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This work has been inspired almost entirely by the appreciation of 'A Pot of Gold'; appreciation which causes me to trust in my ability as a writer a lot more. As is both essential and fair, I must begin by thanking the Almighty God whose love for mankind transcends that which might reside in any mortal heart. My gratitude for this is most extravagant. Secondly I would like to thank my mother, Carole Ouko Ndiewo, for her untiring support and encouragement in my many endeavors. I would also like to thank Dorothy Ngumy, who indeed encouraged me to begin this new collection. Her support will not be forgotten ere this book is. Lastly and in many ways not least, I want to thank the roughly seven billion people who keep me company in this earth. Life would be rather lonely without all of you, wouldn't it?


A CUP OF SILVER By Kingsley Ndiewo

A Lesson Learnt A Rhyme or Two Borderline Brewing War Chess Master Coded Crystal Ball Dance Dead Storm Exam Fever Excited Fortress Afrika Friday Night GPRS Grandly He is here Hope was never slight I Had None I saw the Cricket Jump Just a Thought Karma Keep Smiling Life is Better Life is Good Marched in Their Footsteps Mom Needed Nonchalant Of Wells and Water One Thing Paradise Patience Perceptions Questions Quiet Rambling Rivalry Sights and Sounds 1 2 3 4-5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Space - 1 Space - 2 Take Time That Time Thats just me The Beat The Last Glance This Time Time Unique Unseen World Turns Yamantau You Cant Tell

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

A Lesson Learnt
Wisdoms are seldom heeded once worded, Left to languish in utter disuse yet still patient, For one day when life will seem dark clouded, We'll find that our folly was not nearly sentient, Never let the sun go down upon your conflict, Make peace while God still smiles upon land, Break this law and judgment shall be strict, For loss of a finger you'll pay price of a hand, Stand by the truth and not your sweet lies, Facts are hard and cold but form solid ground, With the liars and cheats there all evil lies, Find courage to speak, by that you are bound, Leave friends always with friendly words, And leave loved ones with loving words ever, For we never see beyond the horizon as birds, We may have today and tomorrow lose forever.

A Rhyme or Two
Seems like this world will never see, An end as solid as ship lost at sea, Me thinks this world will always be, Since start to now and for eternity, I sit at my window looking out at life, In awe I wonder at God's endless fief, That seems lovely in peace and strife, To be appreciated by both priest and thief.

Not Not Not Not Not Not too good, not too bad, just fine, too old, not too young, fair wine, too tall, not too short, just alright, a brawl, nor a duel, simple fight, a beauty, nor plain, pretty dame, in health, nor sickly, simply lame.

Life's lived far from the distant ends, Life is found where the valley bends, The best of both worlds you'll desire, In sight of the ice but close to the fire, Seek not the extremes of mad anger, Nor quest for sweet epitomes of love, Stay a modest distance from hunger, Yet try only what truly needed to have. Not Not Not Not Not Not too hot, not too cold, fairly warm, too sharp, not too blunt, nice form, too big, not too small, 'tis sizeable, to wild, not too tame, manageable, a friend, nor a stranger, company, a fiesta, nor a funeral, just a party.

Not sanctions, nor concessions, mutual order, Not jet black, nor snow white, that gray border.

Brewing War
I pledge allegiance to the land, I pledge allegiance to the flag, In coming conflict steadfast I will stand, My strength for great nation will not lag, Our land knows neither black nor white, For even poor immigrants fill our ranks, Only Arabs find our contempt and spite, Small evil too, for all love Israel's pranks, Our borders will never lie unguarded yet, While arms and life I have that you can bet, I pledge allegiance to the greatest land, My strength for Lady Liberty will not fail. I pledge allegiance to the land, I pledge allegiance to the flag, In coming conflict steadfast we will stand, My strength for great people will not lag, Our land knows very big crowds and sharing, Plus that burning desire to retake what's ours, Yes, in Taiwan soon proud flag will be flying, High above crowds praising China long hours, Always in millions we will bravely march onward, With millions more in store to carry fight forward, I pledge allegiance to the mightiest people, My strength for Great Wall will never fail. I pledge allegiance to the land, I pledge allegiance to the flag, In coming conflict steadfast I will stand, My strength for past glories will not lag, Our land knows murderous cold winters, Left poor Hitler's hordes chilled to bone, While the old enemy thinks he killed us, Let him make merry while we are reborn,

As in the past glorious days we will rise, To shake the world hard with new surprise, I pledge allegiance to the noblest people, My strength for grand Kremlin will not fail.

