced. Chance holds her heart. She leans back in the chair. BAILEY (CONTD) Are you okay? CHANCE I guess. Jessie gazes around. He looks at Chance. The Bailiff comes to the door. He waves for the parties. Chance, Emma, Bailey, Jessie and Eddie get up and enter Courtroom D. The Bailiff wands them. INT. COURTROOM - ROOM D - DAY CHANCE, BAILEY, JESSIE, AND EDDIE SIT BEHIND TABLES. EMMA STEPS DOWN FROM THE STAND. SHE SITS BEHIND CHANCE AND BAILEY'S TABLE.. JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR Mr. Beecher. Mr. Ryan. We've heard Ms. Emma Knudsvig testimony on behalf of Mrs. Middleton. My prior ruling is still stands. Mrs. Middleton, you will remain in the residence. Judge Manley Taylor flips through a file. He looks at Bailey and Chance. JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR Mrs. Middleton, I also will allow you continuous support unless you remarry. Mr. Ryan, you're client requested marriage counseling, but because of the grounds Mrs. Middleton presented, I have to grant her a divorce. Unless she agrees to the minimum six months Mr. Middleton requested for marriage counseling. This state fights to save marriages, so it's up to you, Mrs. Middleton. Mr. Ryan, your client has stated he loves his wife and wishes to save his marriage. Mrs. Middleton, did anyone misadvise you or force you to your decision?

CHANCE No, Your Honor. JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR I have to ask -- do you love your husband? CHANCE (looks down) Yes, Your Honor. Bailey SIGHS and sits back. Jessie smiles and leans forward. JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR Then Mrs. Middleton, I'm gonna rule that you all just live Separate and Apart and that you commit to the six months of marriage counseling. Upon completion, I'll base my decision to grant your divorce if you and your husband can't work out your situation. Mr. Ryan. EDDIE We understand, Your Honor. JUDGE MANLEY TAYLOR Mr. Beecher. BAILEY Understood, Your Honor. Chance looks back at Emma. Emma shrugs her shoulders. Bailey closes his file. Jessie shakes Eddie's hand. Everyone leaves. INT. CHANCES BEDROOM - DAY Chance lies across her bed. She reads, Quiet, by Susan Cain. She drinks coffee. She places the book on the empty side of the bed. She stares at the ceiling. She sits up in the bed. FLASHBACK - EXT. EAST BATTERY STREET - DAY Chance and Jessie walk on The Battery. She pulls him next to the rail by the water. He stares at her. She looks at the Atlantic Ocean.

CHANCE I can't believe we're gonna be finished high school in a few days. JESSIE I know. Why you always wanna come here? You really love water like that dont you? CHANCE Yeah. I do. JESSIE Not too many black girls like being near the water. Chance looks up at him. Then she questions -CHANCE Why do you think that? JESSIE Its what I know. Youre hair reverts and what not. CHANCE Maybe all black women dont care about the texture of their hair. JESSIE Well, what do ya like about it, Chance Rivers? CHANCE I like the peace it gives me. Serenity. No worries. Just the ebb and flow. Naturalness. Jessie smiles at her. They continue to walk. END FLASHBACK. CHANCE Who would of thought we were once happy? HUMPH. But I should of picked up on the hair statement.

Chance lies back across her bed. She looks at Baileys business card on her night stand. She looks at his written cell phone number. She smirks. She looks away. She picks the card up and nods. CHANCE (CONTD) I just cant be. No way. Talk about a hypocrite. I'm a married lady. She hops to her feet. She walks to the window in her bedroom. She peels the curtains apart. FLASHBACK - EXT. KING STREET - DAY Bailey and Chance pick up her papers. Chance frowns. Bailey stops smiling. He watches her. BAILEY Where were you heading? CHANCE Nowhere special. I just thought I saw my husband with -BAILEY With? Chance smooths her shirt down. She looks side to side. She smooths her hair. Bailey smiles. He waits for an answer. CHANCE With a... colleague. BAILEY And when you uhh say a colleague -- that means uhh -Chance SUCKS her TEETH. She stares at him. CHANCE Look, thanks for your help, uhh -Bailey pulls on his nose and LAUGHS. He stares at her with a big grin. Her hair blows in her face. Chance pushes it back with her headband. BAILEY

