Chicken Korma

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Ingredients 2-3 pieces of chicken breasts 1 tsp red chilli powder 1tsp turmeric powder 1 cup yoghurt 4 small onions 5 green chillies 2 tbsp coriander seeds 2 tbsp cumin seeds 1 teaspoon mustard seeds 2 tbsp coconut oil 3 sticks of cinnamon 1 tsp of cumin seeds Little bit of heeng 1 tsp of garlic paste 1 tsp ginger paste 2 cup coconut milk Salt & water

Take chicken breasts and cut them into even size pieces. Now marinate these chicken pieces with a mixture salt, red chilli powder, turmeric powder and yoghurt. Keep it for around 30 minutes Slice 2 onions into thin slices Now take 5 green chillies, 4 small onions, and some water and blend them in a mixture grinder to make a thick onion paste Take 2 tbsp coriander seeds and 2 tbsp cumin seeds and dry roast them in a pan. Allow it to cool down for sometime and grind it into a fine powder Take a pan, heat about 2 tbsp coconut oil in it. Now add 3 sticks of cinnamon, 1 tsp of cumin seeds, little bit of heeng, 1 tsp of garlic paste and 1 tsp ginger paste. Saut till the mixture turns brown. Now add the onion and green chilli paste. Cook for a while and then add 3 tsp of roasted cumin and coriander powder. Saut. Add the marinated chicken into the cooking mixture. Saut Now add 1 cup coconut milk, saut and keep it on low heat for sometime to cook Now add again 1 cup coconut milk and a bowl full of chopped coriander leaves. Saut. Take it out and serve hot

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