Chess Master
One to lord over all sixteen pieces true, One to command them in battles royal, Yet the one feels not an iota of pain due, To be felt by each of the sixteen so loyal. The queen her love spreads radiantly round, Ready to rescue or avenge doomed friends, Her movement is completely without bound, For she has learned all her comrades' trends. The knight his moves are cornered square, To bear surprise upon a foe well out of line, Such that wrath meets only shocked stare, And the master celebrates the kill with wine. The bishop likes his walks regularly skewed, But in each pious step he walks a deadly mile, In sideways motion he conducts master's feud, While the master is safe and warm all the while. The castle will sometimes call himself the rook, With linear range he throws himself in the fight, No foe dead ahead regrets not the path he took, With this fine soldier the master shows his might. The pawn is the floor of the hierarchy of heroes, One step at a time but maybe two for the start, They walk forward but curiously attack sideways, The master finds them the most expendable cast. The king is glorious and thinks himself majestic, But truly none is so weak and vulnerable in war, The master fears the checkmate over any magic, Yet in victory credit is granted to the weakest more.

Functions are called from there and here, Objects created from the classes modeled, Of all errors debugger can't wait to hear, If it works the marvel's it's all been coded. Routines and mnemonics the lowest code, Interrupts and registers - assemblers zone, Such things as strings the high level abode, Yet all these be bits from game to ringtone. Projects are large when systems are built, Others are tiny but by no means any easier, Bugs to find might make the hearts joy wilt, Infinite loops that give the processor seizure. Such toils only coders might know and love, Little appreciated by the users of their works, Yet when finished oh what joy in heart to have, To see the binary machine toil while men relax.

Crystal Ball
Deep in a sphere of glass so clear, Lie secrets so thin locked up within, As wisps of smoke they might appear, With slight shake they might disappear, With intent gaze much gets revealed, In kindness or sadism was concealed, Truths that the world might know as lies, And likewise lies that stand tall as truths. Deep in a sphere of glass so clear, Lie secrets so great locked up within, As flakes of snow they might be formed, With slight shake the ball soon stormed, Upon unwavering study much is well told, From new experiences to wisdoms old, Great things that sadly now lie forgotten, And small things that we now think great. Deep in a sphere of glass so clear, Are held such things of joy and fear.

I saw the face of an angel, the face of an angel saw I, Her eyes saw through me, through me saw her eyes, I drew in scent of roses, the scent of roses breathed I, Her imperceptible gaze, that gaze worth a leg and arm, Her keenly measured smile, no worse in its sad brevity, Her feigned indifference, pretending she knows nothing, I would gladly relive that a million times for all it's worth, I walked up to an angel; it was an angel I walked up to, Her eyes then saw me; I was seen by those angel eyes, I stood there mesmerized, and for a moment was lost, That gaze no longer hidden, though now asking query, That smile now unleashed, perhaps tool of intimidation, No more indifference, but an air of assumed superiority, I asked that wonderful creature if she wanted to dance, I danced with an angel, 'twas an angel that I danced with, Her eyes gazed into mine, and mine were long lost in hers, I drew in the scent of beauty, and filled my lungs with that, Her majestic grace, that grace that will melt tried soldiers, Her unbridled smile, infinitely better when shining untamed, Royal arrogance falls apart, shield of the angel of angels, In my arms I held an angel, and danced the world away.

Dead Storm
It rained, not gently, but poured, And ground, where earthly, was scoured, Skies broke, loud thunder, heaven's wrath, Like smoke, ripped asunder, cloudy path, She screamed, truly cowed, little comfort, Neptune fumed, darkly frowned, stopped short, With will, and grace, clouds cleared, Loud spill, raindrop race, ever feared, Little girl, smiled again, sun's warm, Tranquil lull, to gain, stopped storm.

Exam Fever
No jokes and stern faces all around, No hoax, reading without a sound, Mental machinery well oiled and tried, Never did books get so much attention, All sounds of any revelry have long died, Save for a few pockets of pure resignation. Cramming works if nothing else will, Reading works but only with strong will, Review and practice, the best friends now, To answer the when, why, what and how, Lecturers are sadists who set out of range, Students find out that study is not strange. Rarely you'll see the timeless frolicking now, Even romantic anxieties must be put on hold, As study heat makes sweat trickle down brow, Even the timid with lecture notes must be bold, 'tis the time when all come down with great fever, Which we know will end with either pass or failure.