You are a joker. I'm Bailey Beecher, and your name is? CHANCE (hesitates) Chance Middleton. BAILEY Now that's a beautiful name. Chance pulls on her earlobe. CHANCE Thanks. END FLASHBACK. She sets the Bailey's card back on her night stand. CHANCE (CONTD) Oh my. I hope I don't like this man. I'm very much so in love with my husband. INT. BAILEYS HOME - GAME ROOM - DAY Bailey plops down onto to his off-white sectional in his game room. He drinks wine. He needs to shave. He pushes his long bangs from his forehead. He rubs his Rottweiler's head. He stares at his wide-screen television. HE SIGHS. BAILEY Why cant I get you out of my head, Chance? He gets up and throws back a great GULP of the WINE. He turns his head to the side. He nods. BAILEY I hope she calls. Bailey hears a KNOCK on the DOOR. He jumps. He sets his wine down. He walks to the living room. INT. BAILEYS HOME - LIVING ROOM - DAY Bailey opens his front door. Abigail smiles. She hands him a stack of files from the office.

BAILEY This could have waited. ABIGAIL You've not been yourself at the office. BAILEY Yeah. Well. Not so much these days. Bailey arm guards the doorway. His ROTTWEILER BARKS. Abigail peeks inside. ABIGAIL Is that Butch? Let me say hi. BAILEY You know what, Abigail? Butch hasn't been himself lately, either. Abigail frowns. She tosses her hair back. BAILEY (CONTD) So. See you on Monday? ABIGAIL Yes -- of course. Bailey closes the door. He leans his back against the door. HE SIGHS. DISSOLVE TO: INT. RIVERS HOME - KITCHEN - DAY Chance grabs a piece of fried chicken from a bowl. She leans against the counter. Chandra looks over at her and smiles. CHANDRA Well, I guess since I cant get my grand baby now, I can help get you fat another way. CHANCE

Ma... CHANDRA No. Im serious, Chance. You and Chavis are never going to make me a grandmother. CHANCE In due time. Just not right now, ma. Chandra rolls her eyes. She continues to stir her cabbage. CHANDRA You mean you'd consider dating again? CHANCE I don't know. Possibly. CHANDRA You never know -- reconciliation possibly? Chance mummers under her breath -CHANCE That's a big possibly. Chandra looks at Chance with one side of her lips twisted up. CHANDRA Well. It's never too later, dear. Chance hugs Chandra from behind. She leans her face on Chandra's face. CHANCE Ma, I'm sorta afraid to be single. CHANDRA You have too many fears, Chance. Go out with friends. Stay busy. CHANCE

You're right, ma. David walks into the kitchen. He smooches Chandra. He grabs a piece of chicken. He hugs Chance. DAVID What's ole Chandra right about, baby? CHANCE Nothing, daddy. Chance and Chandra look at each other. Chance lifts her shoulder with a sneaky look. David LAUGHS. DAVID I declare y'all some secretive women. He bites a piece of chicken. He waves his index finger in the air. He looks at Chance and grins. DAVID (CONT'D) Yo' mama's chicken has seasoning secrets, too. The LADIES burst into LAUGHTER. INT. VELVETY COFFEE - DOWNTOWN - DAY Chance stops into Velvety Coffee, a retro coffee shop. The JUKE BOX plays JAZZ. Two couples sit at tables. Chance walks up to the counter. TABITHA, a soft-spoken, tall, slender, lanky, black, non-traditional college student stands. TABITHA The usual, Ms. Chance? CHANCE Yes, please. And Tabitha, please call me Chance. TABITHA I say Miss out of respect for customers -- Im not much younger than you, Mrs. Chance. CHANCE

Tabitha, why dont you come to Mercatos and join our book club? TABITHA My business course keeps me too busy to take on extra reading, but I'll be happy to have dinner with you all. Chance SIPS her COFFEE. CHANCE Great. Ill be in touch with more details. TABITHA Excellent. Tabitha looks up. She smiles. TABITHA Well hello, Mr. Beecher and Abigail. Bailey smiles. Abigail sits. She pulls out paperwork. Bailey walks towards Chance and Tabitha. Chance looks up. CHANCE (twirls her hair) You look like a Starbucks kinda lawyer. BAILEY Coffee is just coffee to me. I love grandma coffee shops. He pulls his nose. He smiles at Chance. Chance smiles. She looks around. BAILEY So you uhh -- you waiting on someone? CHANCE No. Why? BAILEY You were looking around. I hope I'm not intruding.

