Free Gift

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Free Gift

By: Patsy Pugh

We humans in our everyday rush through life often do not stop to smell the roses-and more importantly seldom stop to give a serious heartfelt thought of all the sufferings and horror that Christ has gone through for us! First of all if there is any being in the universe that knows the meaning of the words disappointment and pain then it would have to be the Christ. To have come into debate against a revolt of His own Hierarchy, thus expelling the rebel angelic band, and then to have that same dissident band to ruin project after project until the final project earth was tampered with, is most definitely a universal calamity of the highest magnitude! Time and time again Christ offered this covering Cherub forgiveness and to cease from His acts of deception-but he would not, and this is the same course this world has taken ever since

the revolt and subsequent star war fought somewhere in the heavens, (Revelation chapter 12)! However the good news is that right the midst of all this tumult, pain, sickness, and death, is the free gift of the savior-the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world! Paul states in Romans 6 & 23, "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ our LORD"! Something that is free is freely given-with no repayable debt attached thereon. Christ began His teachings in the temple at the tender age of 12, from the prophet Isaiah, and like Paul and most all the Apostles, taught from the words of the Holy Prophetswhich is the Holy Scriptures! The single most important test that would determine not only our, but the very destiny of all mankind was His confrontation with Satan in the wilderness after 40 days and nights of fasting and chastening Himself for both you and I. Christ faced Satan on his own ball court (planet earth), and spiritually excelled-winning the game, and thus sealing our eternal heritage! From the horrible scourge of beatings with no food, drink, nor sleep, He then started up a seemingly endless journey to a place of the skulls, and there shed His blood from a rugged Roman cross just so we could obtain the precious free gift of which such things the angels desired to look into, and could not fully comprehend the physical depts. that their leader from heaven could go through just for a race of transgressors! It must indeed be the most awesome truth ever known in the universe, and that being; GOD IS LOVE!

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