When I think of the little things each day, Those things that make me want to stay, When I think of those small joys of ours, I pray for us they will last endless hours, When I think of what we've held together, You and me we've braved the weather, When I think of all that life promises us, In this flight always travelled first class, When I think of you and what we share, How two people can have so much care, When I think of how completely I love you, And know for sure that you love me too, When I think of these things I have noted, I surely find myself getting rather excited.

Fortress Afrika
They came in their armed millions, Europe marched upon us in strength, They brought forth mindless minions, Black like us yet we will fight at length, They came with all sorts of weapons, America rode high with her arrogance, Many a former slave their uniform dons, Intent of slaughter albeit with ignorance. We did not scatter or go about in fear, Neither did we bear thought of treaties, For again they want what we hold dear, Our freedom, lands will not be trophies, We found no help we could cleanly seek, No friend aids with no strings attached, Thus for Afrika we would all united speak, Defend ourselves before we are attacked. We gathered forces and made formations, They matched that with vilest provocations, We marched up to the very coasts of living, With no thought of loss, only sure of winning, Overhead the air forces clashed and fought, Jet planes rained down like a hellish torment, For mercy and concession we had no thought, Love for freedom for these bricks was cement.

Friday Night
There's always something about the night, That falls at the very end of the work week, An aura of reckless abandon pervades all, That the pious and principled watch in awe, Yes, Friday night sees the ghosts awaken, Fiends of decadence that died on Monday. I love sitting back and enjoying the prospect, The free entertainment from those who drink, Finding seeming angels in the depths of sin, It serves me well in remaining true to myself, Though this must be such conceited devotion, Best love solitude than such soiled fellowship. They are always there with their brown bottles, Soon inebriated to the point of messy delirium, They always tear all the notices on Friday night, And sleep off headaches when God brings light, Contraceptives sell like the idiomatic hotcakes, It is true that conception rates are highest then. There's always something about that night, That falls at the very end of the work week, Yes, Friday night sees them ghosts awaken, Fiends of decadence that will die on Monday.

Modern technology is most unpredictably annoying, This new dynamism is as expensive as it is vexing, These were my sentiments or those of mine office, Till I discovered the General Packet Radio Service, That I could access the internet from my new phone, Phone I spent an arm and a leg to get my hands on, That this IT pastime could be enjoyed for a few cents, From checking the mail to chatting about past events, So easy that I cast furtive glances around me to check, For the catch, fine print and the fiscal strings of wreck, What the fleecing cybercafs must be cursing deeply, Is this joy of browsing from phone as profit falls steeply, To those wizards who thought up this stroke of genius, A standing ovation for GPRS, the first lifesaver in years.

It is said that if you are so inclined, To devour an animal called a swine, Then by all means you have supplied, Make a hearty meal with finest wine. If you have your pretty dame in hand, And your intent is noble as it is kind, Then make the wedding very grand, For this is best wisdom you will find. For everything you decide worth doing, Say I with conviction do it with your all, For the wise are never sick of saying, If you're set on building build great hall. Always keep your actions ahead of words, Never make promises you will fail to keep, As your intentions must fly to height of birds, So must your executions always dive as deep.

He is here
Look for Him in the breath that is wind, See glorious smile in the heart of sun, Look for Him ever when you've sinned, Find love that rests in no heart of man, Look for Him in mighty roar of thunder, See His hand in the flash of lightning, Look for Him when plans fall asunder, When all effort seems near breaking, Find Him also in your moments of joy, When life seems like it can't be better, Find Him as you carry your fruits of toil, Thank Him always now and never later.

Hope was never slight

There was light, light worthy of sight, Not that is was dark before that flight, Where dimness reigned suddenly turned bright, And the expectation, the hope was never slight. From broken tears to more shattered fears, Up in the skies the dark night sunlight clears, Loud songs of joy in tongues that reach all ears, And the hopeful moment, that outlasted years. Which must be forgotten last, of these things? The great hope of what could be still stings, Perhaps the light itself, distant warmth it brings, Yes, the deception was, and hope was never slight.

I Had None
While you savoured the best of life, Went about blissfully with little strife, While you had not a cause for alarm, I had much in life that meant me harm. While you slept soundly with not a stir, With settled mind of no thoughts astir, While your heart was calm and serene, I had no peace, no carefree joy within. While you had liberty to make and break, Spoilt for choice and free the best to take, While you had not a care about affection, I was bound and chained by sweet affliction. While your hopes were met with great fortune, No dashed expectations or broken dreams, While you had all the love you could ever want, I merely looked upon life sorely, for I had none.