Abigail stares. Her mouth opens. She folds her arms. Tabitha observes them. She smirks. CHANCE You're not. BAILEY What happened to my phone call? CHANCE I'm not comfortable with that until my divorce is final. Bailey rubs his hand through his hair. He pulls his nose. He grins. BAILEY Well. I come here for coffee at 12:30 on my lunchbreak. Friends have coffee together, right? Or lunch? CHANCE (stretches her eyes) Seems to be the way of the world. Is your receptionist coming? BAILEY Not if that's a yes. Chance extends her hand. They shake hands. CHANCE See you tomorrow, friend. INT. BLAKE HIGH SCHOOL - MAIN OFFICE - DAY Chance enters the Main Office. She rubs her arms. RUBY, a heavy set, black receptionist sits behind the desk. The OFFICE PERSONNEL stares at Chance. She smiles. CHANCE Ruby. You called for me. Is it Mister -RUBY Calm down. Its this.

Ruby points at three dozens of long-stemmed, yellow roses. CHANCE Oh my! Are those mine? RUBY Why yes. Heres the card. Chance opens the card. She closes her eyes. She opens them. She stares at the card. Her mouth falls slightly opened. Ruby peaks over the desk. CHANCE Oh my goodness. RUBY They. Are. Beautiful... OFFICE PERSONNEL They're beautiful, Mrs. Middleton. CHANCE Yes they are. Chance picks up the roses and leaves. INT. BAILEY BEECHERS LAW FIRM - OFFICE - DAY Bailey shuffles through paperwork. He glances up at his clock. He leans back in his chair. He looks at the clock. It reads 12:30. He jumps up. He leaves the office. INT. VELVETY COFFEE - DOWNTOWN - DAY Bailey rushes into the coffee shop. Tabitha refills Chance's coffee. Bailey sits down. BAILEY I almost forgot to meet you. CHANCE No worries. BAILEY

How was your day? CHANCE Splendid. I actually got flowers from Jessie. BAILEY Really? Hmm... How do you feel about that? CHANCE Happy. Confused. BAILEY Are you going back to him? CHANCE I'm gonna see how this court-ordered marriage counseling goes. BAILEY Chance. You admitted you still love him to Judge Manley. That's why he granted Jessie the marriage counseling. You still have your grounds for your divorce. CHANCE I don't know. I have to pray about it. Bailey sits back in the chair. Tabitha walks to the table. TABITHA Coffee, Mr. Beecher? Bailey waves a No motion. He continues to look at Chance. BAILEY Just remember you deserve to be happy. I'm a friend if you need one. CHANCE Thank you, Bailey. DISSOLVE TO:

INT. MERCATOS ITALIAN RESTAURANT - NIGHT Chance, Emma, Millie, Sandy, Haley, Kristina, and Tabitha meet at Chances favorite, Italian Restaurant, Mercato. They eat and drink. Waiters and waitresses tend to customers. The LADIES CHAT. CHANCE Ladies. First of all, let me introduce me and Emma's friend, Tabitha. Everyone smiles. Tabitha waves and smiles. CHANCE (CONT'D) While we're finishing dinner, let us give Kristina our attention so that she can tell us a little about her book choice for next month. KRISTINA Hello, everyone. The book I chose is a non-fiction, The Righteous Mind, by Jonathan Haidt. It's a paperback, and it's only sixteen dollars. It's about a psychologist who argues that people make decisions based from what they assume is morally appropriate. CHANCE Humph. Interesting. EMMA Kristina, that does sound interesting. Have you finished Quiet? We don't want to spoil it for you. KRISTINA No. But I'm fine. TABITHA Chance, was that the book you were reading when you and Mr. Beecher were at the coffee shop? Chance eyes stretch. She sets her tea down. Emma stares at Chance. The others become quiet. Haley frowns. HALEY

