Great Expectations Study Questions

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Great Expectations Study Questions:

Chapters 1-9

1. What does the reader learn about Pip from his meeting with the convict?
Pip is easily manipulated, and he is willing to do what the convict tells him to

2. Describe Mrs. Joe. How does she perceive her role as Pip’s Guardian?

Mrs. Joe is Pip’s sister, and she is controlling of Pip.

3. What expectations do the adults have of Pip at Christmas dinner?

Pip is to stir the pudding all night long.

4. Why does Pip’s convict tell the sergeant that he stole the file and the pie?
The convict wants to protect pip because Pip was kind to him.

5. Why does Pip feel guilty?

Pip feels guilty because he has helped an escaped convict.

6. Describe Joe’s story about his childhood.

Joe is illiterate.

7. Why does Miss Havisham invite Pip to Satis House?

Miss Havisham intends to raise him into the wealthy upper class.

8. Why does Pip tell lies to Mrs. Joe and Uncle Pumblechook about his visit to
Miss Havisham’s?
Pip wants to feel that he is more than common.

Chapter 10

9. Pip wants to become a member of the upper class

10.The stranger identifies himself by stirring his drink with the file Pip gave the
convict; The stranger gives Pip two pounds.

Chapter 11

11.Pip is to stand at the window until he is wanted.

12.The individuals Pip meets are relatives to Miss Havisham who are visiting for
her birthday

Chapter 12

13.Pip spends time with Miss Havisham; Pip sings the song he learned from Joe
while at the forge.
14.Miss Havisham said she could help with the papers to make the
apprenticeship official.

Chapter 13

15.Joe continues to address Pip instead of Miss Havisham.

16.25 pounds would be a lot of money.

Chapter 14

17.Pip hates being bound to Joe, and continues to long for the upper class

Chapter 15

18.Joe tells Pip to stay away from visiting Miss Havisham.

19.Joe and Orlick fight over an argument Orlick had with Mrs. Joe about Orlick
taking a vacation day.

20.Pip longs to see Estella; he is disappointed when he learns that Estella is


21.Pip discovered that Mrs. Joe was attacked and now is brain-damaged.

Chapter 16

22.Her mother had confirmed a habit of living she had fallen into.

Chapter 17

23.Pip discusses his lack of satisfaction with the life he is living with Biddy while
they walk along the river.

Chapter 18

24.Pip realizes Jaggers was the stranger who he met on the stairs at Miss

25.Pip is to become a Gentleman in London and become more educated and

tutored by Mr. Pocket.

26.Joe refuses the money offered to him for the loss of his apprentice.

Chapter 19
27.Pip allows Pumblechook to take him out to dinner; this is the Pips first rise in
his gaining social rank.

28.Miss Havisham is excited for Pip and this leads him to believe that she is his

29.Pip feel regretful for acting so snobbish to Joe.

Chapter 20

1. Pip believes London to be dreary after seeing the jail and the courthouse.
2. Jaggers is a skilled, famous lawyer; Jaggers seems like this because everyone
wants him to be their lawyer in court.
Chapter 21

3. He has met Herbert before.

Chapter 22

4. Herbert’s father is Miss Havisham’s cousin.

5. Herbert calls Pip Handel because Handel composed the song called the
Harmonious Blacksmith.
6. He worked with her lover to steal her fortune.
Chapter 23
7. He is a book collector and editor.
8. The inhabitants are boisterous, happy, and ridiculous.
Chapter 24
9. Jaggers instructs Mr. Pocket that Pip must be well-educated and well-
Chapter 25
10.Everyone including all the criminals are too afraid of Jaggers to steal
11.Wemmick’s house is small, but surprising; it is a miniature castle built in the
middle of London.
Chapter 27
12.Joe misses Pip, but Pip is embarrassed being with Joe because Joe is now in a
lower class than him.
13.Miss Havisham tells Pip that Estella wants to see him; Pip is ecstatic.
Chapter 28
14.In the stagecoach on his way back to the countryside, Pip is stuck with two
Chapter 29
15.Pip unexpectedly meets Orlick.
16.Pip doesn’t visit Joe because Pip feels that he is above Joe now.
17.Jaggers is at Miss Havisham’s house to discuss money.
Chapter 30
18.Herbert also believes that Miss Havisham is Pip’s benefactor.
Chapter 31
19.Mr. Wopsle plays Hamlet; unfortunately, no one enjoys the night.
Chapter 32
20.Dickens believes that prisons are cruel and convicts are misunderstood.
Chapter 33
21.Estella does not tease him; she ignores him instead.
22.Estella is referring to their roles in society.
Chapter 34
23.They join a social club; they go out at night and spend money.
24.Pip is greatly in debt, and he is living carelessly.
Chapter 35
25.The entire house is absurdly decorated lavishly in black.
26.Pip acts remorseful, and he promises to visit home more often.
Chapter 36
27.Pip learns that he is now to receive 500 pounds per year.
Chapter 37
28.Pip buys a merchant partnership position for Herbert anonymously.
Chapter 38
29.Estella focuses on torturing and taunting all her suitors, but she ignores Pip.
30.Miss Havisham and Estella argue about whether Estella is doing the right
31.Pip sees her pacing and crying.
32.Pip learns that Drummle is courting Estella.
Chapter 39
33.Pip finds out that his benefactor is Magwitch, not Miss Havisham.
34.Magwitch acts as he did when he Pip first met him.
35.Magwitch is being pursued by the law again, and he risks death.
Chapter 40
36.Magwitch plans to stay and watch over Pip while disguising himself.
Chapter 41
1. Pip decides to take Magwitch abroad and not use his money anymore
because he does not want to be connected with him.
Chapter 42
2. Magwitch was Compeyson’s accomplice, but Compeyson betrayed him when
they got caught; Magwitch wanted revenge.
3. Compeyson stood up Miss Havisham on her wedding day.
Chapter 44
4. Pip asks Miss Havisham to finance Herbert’s endeavors, since Pip can no
longer use his fortune.
5. Estella does not care that Pip loves her; she responds by telling him that she
will marry Drummle.
Chapter 45
6. According to Jaggers, Compeyson is pursuing Magwitch.
7. Herbert has hidden Magwitch at Clara’s house.
8. Wemmick tells Pip to take any valuable items that Magwitch has on him; this
way, if Magwitch happens to be captured, Pip will have some money.
Chapter 46
9. He suffers from being an alcoholic.

10.Herbert proposes to sneak Magwitch down the river to escape Compeyson.

Chapter 47
11.Mr. Wopsle sees Compeyson sitting behind Pip in the theater, and Pip freaks
Chapter 48
12.Pip hears this through Jaggers at dinner; Jaggers thinks Drummle will not be a
good husband.
13.Molly, Jaggers’ housekeeper, reminds Pip of Estella; she is Estella’s mother.
Chapter 49
14.Miss Havisham is remorseful that Estella broke his heart, and she treats Pip
15.Miss Havisham catches on fire, and Pip realizes his own priorities and values.
Chapter 50
16.Pip discovers through Herbert that Magwitch is Estella’s father.
Chapter 51
17.Pip feels that he must know the whole truth, and Jaggers suggests that Pip
help Magwitch.
Chapter 52
18.They will transport him down the river, and Magwitch will take a boat to
Chapter 53
19.Pip receives a note threatening Uncle Provis; Pip was expecting to meet
Compeyson there, not Orlick.
20.Herbert rushes into the scene with a group of men; Herbert had found the
21.Magwitch wanted Pip to be able to become a gentleman to thank him for
saving his life; Magwitch planned to live in London through Pip, and to have a
way to seek revenge on Compeyson.

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