I saw the Cricket

There's a sound that will always cause me awe, A rich and sharp sound that permeates dwellings, It may be annoying or captivating but never a bore, And it lives for the night away from all daily tellings, The source of the chorus is cause for much quest, Its teasing nature merely adds to a general unrest, Here and there and indeed everywhere it is heard, Next second it's in a direction very wide off the first, Which I find brings a situation that is truly most sad, That the cricket sits pretty and knows he'll laugh last. While we anxiously plan our next intelligent move, Ability to out-think this trickster we have to prove, The cricket is blissfully unaware of these intrigues, He sits motionless, resting from the day's fatigues, And while we think he must be as fast as a bullet, That little rogue ventriloquist won't let out his secret.

When we reach one more hurdle in life, That stands astride the road as strife, Do we then run incontinently at trouble? Hoping that somehow we won't stumble, Do we then lash out angrily at nothing? And spend the rest of time busy cursing? When we reach a schism in our run alone, Barred by discontinuity of no humble size, Do we resign to fate and fall swiftly inside? Hoping for that elusive divine intervention? Do we then abandon all hope and turn back, That we have found adversity insurmountable? Come now, life has only just begun for you, Gather your wits about you and will in you, Dwarf that hurdle in mind and see beyond, Where trench lies hold breath and JUMP!

Just a Thought
I have seen a heart so very kind, That it must be of purest gold, I have seen a patience so blind, That for all trespass it will hold, I have heard laughter so sweet, That from angels it must come, I have met a mind so full of wit, Though it irks it means no harm, This is what I know I have seen, In many places that I have been. I have seen a soul so very cold, That surely to all love it is blind, I have seen unkindness so bold, That must be foreign to mankind, I have heard a cackle of pure evil, That with demons it must dwell, I have met with minds so uncivil, They must abide in depths of hell, This is what I know I have seen, In many places that I have been.

I heard of the Hindu and Buddhist teaching, That what we do in this and previous lives, Will determine largely what lies ahead of us, I heard of the Hindu and Buddhist teaching, Wondered about this idea of reincarnation, Wondered about the existence of predestiny, I heard of the Hindu and Buddhist teaching, These kind predestinarians and vegetarians, And imagined there is some capitalism there, I heard of the Hindu and Buddhist teaching, Do we do good deeds and live in peace only, Because we know for sure we are in so doing, Investing in a future both enviable and elegant? I heard of the Hindu and Buddhist teaching, And in spite of its role in righting this ill world, I thought it had some strong element of self in it, I heard of the Hindu and Buddhist teaching, No doubt I will hear of it again..............Karma.

Keep Smiling
Keep smiling my love, let out your glow, Keep smiling my love, let that joy show, Keep smiling girl, bare that dental row, If we don't see your joy, how'll we know? Keep laughing my queen, giggles sweet, Keep laughing my queen, none minds it, Keep laughing girl; grant your soul a treat, If you don't show your joy, how'll we see it? Ever keep your happiness my darling girl, Ever keep your spirit alive my lovely pearl, Ever keep in mind life is the greatest of all, If you don't bear joy, how'll we love you dull.

Life is Better
Life is good when you stumble, For you know for sure you won't fall, Life is good when you mumble, For eventually you'll have to tell it all, Life is good with its great hardness, To grasp what's tender must take you time, Life is good when there's sadness, To find sweetness when you've had lime! Life is better on the steps of life, When you know you can take one at a time, Life is better in the valley of strife, To know each morning is but hopeful chime, Life is better when out in the cold, To long for that great warmth of a loving hug, Life is better with a heart of gold, When you give and give yet carry empty bag, Life is better when you know the truth, When you feel so good that you will be missed, Life is better with the love bug's tooth, To keep the mistletoe under which you kissed.

Life is Good
We all have our insecurities and fears, We all have things about us we think, If we could would change for the better, For that social acceptance we crave. Most have been victims of their friends, Perhaps of stinging and unkind words, That make us feel so utterly wretched, Leave us dejected for time and while. But take a walk in solitude and draw in, The sights and sounds of God's creation, Beautiful trees and smiling sun all for you, That you can see, smell, taste and touch! Lock yourself in your little world and see, That in truth life is sweet and no mistake, Perceived inadequacies seem best trivial. It seems to me that we can well decide, What we hold most important in heart, And show others who try to kill our joys, Life they think wretched is well guarded, By the simplistic mantra: 'Life is Good' None will ever be friendless and alone, For God, trees and sun know love alone.

