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The Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library

Photofiles Policies and Procedures

Title: TSCPL Photofiles Metadata Application Profile Creator: Marcia L Hannon Date Issued: 2013-4-28 Date Modified: 2013-5-5 Description of Document: The Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library recommends a core set of local metadata elements and Dublin Core Metadata Element Set mappings ( for use in its Photofiles digital image files.

Table of Contents
Photofiles Policies and Procedures ........................................................................................................... 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Listing of TSCPL Photofiles Element Set .................................................................................................... 3 Element Documentation Format .............................................................................................................. 4 Element Name: ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Title ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Event ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Topic .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Physical Description .................................................................................................................................. 8 Description ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Rights ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Identifier.................................................................................................................................................. 10 Language ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Date ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Publisher ................................................................................................................................................. 12

2 Neighborhood ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Repository Name .................................................................................................................................... 14 Keywords................................................................................................................................................. 14 Tags ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Media ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Type......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Image Size ............................................................................................................................................... 17 Collection ................................................................................................................................................ 18 Metadata Crosswalk ............................................................................................................................... 18 References .............................................................................................................................................. 19

The Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library (TSCPL) Photofiles collection are digital photos from programs and presentations that TSCPL hosts at the main library building and surrounding Topeka area. This application profile will describe the necessary elements and guidelines that cover the set of metadata elements used in the TSCPL Photofiles collection.

The primary purpose of this document is to provide guidance to the contributors in the metadata implementation process to improve local, as well as, remote resource discovery of the TSCPL Photofiles collection. This document explains each property and anticipates the decisions that must be made in the course of creating a metadata record. Additionally, it explains how to interpret the prescribed vocabulary and contains the basic usage guidelines including character sets, punctuation, and abbreviations for creating TSCPL Photofiles metadata records for all original digital images in the collection. Adhering to these guidelines will result in conformance with existing metadata standards and to ensure the collection can be accessed and shared with the community. Adhering to these usage guidelines will result in metadata records that: 1. Improve retrieval accuracy and resource discovery. 2. Facilitate interoperability and quality control. 3. Comply with the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. This document will need to be reviewed and updated over time.

Listing of TSCPL Photofiles Element Set

The following list provides an at-a-glance view of the TSCPL Photofiles Core Element set in the same order as presented later in the document in detail. Mandatory elements appear in bold. Title Event Topic TGN DCMI

Description Rights Identifier Identifier.uri Indentifier.other Physical description Description Notes

Language Date W3C Date.taken Date.uploaded ISO

Publisher Neighborhood TGN, ISO

Repository Name Keywords

Tags Media Type





Image Size MIME

Collection IsPartOf

The following list provides an at-a-glance view of the OSU Knowledge Bank Core Element set in the same order as presented later in the document in detail. Mandatory elements appear in bold.

Element Documentation Format

Element Name: The name given to the data element as it appears in the database. An element represents a single characteristic or property of a resource. Definition: This defines the type of information required for the named element. In most cases definitions are taken directly from the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set definitions []. Comments: appear in italics and may be included to provide additional information or clarification. Obligation: Indicates whether or not a value must be entered. An obligation will be designated as one of the following: Required - means that a value must be entered even if it requires the creation of an arbitrary value. Required (if available) - means that a value must be included if it is available.