You mean Mr. Middleton, right? MILLIE Haley, did you enjoy Quiet? HALEY Yes. Your suggestion was... well-received. MILLIE I'm glad. Can't wait for your novel. Chance sets down her dinner napkin. She stands up. She walks towards the restroom. Emma and Millie rush behind her. Everyone looks at each other. Sandy stops eating. SANDY Anyone gonna eat this last piece of garlic bread? 'Cause I'mma go ahead and eat it. No one answers. Haley powders her nose. Kristina rolls her eyes at Haley. Tabitha gazes at the restroom entrance. Chance, Emma, and Millie walk back to the table and sit. EMMA What happened to my slice of garlic bread? CHANCE Forget garlic bread. I need some strooong coffee. TABITHA Now you sound like Mr. Beecher's lady friend, Abigail who was in the coffee shop that day you were there. CHANCE Don't tell me Abigail likes strong coffee, too? TABITHA She and Mr. Bailey order it every visit. Haley rolls her eyes. Chance smiles at Emma. CHANCE

Well tell them I said hey when they come in again. Now let's discuss Quiet, briefly. The LADIES begin CHATTING. INT. CHANCE'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chance and Emma sit on her couch. They watch television. EMMA Some of these movies are unbelievable. CHANCE I know. That drama with Haley was unbelievable, too. EMMA The audacity of her to assume you and Bailey are more than friends. Chance's CELL PHONE RINGS. CHANCE I know. Hold on, Em. Chance gets her cell phone and answers. INT. BAILEY'S HOME - GAME ROOM - SAME TIME BAILEY Hello, Chance? INTERCUT telephone conversation. CHANCE Hey. BAILEY I was wondering if you'd like to meet me at Velvety's for coffee on a free day you have? CHANCE Bailey. Wow. I know you said we could be great friends --

BAILEY That's fine, if that's all you want. CHANCE I'm committed. I love my husband. BAILEY (sadly) Don't explain. Understood, Chance. CHANCE I want my marriage to work. You're a decent person, Bailey, and I wish you the best. BAILEY It's just coffee. CHANCE No. It's just inappropriate. Bailey removes the phone from his ear. He places it back. BAILEY I'm sorry. I hope everything works out for you. CHANCE Thank you. Take care. BAILEY I will. Goodnight. Emma stares at Chance. Chance looks at her. She stretches her eyes. She sits down. CHANCE Why are you looking at me like that? EMMA

I'm just watching. You're drama is better than this movie. Chance GIGGLES. She pushes her hair back. They watch television. INT. CHANCE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chance hears a KNOCK at the DOOR. She eats a chip. She answers it. CHANCE What are you doing here? I thought you were gonna call before you came for the rest of your things? JESSIE Do you mind? CHANCE No. Come in. Everything's in the guest's bedroom. Jessie smiles. Chance picks up the bag of chips. She eats some. JESSIE That's dinner? CHANCE Unfortunately, yes. JESSIE I feel like Mercato's spaghetti. You want some? CHANCE Sure. Why not? JESSIE Call in two orders. Jessie leaves to get the takeout. Chance closes the front door. She leans against it and smiles. INT. CHANCE'S DINING ROOM - NIGHT Chance twirls spaghetti on her spoon. She drinks tea. Jessie eats a piece of garlic bread. He looks up at Chance.

JESSIE I miss having dinner with you. CHANCE Really? I miss us going out, too. JESSIE I meant dinner at home. CHANCE Don't you think we should also go out? Jessie GRUNTS. Chance stares. She continues to eat. Jessie eats faster. JESSIE That was a big portion of our financial problem. CHANCE What? Making dinner and eating alone while you take Natalie out on the town? JESSIE I didn't come here to argue, Chance. CHANCE (sets her fork down) I just want us to fix this. JESSIE How? Living apart? CHANCE Counseling might help us, but I doubt it. And we can skip dining out and start going back to church every Sunday together. JESSIE I don't have a problem with that.

CHANCE Let's start this Sunday. JESSIE (laughs) Okay. CHANCE I have one more thing to ask. JESSIE Go ahead. CHANCE Can Natalie be transferred to the sister store in Mount Pleasant? Jessie looks down. He nods. He smiles. CHANCE (CONT'D) I'm sorry, but is that too much to ask? JESSIE I'll talk to her immediately. CHANCE Looks like we're off to a great start. She grins. He lifts his tea at her. She lifts hers. They continue eating. INT. ZION CHRISTIAN CHURCH - SANCTUARY - DAY CHURCH MEMBERS sit in the pews. Chance sits next to David and Chandra. She looks around. Some members stand. Pastor Jones wipes his head with a handkerchief. PASTOR JONES Church family. We go into the world fully. We spend money on worldly items, and we don't second guess a dime of it. Where's God's? CHURCH MEMBERS