Marched In Their Footsteps

It was in the most dark of the nights, And all around me blood flowed fast, Men cried in the most ghastly manner, This to me had long ceased to amaze, I was numb to all the pain and despair, Though like every soldier on this zone, There was no place in my life for fear, Cowards deserved a bullet in the back. Morning rose deep behind enemy lines, None comrade alive could I spy for miles, Then I realized I was for once all alone, In a foreign land full of murderous foes, Murderous foes that we had borne fire to, And left in our wake a wasteland of death, Surely I was doomed to capture or worse, But I did not falter nor was I going to hide. I found fresh tracks that led to enemy camp, Far behind the frontline on the wrong side, With my gun held ready and my mind steady, I began a grand one-man march with pride, Suicidal it may be but I would not fall alone, Upon the camp I descended with grenades, And without waiting I unleashed hail of bullets, There deep in their lines we danced with fire, A dance that for this soldier, ended honorably.

There's one thing about Mom we all know, Whose truth even a few minutes will show, If there's someone close to perfect in life, Then by every measure it's a father's wife, When we are young Mom can do anything, Then we find out slowly she's fairly human, But later when we sit and think of everything, We find that Mom must still be superhuman, Mom is the undisputed master of arithmetic, She always balances the domestic economy, And with her accounting skills simply fantastic, She'll manage to import enough for the colony, You might procure weapons of mass despair, But Mom will put an end to all unrest and war, What's broken she'll find means to well repair, Even during recession you'll find goods galore, Mom will inject hope where none should exist, Be there through the trial and every sentence, Of your need she'll more or less know the gist, For Mom can see through the greatest pretence.

It is one thing to be important, Have others at beck and call, But truly is quite another want, Something not to go on at all, Without your presence or will, For activity to come to a stall, Unless your advice you instill, If I may say so, there's a spoil. It is one thing to be required, Like some dispensable lackey, Your absence not be inquired, For progress you aren't the key, That which is honestly refreshing, Is to be completely irreplaceable, That you simply can't be leaving, 'cause to lose you is unbearable.

Would it be best if we lived an easy life? Where crops grew of their own accord, And fowl fell from the skies ready grilled, Would it be best if we lived an easy life? Where lovers found each other at once, And wealth was in plenty for the picking, Would it be best if we lived an easy life? Where natural resources lasted forever, And gold just popped out of the ground, Would it be best if we lived an easy life? Where machines did all our work for us, And no pains and disease were known, We would all be nonchalant and bored, Grow lazy and loose any sense of God, Truly, would it be best if we lived that life?

Of Wells and Water

I've always been fascinated by wells, Be they of oil, water or witches' spells, I've always been fascinated by water, Not only when God's sun gets hotter, The bucket swings in darkness to and fro, We take fore granted that we'll always draw, On that day when the noisy splash we miss, Oh, that day will see dryness in the chalice, Down goes the bucket deeper than usual, Gradually alarm replaces smile so casual, And with that deep and sonorous sound, The bucket breaks in half upon the ground, I've always been fascinated by wells, To wish upon, drink from or beautify, I've always been fascinated by water, We never miss it till the well runs dry.

One Thing
It's one thing to think a woman is beautiful, But quite another to make her feel beautiful, It's one thing to fall in love with that woman, But quite another to win her teasing heart, It's one thing to be sure of your own feelings, But quite another to make her sure of hers, It's one thing to be very hopelessly in love, But quite another to satisfactorily prove it, It's one thing to be excited about nothing, But quite another to get company for this, It's one thing to have all sorts of dreams, But quite another to make them realities, It's one thing to cry about some sad movie, But quite another to live a real heartbreak, It's one thing to sit and watch from the fence, But quite another to try it out for yourself, It's one thing to know a truth with all mind, But quite another to show it's not the usual lie, It's one thing to believe in principle and virtue, But quite another to always be true to these, It's one thing to have a plan held inside you, But quite another to sell it whole to another.

Ever heard the heartbeat of the wind? Or seen the million smiles of the rain? Ever gone on without looking behind? Or done a favor with nothing to gain? Ever been so happy that you even cry? Or felt so warm you could bask in ice? Ever done what you feared to even try? Or found in life we are spoilt for choice? Well I have done all this and lots more, Learnt each day is bliss is new guise, That life is good and will be evermore, And God's earth holds indeed paradise. Seek to give out more than you take in, But find that place where you'll keep joy, Seek to store more calm than war within, But let not your gentle nature foes employ, Seek to love more than you are beloved, But guard your heart from blinding cheat, Seek to keep friends that foes be halved, But remember that parting is bitter-sweet, Seek to miss water when well is still full, But heed well oceans met on Mars demise, I sought these things and seek many still, Yet God's earth indeed seems paradise.