Recommended means it is not required, but it is recommended if known or available. Optional - means that it is not required to include a value for this element. Occurrence: Indicates whether only a single value or multiple values can be used. Repeatable: If the occurrence is Repeatable, more than one value can be entered. Non-Repeatable: If the occurrence is Non-Repeatable then only a single value can be used. Searchable: yes or no Qualifier(s): Indicates whether an element has refinements or not. If so, the qualifiers will be listed and defined below. [element name].[refinement]: Definition of its use within the collection Recommended Schemes: This will list a Vocabulary Encoding Scheme or a Syntax Encoding Scheme. Vocabulary schemes are controlled vocabularies such as LCSH and other formal thesauri. Syntax schemes indicate that the value is formatted in accordance with a formal standard, such as "2000-01-01" for the expression of a date. Input Guidelines: Input Guidelines list common conventions and syntax rules used to guide the data entry process. In the case of system supplied values a brief explanation of the process will be provided. Examples are provided to illustrate the types of values, conventions and syntax used for each element. Maps to DC Element: Gives the Dublin Core element equivalent, if applicable. ______________________________________________________________________________ Title Definition: A name given to a resource. Typically a title will be a name by which the resource is known. It may also be an identifying phrase or object name supplied by the holding institution. Obligation: Required Occurrence: Repeatable Qualifier(s): None Recommended Scheme: None Searchable: Yes Hidden: No

Input Guidelines: 1. 2. Identify and enter one Title element per resource according to the guidelines that follow. The Title will be used to label the thumbnails; it will also be the first line of the descriptive information. The Title may be the caption assigned by the photographer or the event coordinator, or it may be created by Special Collections staff from the given caption and from additional sources. If the caption provided by the photographer is adequate, place it in the Title field. Then, the Description Notes field should include this phrase: Title taken from photograph. If the caption provided by the photographer is inadequate, a created title should be placed in the Title field; the Notes field should then read: Caption on image: "Image title. When no title is found on the image itself, use a title assigned by the holding institution or found in reference sources. If title must be created, make the title as descriptive as possible; avoid using generic terms such as digital image or digital photo. Capitalizing only the first letter of the first word of the title and of any proper names contained within the title is suggested. Utilize the same punctuation that appears on the source and that is appropriate for English writing. Examples: The great gala at the Overland Station Jim Cosgrove "Mr. Stinky Feet"




Maps to DC Element: Title ______________________________________________________________________________ Event Definition: Use this field to name or describe the specific event at which the image was taken. A non-persistent, time-based occurrence. Obligation: Required Occurrence: Repeatable Qualifier(s): None Recommended Scheme: DCMI

Searchable: Yes Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. Utilize specific event titles and dates associated with the event, rather than generic terms such as: library program, author talk or edible book. This could make it easier to locate the image later. If this is a sub-event of a larger event both can be provided in the field. Can associate broader terms, narrower terms, or related terms Examples: The Big Read 2013: Great Gatsby Gala Wednesday Blockbusters: Sal Cruz Drumline Entertainment Gala, Ballroom BT Activities NT Story time RT - Events Maps to DC Element: Event ______________________________________________________________________________ Topic Definition: Describes what the image is about. Major subjects, people, organizations, topics, activities, events, and themes (or concepts) that represent the intellectual content of the Image as a whole. Obligation: Required Occurrence: Non-Repeatable Qualifier(s): None Recommended Scheme: TGN Searchable: Yes

2. 3.

Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. List the specific program, presentation name or title associated with the image. Examples: TGN ArtChildrens art BT Pictures RT Amateur work Maps to DC Element: Subject ______________________________________________________________________________ Physical Description Definition: An account of the resource. Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, or a free text field for describing, the item, in some level of detail. This may be needed to clarify something that isn't visually clear, for example, or to provide additional context. Obligation: Required Occurrence: Repeatable Qualifier(s): dcterms:description Recommended Scheme: None Searchable: Yes Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. This is meant to supply a rich description of the subject in the item without getting carried away. A limit of 250 words should be sufficient. Examples: Child using eyedropper to create sculpture with ice and salt Maps to DC Element: Description ______________________________________________________________________________

Description Definition: More detailed description of contents of the image. Obligation: Required Occurrence: Repeatable Qualifier(s): dcterms:description Recommended Scheme: None Searchable: No Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. Notes can include any information of importance that is not represented elsewhere. Each separate "note" under this heading should be its own paragraph, separated from one another by a blank line. 2. If the caption provided by the photographer is adequate, place it in the Title field. Then, the Description Notes field should include this phrase: Title taken from photograph. If the caption provided by the photographer is inadequate, a created title should be placed in the Title field; the Notes field should then read: Caption on image: "Image title. Examples: Title taken from photograph Image title Maps to DC Element: Description ______________________________________________________________________________ Rights Definition: Information about the rights of the image. Intellectual property rights on the image. Obligation: Required Occurrence: Repeatable Qualifier(s): rights.uri Recommended Scheme: DCMI


