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LGA 3103


Types of stories : REALISTIC FICTION

Stories that might really happen. Plot focuses on everyday problem, pleasures and personal relationship.

Setting seems as real as the world we know.

A conflict or problem that occur in the real world.

Characters that are convincingly developed, multi-dimensional and show growth over time.
Setting that is vividly portrayed and that could exist in the real world. Memorable theme that could be applied to ones own life.

Literary style that contains vivid descriptions, believable dialogue and other techniques that help the reader to understand the ploy and characters.

Examples of books:
Ross, Eden, and Mordicai Gerstein. Applesauce Season. Roaring Brook, 2009.
Boelts, Maribeth. Those Shoes. Candlewick Pr, 2007. Coffelt, Nancy, and Tricia Tusa. Fred Stays with Me. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 2007. Bunting, Eve. One Green Apple. Hubsta Ltd, 2006. Look, Lenore, and Yumi Heo. Uncle Peter's Amazing Chinese Wedding. Atheneum, 2006.

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