Wait a while and catch your breath, Do not go about with such a hurry, Hold your horses and let them rest, A rolling stone what moss will carry? Men live life with a maddening rush, Women live it quite annoyingly slow, Surely why lose moments in a flash? That can be savoured and let to grow. The world isn't going to go anywhere, Round and round so you can catch it, Slow down and don't run everywhere, Life is lovely when you stop to watch it.

There's that love that you really appreciate, And there's love that would rather be hate, Hidden subtleties they be very hard to detect, But actual intended meaning they well dictate. There's smiles that make you all warm within, And smiles that may well be contortion of skin, Cover lies they always give off a golden sheen, Always trying to look real where truth has been. There's kindness that you think is very sweet, And kindness that speaks - you don't hear it, It's like goodness falling into a bottomless pit, You might seek grace but it doesn't quite fit. There's lots of things you might keep in mind, Yet lots more that you feel are of inferior kind, Reach for the stars you'll lose what's in hand, Won't matter much 'cause you thought it bland.

Hold a prisoner and firmly grill him, With devices of torture at your whim, Though you captured a lowly trooper, Expect him to reveal the entire caper, Here's a woman reported to our station, With a tale of some beast who raped her, Though she is all tears she must mention, All the graphic details and her character, Government money available for the poor, All they must do is apply formally in writing, Of course we assume English they endure, Enough to understand what is in the offing, Some questions they serve little to ask, For to answer them is an unnerving task, Yet we must insist upon their pursuit such, That I believe we must be asking too much.

There's a reason for every noise, And a story behind its very pause, There's little in the way of choice, As to how much quiet life can cause, Now 'tis the little boy slamming doors, Then that little girl fancies a scream, Though you might even try make laws, Peace and quiet remain twin dreams, You may think of a lovely warm noon, With book in hand and shade of tree, But all this will end uncommonly soon, One man, two dogs or chickens three, Four pots, five pans and a madman, Enough noise to wake even the dead, There's little in the way of any choice, As to the amount and time of any noise.

Friendships are very great treasures to have, For the clay blocks in us features they carve, Who but a friend stands our self-importance? And understands it as a need for acceptance, Who but a friend will bring out the best in us? Help us realize abilities that have lain useless, Who but our friends will be blind to our idiocy? Look upon with pure kindness in our naiveties, Friendships are very great treasures to have, In making us alive a great purpose they serve. Salt is the single most useful gift of the earth, Without this seasoning who needs the hearth, For salt is the very enjoyment of all our food, Cook is judged by whether the salting is good, Even we are taught to be the salt of the earth, To make ourselves useful and justify our birth, Once food is served we are wont to add salt, The absence of this might lead to a dinner halt, Salt is the single most useful gift of the earth, For years it was helpful even wounds to bath.

A little competition doesn't hurt, In fact it promotes any given art, When stakes are always rising, You can never be sure of winning, Well little competition doesn't hurt, Though little aids a conflict to avert, When stakes are constantly rising, It is inevitable there will be fighting, But think of the benefits we accrue, With competition there's fair pricing, Surely lets all give the devil his due, Monopolies survive through extorting, Benefits small but demerits are many, When we say we must win at any cost, Deceit, espionage and blatant anarchy, Through this rat race humanity has lost, Think of the much touted dating game, Which turns humans into living trophies, To be won and paraded for pure fame, Respect and concern it surely atrophies, A little competition might not do damage, Unless we happen to be quite paranoid, Surely some rivalry we can well manage, And its illest effects we very easily avoid.

Sights and Sounds

I sometimes wish I was a bird of prey, That I should feel heaven when I pray, Soaring through the warmest thermals, No crazy flapping like some wild animal. Would that I was the king of jungle beasts, In loveliest savanna I would savour feasts, Roaming fearless past great vistas would, Grant me joys that no human creation could. It might interest man to one day be a woman, To feel for once as target of infatuation does, And notice the small things that few men can, Yet how much fun if woman gets all man has, It seems to me that these two switches might, Finally allow humans to treat each other right.