(sequence) Amen. PASTOR JONES We also bring him tithes and offerings but not the entire ten percent? Where's God's whole ten percent? CHURCH MEMBERS (sequence) Amen. PASTOR JONES For those of you who are destitute, God can search your hearts. Always remain faithful to Him and pay what you can for the upbuilding of His house. And for those who can, put God first. CHANDRA Amen, Pastor. PASTOR JONES I'm going to close my sermon with this, church family. Will a man keep robbing God? We have to give God our first fruits as Malachi Three states. And remember, church family -- what that money reads on its tender that we dont offer as first fruits, In GOD We Trust, but my heart feels in foolery dust! Let US remember GODS first fruits. CHURCH MEMBERS (sequence) Amen. Chandra leans over to Chance. CHANDRA Look at Jessie walking in here late and missed the entire message. CHANCE (looks back)

Where? David stares at Chandra and Chance. Jessie sits by Chance. He leans over Chance. He shakes David's hand. David smiles. JESSIE Sorry. Chance smiles. She points to the pulpit. PASTOR JONES Everyone please stand, join hands, and bow your heads. David, Chandra, Jessie and Chance stand and hold hands. Everyone bows their heads. PASTOR JONES God, we come to you today to give thanks for all of your blessings. I am truly grateful. God, I ask that you touch the hearts of every member who would like to give their ten percent but are unable to pay. And God please continue to bless the cheerful givers. Church family, keep giving and God will keep blessing. Everybody say Amen. CHURCH MEMBERS Amen. PASTOR JONES Please remain standing for the Benediction. Give God the glory, church family. Amen. CHURCH MEMBERS (sequence) AMEN. Everyone fellowships. Jessie hugs David and Chandra. Chance smiles. CHANCE Just one more thing, Jessie. Can you please come to church on time? JESSIE

Let's come together? CHANCE Alright. DISSOLVE TO: INT. MATTHEW'S FAMILY COUNSELING - DAY Chance and Jessie sit at a desk opposite of DANIEL MATTHEW, a 5'9, twenty-nine years old, Caucasian male. He wears Khaki pants and a white shirt. DANIEL I'm proud you guys made it to your six months mark and have decided to reconcile. JESSIE Thank you. The advice helped. DANIEL Your wife felt that going to church and spending more time together helped -- that's excellent. Stay before GOD. CHANCE Alright. We are. DANIEL Well Chance, fightjust fight, youre alright! Chance looks at Jessie and smiles. Jessie hugs her. Daniel looks with tears forming in his eyes. DANIEL (CONTD) Well, its done Your case is closed and much success in your reunion. JESSIE Thanks. I can't wait to go Home Daniel smiles. Jessie shakes his hand. INT. CHANCE'S LIVING ROOM - DAY

Jessie sits on the couch next to Chance. She sets her magazine down. CHANCE You're done unpacking? JESSIE Yes. Everything seems strange, but I'm happy to be back home. CHANCE I'm glad you're back. JESSIE You know what I was thinking? CHANCE What's that, honey? JESSIE We should renew our vows. CHANCE That's a beautiful idea. JESSIE You know -- nothing big. Just our family and some friends. CHANCE I like the suggestion. I'll start planning. JESSIE Whoa... Let's remember we are more frugal these days. CHANCE Alright. Nothing elaborate. I'll call Pastor Jones and reserve a date. JESSIE That's fine.

CHANCE I'm gonna call Chavis and ask him if he'll come. JESSIE It'll be nice to see him again. It's been a minute. Chance gets her cell phone. She dials Chavis number. His PHONE RINGS. INT. CHAVIS RIVERS MILITARY OFFICE - SAME TIME Chavis picks up his cell phone. He looks at the name. He picks up. CHAVIS Hey, sis. INTERCUT telephone conversation. CHANCE Hey, Chavis. Good news, kiddo. CHAVIS I'm gonna be an uncle? CHANCE Not yet. Jessie wants us to renew our vows. I'm gonna try to aim for March. Can you get time off? CHAVIS Let me know the specific date, and I'll be there. CHANCE I'll email the details. DISSOLVE TO: INT. RIVERS' HOME - DINING ROOM - NIGHT David, Chandra, Jessie, Chance, and Chavis sit at the table. Chandra and Chance made pot roast, Macaroni and Cheese, wild rice, steamed cabbage, and barbecue chicken. Everyone eats and drinks. David says --