Searchable: No Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. Enter a textual statement and/or URL pointing to a use and access rights statement for digital resources on the Internet. 2. This statement may be a general rights statement for the institution, for the whole collection, or a specific statement for each resource. 3. The statement may be general, providing contact information, or specific, including the name of the rights holder.

4. Always give copyright information exactly as in the example. Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Noncommercial You may not use this work for commercial purposes. Share Alike If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. Examples: Some rights reserved (Creative Commons) Maps to DC Element: Rights ______________________________________________________________________________ Identifier Definition: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context. Obligation: Required Occurrence: Repeatable Qualifier(s): identifier.uri Identifier.other Recommended Scheme: None Searchable: Yes


Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. A persistent identifier.uri (or an image number) is automatically assigned by TSCPL Photofiles Examples: 8569399111 Maps to DC Element: Identifier ______________________________________________________________________________ Language Definition: Defines the two or three-letter language tag. Obligation: Required Occurrence: Non-Repeatable Qualifier(s): None Recommended Scheme: ISO639-3 Searchable: No Hidden: Yes Input Guidelines: 1. Use ISO639-3 three letter codes. For multiple languages, use separate language fields or list all in a single field, separating each with a semicolon and a space. Examples: Eng. Maps to DC Element: Language ______________________________________________________________________________ Date Definition: A point or period of time associated with the image, or event. Obligation: Required Occurrence: Repeatable


Qualifier(s): date.taken date.uploaded Recommended Scheme: W3C-DTF Searchable: Yes Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. The digital image may have several dates associated with it. The date covered in this field refers to the date the digital image was taken of the subject, in addition to, the date it was uploaded to the Photofiles collection set. 2. Format the date in standardized, W3C-DTF format YYYY, or YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD as needed. Examples: 2013-4-20 2013-6-20 Maps to DC Element: Date ______________________________________________________________________________ Publisher Definition: An entity responsible for making the image available. Obligation: Recommended Occurrence: Repeatable Qualifier(s): None Recommended Scheme: LCAF Searchable: No Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. Name of the entity that created or is providing access to the image.


2. A publisher may include a person, organization, or a service. 3. Recommend clarifying the role the entity played in making the image available by adding a prefix such as, published by, posted by, or digitized by. Examples: Published by: TSCPL Digitized by: TSCPL Maps to DC Element: Publisher ______________________________________________________________________________ Neighborhood Definition: The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant. Obligation: Recommended Occurrence: Repeatable Qualifier(s): dc:spatial Recommended Scheme: TGN, ISO3166 Searchable: Yes Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. A jurisdiction may be a named administrative entity or a geographic place to which the resource applies. 2. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Thesaurus of Geographic Names [TGN]. Utilize ISO3166 codes for representation of names of countries and their sub-divisions. Examples: Tennessee Town North Topeka East


Topeka, Ks. Maps to DC Element: Coverage ______________________________________________________________________________ Repository Name Definition: Describes where the images are stored. Obligation: Recommended Occurrence: Repeatable Qualifier(s): None Recommended Scheme: None Searchable: Yes Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. The institution where the item is physically located. 2. Same content in every record. Examples: Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library, Special Collections Division Maps to DC Element: Contributor ______________________________________________________________________________ Keywords Definition: Keywords used for searching and browsing collection sets. Obligation: Recommended Occurrence: Repeatable Qualifier(s): None Recommended Scheme: LCSH, TGN Searchable: Yes Hidden: No


Input Guidelines: 1. Describe what the image is about expressed in keywords. 2. Strongly recommend using controlled vocabulary schemes. Examples: Gala, Party, Children, Adults, Reading Maps to DC Element: Subject ______________________________________________________________________________ Tags Definition: Tags used to describe events, and image contents. Obligation: Recommended Occurrence: Repeatable Qualifier(s): None Recommended Scheme: LCSH, TGN Searchable: Yes Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. Describe what the content of the image is about expressed in tags. 2. Strongly recommend using controlled vocabulary schemes.