Space - 1
Have you ever stared in wonder? At stars shining bright miles above, That they should hold secret grandeur, Beyond reach of any means we have. Well I have gazed upon the heavens, Wondrous worlds waiting to be found, Full of good creatures or fell heathens, Perhaps silent worlds that know not sound. These unknown places long held my mind, Long I sought some means to seek them, For said I, 'what grand treasures I might find', Till finally I built the legendary ship Seekem. Seekem was small in size and also weight, For only two would board with their freight, But Seekem always travelled fast as light, Those distant stars were soon full in sight.

Space - 2
Seekem covered light years in moments, Fleeting moments of piercing black space, Fearful and hopeful we made no comments, As we went along at this maddening pace. Sun we left far behind and passed her equals, Even greater stars that could scorch winter, These we saw through three large portholes, Some grew brighter while others grew darker, Yet we only stopped after several long hours, And Earth was at a distant corner from ours. We landed on a world that glowed scarlet, In fields that rightly seemed to be quite alive. Here we met creatures vile, maybe violent, That had such a coming and going as a hive. 'Hello kind sir', we inquired of the nearest, Requested all manner of assistance ready, 'By all means strangers' quoth he with zest, Though his English was a touch unsteady. So was it that we came such distance long, Through spaces wide and darkness solid, Unwittingly in great circle to land in throng, Of the vile creatures we had long forgotten, Very destructive creatures with fingers ten, We found the redness of sunset on nature, Very world that we had left to seek better.

Take Time
Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take time time time time time time time time to to to to to to to to think, to relish inner conversation. be silent, if only to avoid consternation. rest, to momentarily put it all down. sigh, to resign yourself to something. be glad, to have a joy in heart. share, to give and grant with will. be good, to do a noble deed each day. live, and to always know life is good.

That Time
There comes a time in life, When you have to say goodbye, There comes a time in life, When you will face your fears and cry, That time will come in life, Though I know for sure you'll try, That time will come in life, When some joy will have to die. There was lots of goodness shared, Greatest love in both hearts bared, Though smiles showed how you cared, There's sorrow waiting round the bend, Yes, all good things must meet an end.

That's just me
You might love to always have some blaring sound, You might wish some friends would come around, You might do this....nay, you will, and it bothers me, I don't blame you for it because that's just me, You might see no sense in reading a good novel, You might see no fun in building an aircraft model, You might do this; I insist it must offend me, I don't blame you for it because that's just me, You might find it foolish to take long walks, You might think it weird to have private talks, You might do this, I expect you will, it ails me, I don't blame you for it because that's just me, You might wonder at the point of endless writing, You might conclude it to be a madman's liking, You might do this, I wish you well but it irks me, I don't blame you for it because that's just me.

The Beat
Rhythm is a hard thing to attain, The process can be quite a pain, For melodious repetition to work, Making the chirp fit within the bark, Drums of war must blend with jingle, These in harmony to make me tingle, Our feet must cry out for a cool dance, Even a cat might fancy a proud prance, When skilled composer lets out the beat, None within the precincts would rather sit, The girl in pretty dress has loveliest smile, The boy in fancy suit wants to ask her while, Everyone is looking dandy and feeling great, Truth is some are drunk and can't walk straight, But pounding drums fill all hearts with fair light, That makes them care little of worldly trivialities, Sweet instrumentals worked out through night, In Fruity Loops and several other techno-utilities, Coupled with live sounds of keyboard and band, That feeling is enough to make us brave the cold, Forget time to revel in complete reckless abandon, With megawatt speakers blaring out that addiction, It's Saturday night and just like a deviant slave master, The music pounds merciless on the slaves of the beat.

The Last Glance

I know I tried, God knows I did, All for naught, the things I did, Not one fault, that we didn't bear, Not one dispute that went unsolved. I know you lied, God knows you did, All for what? The things you did, Not one thought, that you didn't care, Not one pursuit that you left untried. I thought we would never be apart, I imagined ours was a love eternal, Everything felt way better than right, Yes, everything that you put in sight. You stayed for you and not for me, You looked ahead for a new love, Everything was part of your plans, Yes, everything was part of your fun. Now I must begin again with no sun, Now I must face again the cold I fled, And as my replacement takes over, I must cast a final glance and leave.

This Time
There will come a time in life, When your dreams will all come true, There will come a time in life, When you'll see that life's not blue. That time will come when sun will shine, And even darkness moon will shun, That time will come of hope and peace, When life will feel light as the wind's kiss. Many doubts had lingered long and low, Many hopes seemed dashed down below, Yet time must come when like new dawn, Golden sun will shine upon the lovely morn. Endless tunnel and bottomless pit deep, Find light and firmness to great relief, And where it seemed that life was sorry, There it is that we'll find naught to worry.