DAVID Chavis, I'm glad you made it home for this beautiful, vow renewal tomorrow. CHAVIS Thanks, dad. It's good to be back in Charleston. CHANDRA Jessie, you mighty quiet. You not nervous are you? JESSIE No ma'am. It feels good to be with the family again. DAVID That's what's important, Jessie. Remember that. JESSIE I do now more than ever, sir. Jessie smiles at Chance. She smiles back. Chandra looks at Chance and asks -CHANDRA What are the two of you smiling for? Do y'all have good news? JESSIE Mrs. Rivers, we can't get nothing past you. Me and Chance got good news. Chandra holds her chest. David pats Chavis on the shoulder. JESSIE (CONT'D) Chance is two months pregnant. DAVID Congratulations, Jessie. Chandra, it's going to be fun having a little one running around. CHANDRA Yes it is.

CHAVIS (stands and shakes Jessie's hand) Congratulations, bro. JESSIE Thanks, everyone. Me and Chance are really excited. EXT. RIVERS' PORCH - NIGHT Chance and Chavis swings. Chavis shoves her sideways. She smiles. CHAVIS Are you nervous, Chance? CHANCE About the baby? No. CHAVIS No. About you and Jessie's reunion. CHANCE Jessie and I actually have been getting along well. CHAVIS And the other woman? She's not a threat is she? Because this child deserves stability. CHANCE She took a transfer to another store, and we are happy. CHAVIS It's good to hear. I love you, sis. CHANCE I love you, too. They walk back inside the house.

INT. ZION CHRISTIAN CHURCH - DAY David and Chandra sit in the left, front pew. Jessie's parents sit in the right, front pew. Chavis, the Best Man, wears a black suit and lavender shirt. He stands on the right of Jessie. Emma, the Maid of Honor, wears a lavender dress and a black, tie belt. She stands on the left of Chance. Jessie and Chance face the altar. Jessie wears a white suit with a lavender shirt. Chance wears a lavender dress. She holds a lavender and white bouquet of flowers. Pastor Jones wears a white robe. He watches them say their vows. The GUESTS look at the ceremony. Jessie CLEARS his THROAT. JESSIE Chance, we've been married now for eight years. And I've spent most of my adult life loving you, so I'm privileged to be renewing our vows before God. No marriage is perfect without Him in it. I honor you again as my beautiful wife. I love you. GUESTS Aw. David hugs Chandra. He looks at her and smiles. She dabs her tears with a handkerchief. CHANCE Jessie, today I stand before God, my parents, and friends to proudly renew my vows to you. I promise to honor you forever. I love you. PASTOR JONES Jessie. Chance. You're already united, so congratulations on the renewal of your vows. Marriages are sacred. Jessie, always cherish your wife. Chance, always honor your husband. God Bless your marriage. Guests, the reception is immediately in our Fellowship Hall. INT. ZION CHRISTIAN CHURCH - FELLOWSHIP HALL - DAY The wedding party sits in the front of the Reception. Jessie and Chance sit in the middle of the table. David, Chandra, Chavis, and Chance sit on the left of Chance. Jessie, his parents, and relatives sit to the right. Everyone smiles and fellowships. Millie walks to the front. MILLIE Jessie and Chance would like to thank everyone for attending their reception. Waitresses will continue serving everyone. Please eat, fellowship, and enjoy.

Jessie hugs Chance from the side. She looks at him. She smiles. Jessie leans over to her. JESSIE I'm happy we did this... Chance, lookDaniel made it to our reunion ceremony. They wave at Daniel. He bows his head and smiles. CHANCE We have lots to look forward to. Grateful for his help, but giving all the glory to GOD. JESSIE (smiles and whispers) Thanks to JESUS for giving US a chance, sweetheart. Prayer works. I feel like Im in Heaven. CHANCE (smiles) Away with the old Chance! To New Beginnings The New US -- UNITED SPIRITS Heaven on earth. Thank you, GOD FADE OUT.

Copyright 2013. Screenwriting for God. All Rights Reserved.

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