Examples: Party, Dance, Great Gatsby, Train Station, Historic Maps to DC Element: Subject ______________________________________________________________________________ Media Definition: The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource.


Obligation: Recommended Occurrence: Non-Reapeatable Qualifier(s): None Recommended Scheme: IMT Searchable: No Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. List the type of image Examples: Digital Image Still Image Electronic Image

Maps to DC Element: Format ______________________________________________________________________________ Type Definition: A file format or physical medium. This is the manifestation of the content of the digital resource. Obligation: Recommended Occurrence: Non-Repeatable Qualifier(s): dcmitype Recommended Scheme: DCMI Searchable: No Hidden: Yes Input Guidelines:


1. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the DCMI Type Vocabulary [DCMITYPE]. To describe the file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource, use the Format element. 2. Describes the nature or genre of the content of the resource. Select a value from the working draft list of Dublin Core Type Vocabulary at Examples: Jpeg Gif Maps to DC Element: Type ______________________________________________________________________________ Image Size Definition: A visual representation other than text. Obligation: Recommended Occurrence: Non-Repeatable Qualifier(s): None Recommended Scheme: MIME Searchable: No Hidden: Yes Input Guidelines: 1. The size of the image. 2. To describe the file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource, use the Format element 3. Images composed of encoded picture elements (pixels). Examples: 4.22 KB


240px 180px

Maps to DC Element: Format ______________________________________________________________________________ Collection Definition: A collection is described as a group; its parts may also be separately described. Obligation: Recommended Occurrence: Non-Repeatable Qualifier(s): None dcterms:isPartOf Recommended Scheme: DCMI Searchable: Yes Hidden: No Input Guidelines: 1. Labeled as a collection and used to state the collection to which this resource belongs. Examples: Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library's photo stream. Maps to DC Element: Relation ______________________________________________________________________________

Metadata Crosswalk

Local Element Title

DC Element Title

Authority File

Implementation Notes This should be the caption with the image, if making a title up consider using a standard such as who, what, where, when.


Keywords Tags Topic Physical description Description notes Type Image size Media Event Collection Publisher

Subject Subject


Subject TGN Description

Description Type Format Format Event Relation Publisher DCMI MIME IMT DCMI DCMI LCAF

Keywords should be used to describe the image. Tags should be used and added by users to further describe the image. Terms from this field are from TGN. This may be needed to clarify something that isn't visually clear, for example, or to provide additional context. Notes can include any information of importance that is not represented elsewhere. Describes the nature or genre of the content of the resource. The size of the image in pixels or KB, GB etc. A file format or physical medium. Describes what type of event the images cover. A collection is described as a group or image set. The entity responsible for making the image available. The name of the institution where the item is physically located. Describes the community or district where the image was taken. Included information needed to locate and access an electronic resource. Date image was taken at event, program, or presentation. Date the image was uploaded to Flickr. The control number assigned by the organization creating, using, or distributing the record. URI or image number. The coded language, Eng.

Repository Contributor Name Neighborhood Coverage Rights Date taken Date uploaded Identifier Rights Date Date Identifier DCMI



Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Usage Board. 2004. DCMI Metadata Terms. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. Miller, S. J. (2011). Introduction to metadata for digital collections. In Metadata for digital collections (pp. 1-24). New York, NY: Neil-Schuman. OhioLINK Digital Resources Management Committee (DRMC) Metadata Subcommittee. (2010). OhioLINK Digital Resources Commons (DRC) Metadata Application Profile. Version 1.2.

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