The grand master of the universe I know, Not a gentleman of suit and courtly bow, The master who is and perhaps will always be, Set upon throne by God himself for all eternity, To march on and wait for not even kings, Miss his passing and not even borne on wings, Shall you gain again that favor, nor by faith, The grand master over all fair lands and climes, His image we bear in clock ticks and even chimes, His endless march of silence bears onward ever, Not for a moment even glancing back, never, Everything else falls by the wayside, But Time itself feels not these ebbs of the tide, Like a river in heaven there'll always be flow, That's the ruler of the world; that I know.

There's always a first time for everything, That unique experience in our memories, There's a first time to learn about death, That one can be gone never to come back, To be taught of the mortality of us humans, There's always that first time we found out. There's always a first time for everything, That unique experience in our memories, There's the first time you really fall in love, When you think of someone so constantly, And that person makes you feel drugged, There's always that first time we've fallen. There's always a first time for everything, That unique experience in our memories, There's that first time you really feel alone, When in your fear you were inconsolable, And those who left you become enemies, There's always that first time you were lost. There's always a first time for everything, That unique experience in our memories, Never do we forget our own breaking out, The first time you earned your own money, The first time you lived on your own money, The first time you really knew your destiny, There's always a first time for everything, That unique experience in our memories, That we cherish and remember for life.

There's a hand inside my pocket, That I am quite certain is not mine, That hand reached for her locket, And it sent chills down her spine, There's a shadow by my doorstep, A sinister shadow that carries away, It does not run but has a brisk step, Almost suggests the caster is at play. There's a dark shape lurking at night, That we feel as a sudden chokehold, It gives the women such a cold fright, That forcefully makes a man a cuckold, There's a knife hidden close by there, That suddenly finds a back to sink into, There's so much that hides everywhere, That nights must live with a death or two. There is a trail of blood where it has been, But until the fortieth day it remains unseen.

World Turns
You have been hurt and in misery you suffer, Against the elements you've lost your buffer, I know that your burning pain is all but brief, But the world never will stop for your grief. Face the darkness with bravest face, Race the sorrow at a joyful pace, Chief among aims is to make the sadness brief, Stiff world does not bend for your grief. Many before have lost more or less, Might be a soul or a simple game of chess, Always remember this one wisdom of life, Hard world will not cry for your grief. God will guide you through yourn travails, But to coddle you little armour He avails, For He loves but wishes you to be wise, Cold world is never warm for your grief.

American F-22s dropped death on Russian soil, Russian Su-37s rained destruction on US territory, The ICBM and SLBM wars saw nuclear missions, That left the whole world dead or sick with radiation, Chinese troops walked over into Taiwan with ease, Then swarmed into Japan like the hungriest locusts, Asia was ablaze with bombs and the sound of guns, Europe was neither spared nor could sit on the fence, Russia and China reliving past communist alliances, Marched upon an Europe allied to strong superpower, With both the vacuum grenade and poisonous gases, Communist numbers gave Europe the great challenge, Africa and the south of the Americas thought in vanity, Prayed that this was a distant war of their mighty lords, But to their dismay they found out soon enough frankly, Collateral damage includes their poverty-laden millions, The earth choked in poisonous gases and more evil rays, Nothing would grow anywhere and health was eradicated, God Himself in heaven cried out in his great love for man, Humanity had finally advanced itself to grand annihilation. But all was not lost in those dark times of World War Three, Not every soul was snuffed out by the great cloud of soot, There existed joy and hope in the hearts of a bunkered few, Not hidden in caves or tunnels in desperation but Yamantau, Russia's secret mountain of mystery held the future of man.

You Can't Tell

It's It's It's It's It's It's It's It's hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard to to to to to to to to tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell if you're really liked, or someone's just being polite, if we love the truth, or just don't know the art of lying, we might be wrong, if we think we are always right, when the offer's good, if we are sure we ain't buying. when you start to reach, 'cause no one lets you know, which course to take, none signs the wind is blowing, what height you have, when you're always feeling low, what progress made, not sure of where you're going.

You can never tell if the water's hot, save by dipping in your fingers, You can never tell what can't be done, save by setting forth and trying, You can never tell your wish came true, if in you some fear still lingers, You can never tell why an act was done, if you find no means of asking, You can't tell between gold and silver, if you're blinded by your greed, You can't tell why things seem strange, save by seeking to understand, You can't tell when the sun will shine; God knows that very well indeed, What you can tell is how much you care, and by that you'll always stand.

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