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Group members: Saravanan Ming Sen Guo Hong

What we will be covering today

Concept of possibility Can we save the environment? What measures can we take? (legislation, education, innovation & technology, individuals behaviour) How feasible are the solutions? Economic development vs. environmental protection What is sustainable development?

Concept of possibility
Can we save the environment?
It is not about whether we can save environment it is rather what we should do to save the environment. If we disrupt the temperature balance and precipitation patterns of our current environment, it will make it more difficult to grow food leading to the starvation of millions more. If we pollute our groundwater with chemicals, then we will be forced to drink chemicals and probably live much shorter lives. If our air is polluted, we will be forced to breathe it all day every day, again leading to drastically shorter and much uglier lives. We waste trillions treating otherwise preventable respiratory illness. Many studies have also linked pollution (ground or water) to a decrease in brain function; this would be exacerbated by poor nutrition brought on by less agricultural productivity.

Causes of Environmental Degradation

What measures can we take? (legislation, education, innovation & technology, individuals behaviour) How feasible are the solutions?
Recycling Recycling can decrease the number of pollutants entering the atmosphere and has been linked to lessening global climate change. Decreasing the amount of raw materials an industry has to use to create new products slows the cutting down of trees and reduces gas emissions. Water Conservation

Conserving water saves money and protects water reserves for future use. Water is necessary to the environment and makes the land habitable for all living creatures. Each person can take measures to conserve water daily by turning off the sink when water is not being used or storing rain water for daily needs such as watering a garden.
Reduce Oil Dependence The world's dependence on oil causes serious harm to the environment. Electric cars replace vehicles with highly polluting internal combustion engines. Ethanol fuel, made from corn, reduces gasoline consumption.

Economic development vs. environmental protection

Economic activity, both production and consumption, relates to the environment in two fundamental ways -- we draw resources (both renewable and non-renewable) from the environment to produce goods and services, and we emit wastes into the environment in the process of both producing and consuming. Too often we think and act as if we were not part of nature. Rather than thinking of ourselves as nested in nature and dependent upon it, we think of ourselves as sitting on top of it, managing it. We think there is the human world and the natural world, and we forget that we are ourselves, with all our technology, part of nature. So what is the reality? What will happen to our industrial civilization if the supply of natural resources is constantly diminished relative to demand? The answer is obvious. Our prosperity will be threatened. And the solution is obvious. We must strive to obtain more goods and services from our finite supply of non-renewable resources, and we must protect -- from both extraction and waste impacts -- the natural productivity of our forests, fisheries, agricultural and range land, and other renewable resources.

What is sustainable development?

One final video

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