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Teacher: Mr.


Date: March 4 - April 12, 2013 Short Stories through Various Mediums

Subject English Resources

Grade 11

Timeframe 10 classes: 75 minutes

Context 19 students - Mini

- Video: 1985-09-15 - Sherlock Holmes - The Resident Patient - 50min - Viewpoints textbook - Video Greatest Bank Robbery Ever< watch?v=A2Rkn6qTY7E> - Video Brazen Vancouver convenience store robbery caught on tape <> - Video fail robbery in Vancouver canada 05/06/2012 <http://> - Music: A Good Man Is Hard To Find - Sufjan Stevens - Text: Hand outs of A Good Man Is Hard To Find by Flannery OConner - Text: Hand outs of A Resident Patient - Music: Bjork - Cosmonogy Students will: - make connections between the ideas and information presented to them in literary and mass media works and their own experiences. - demonstrate a willingness to take a tentative stance, tolerate ambiguity, explore multiple perspectives and consider more than one interpretation. - read, both collaboratively and independently, to comprehend a wide variety of literary texts, including traditional forms from Aboriginal and other cultures - support their opinions. - adjust their form, style, tone and language to suit specific audiences. - clarify and focus their topics to suit their purposes and audiences - assess their own and others work for sentence clarity, precision of language use, and variety and artistry of expression - use appropriate criteria to critique and appraise their own and others ideas, use of language, and presentation forms, taking into consideration the purposes of the communications - demonstrate a willingness to accept and provide constructive criticism and feedback to improve the clarity, meaning and style of their communications. - create a variety of academic, technical and personal communications, including multi-genre presentations, articles, formal reports, advertising and persuasive materials, resumes and research papers.


to see what is questionable H. D. Gadamer

Teacher: Mr. Ghahremani Rationale

Date: March 4 - April 12, 2013

In this Unit, the students will read and explore a number of short stories within different contexts. Many of the stories will be studied with regards to their adaptation in other forms of representation. Students will consider music as an alternative medium to convey a narrative. Most young people are attracted to music, yet rarely do we explore music as a medium for story telling. While looking closely at a number of songs which advance a specific narrative, students will discuss the literary form of lyric and its use beyond the common love song. Similarly, students will take a close look at film, its limitations and advantages, in relating a textual work. In this way, they will compare the different stylistic and formal choices of the text author and their translation in film. By familiarizing themselves with a few techniques used in film, they will compare literary devices which have the same eventual effect on the audience/viewer/reader. The subject of media, also, will be covered in this unit, emphasizing its influence on young people. Different forms of media and their affective influences will be closely studied in an attempt to develop the critical skills necessary for analyzing the effects of media. This would especially be relevant to grade 11 students who are at an age in which they can seriously begin to analyze the social forces that may influence their day to day decisions. For their final project, students are to write their own short story. Throughout the unit, students will be looking for clues and inspirations in the assigned readings for their own creative work. They will consider the different stylistic choices and literary devices that the different authors employ, not only to learn them in theory, but in an effort to practically apply them. To gain the necessary skills and to develop confidence, students will be peer editing each others drafts throughout the unit. They are to give and receive feed back regarding both writing skills but also the skills required to compose a gripping and compelling story. Students will discuss what makes a story interesting and effective and try to apply their findings both to their own work and the work of their peers. In addition to the written story, students are to compliment their text with an artistic representation. The aim of this aspect of the assignment is to encourage the students to expand their horizon when it comes to the tools available to them in conveying a narrative. They are encouraged to find new ways with which they can express their ideas. To this end, students will be shown a number of different artistic alternatives which other authors have employed to relate their story. Another aim is to explore with students how the complimentary artistic aspect will indefinitely go beyond merely complimenting the work, but rather adding new meaning to the original story. Thus, as the final projects are being presented, the students who are observing the presentations are asked to give feedback with respect to how the artistic aspect adds new meaning to the textual work.

to see what is questionable H. D. Gadamer

Teacher: Mr. Ghahremani Lessons

Date: March 4 - April 12, 2013 Outline - Expectations - Outline - Sign out books - Activity: analyzing multiple flash fictions in groups - Twist - Guiding questions for the Shivering Tree reading - Roger Grays visit - Cosmology - Bjork - A Good Man is Hard to Find booklets and questions - Bjork - Cosmology - discussing myths and how they serve as an educational method - exploring different creation myths and their implications - Guiding questions for the Good Man reading - Sufjan Stevens - A Good Man is Hard to Find - Activity: Exploring story telling in different mediums. Discussing the advantages of telling a story through song - Extension: drawing the grandmother - Stock / Stereotyped - Guiding questions for A Television Drama reading - activity: exploring the social commentary aspect of the story and analyzing the effects of media AB pairing - Talk about writing assignment (rubric) - Direct Characterization: the old lady - Indirect Characterization: the thief - Guiding questions for Resident Patient reading - Essay: students will have the entire period to work on their essays - Students have been given 4 possible options, 3 of which they will presented with on this date, to encourage them to prepare for at least 2 topics - Hand out resident patient and writing assignment

1. Introduction

2. The Shivering Tree

3. A Good Man is Hard to Find

4. A Television Drama

5. Essay - Literary Analysis

to see what is questionable H. D. Gadamer

Teacher: Mr. Ghahremani

Date: March 4 - April 12, 2013

6. Writing

- Writing assignments first draft is due - Work on drafts: focus on literary techniques and devices - Activity: Peer-editing - using the outline to mark each other - Hand back essays: Review of where the class could improve - Activity: 3-step interview: focusing on different stylistic techniques and their contribution to the narrative - Narration and Perspective - Life of mammals - guiding questions about short stories. Watching a bit of the movie adaptation - activity: comparing and contrasting the original story with the movie adaptation. - A look at devices used in film that echo those of prose - Character foil - Guiding questions for the Seek Their Meat reading - Students will read their story to the class, present their artistic compliment and describe its relevance - Students will read their story to the class, present their artistic compliment and describe its relevance - Extension activity: especially for block B: Writing a piece of micro fiction/flash-fiction

7. Do Seek Their Meat from God

8. The Resident Patient

9. Story readings and presentations I 10. Story readings and presentations II

to see what is questionable H. D. Gadamer

Teacher: Mr. Ghahremani

Date: March 4 - April 12, 2013

Assessment Quizzes: - 5 Questions Each - Marked out of 5 ROARS: - As per ROARS rubric In-Class Literary Analysis Essay (March 14th) - 5 paragraph: opening, 3 body, conclusion - 3 options to choose from - must analyze one of the stories we have studies Artistic Compliment to the Short Story: (Due April 10 - beginning of class) This can take any art form, either a painting, a song, a 3D object/sculpture, a video, a mine-craft, other computer generated medium, or any form of art to enhance the narrative. Students must demonstrate the relevance of the art with clarity during their presentation. Creative Writing: Short Story (First Draft Due April 2nd - beginning of class) (Final Draft Due April 10th - beginning of class) - as per Rubric - typed; MLA style

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- If students are eager to read a specific story that they have in mind, it can be added or replaced by another - More class time can be dedicated to the planing and composing of short stories if needed

to see what is questionable H. D. Gadamer

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