English MCQ

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The Portrait of a Lady (MCQ)

1. Her face was aurinkled running from everywhere to everywhere. The poetic device here is (Nilanshu Kumar) a. Metaphor b. Simili c. Alliteration d. Repetition 2. Why was grandmother disapproved about music lessons? (Anukul Chand) a. She thought it to be monopoly of harlots and beggars b. She thought it was not meant for gentle folks. c. Both the above d. None of these 3. Why was grandmother not even sentimental while leaving the narrator to the railway station for going abroad? (Prince Williams) a. She was very upset with her grandson. b. She did not want her grandson to become weak. c. She did not have any sympathy for her grandson. d. She was lost in prayer. 4. What breakfast did narrators grandma give to narrator before going to School? (Rishav Kumar Sinha) a. Chapattis and vegetables with some butter b. Chapattis and Ghee c. Stale Chapattis with little butter and salt spread on it. d. Stale Chapattis with little butter and sugar spread on it. 5. What was the turning point in the friendship between the author and his grandmother? (Abhishek Kumar) a. When grandmother fell ill. b. When author and grandmother shifted to the city. c. When author went abroad for higher studies. d. When grandma died

6. What did the poet like about her grandma the most? (Utkarsh Anand) a. Her teachings b. Her religious beliefs c. Her Voice d. Her loneliness 7. In which room grandfathers portrait was hung? (Saurabh Kumar) a. Dining room b. Bedroom c. Drawing Room d. None of these 8. According to grandmother what should be taught in the schools? (Arpit Kumar) a. About laws of gravity b. About Archimedes Principle c. About God and Scriptures d. None of these 9. Why did grandmother become unhappy when narrator went to English school? (Vimal Kumar) a. Because she didnt like the English school. b. Because she could not help him with his lessons. c. There was no teaching of god and scriptures. d. Both b and c 10.Why the sparrows didnt take notice of the bread? (Alok Kumar) a. They were not hungry. b. They had come to the funeral. c. The bread was stale d. None of these. 11.Why did grandmother always go to school with the narrator? (Rohan Jayesh) a. Because temple was attached to school. b. To feed the village dogs c. To hear the morning prayers. d. To leave the poet to the school.

12.What were the three ways in which narrators grandmother spent her days after he went to school? (Anurag) a. Reciting Prayers b. Feeding sparrows c. Spinning the wheel. d. All the above 13.What was the body appearance of grandmother? (Ashutosh Bharti) a. Tall, thin and straight. b. Tall, fat and totally bent. c. Short, fat and slightly bent. d. Short, thin and straight. 14.What used to be happiest half hour of grandmother? (Akshay Gupta) a. Spinning b. Teaching c. Feeding and chirruping birds. d. Reciting prayers. 15.What was the last sign of physical contact of grandmother with the narrator? (Santosh Kumar) a. When she kissed his forehead. b. When she showed emotions. c. Her sentimentation d. When she reached at station. 16.Her silver locks were scattered untidily over her pale, puckered face. Silver locks refer to (Mehul Kumar) a. Silver Jewellery b. Hair c. Silver coloured spectacles d. None of these 17.Her face puckered, one hand resting on her waist to balance her stoop and hair is grey. Grandma looks like a (Nilotpal Kumar) a. Turning point in friendship. b. The winter landscape in the Mountains c. Face with wrinkles d. Her hair was untidily scattered.

18.We lifted her off the bed and as is customary, laid her on the ground and covered her with red shroud. Customary means (Vivek Kumar Sharma) a. Break b. Custom c. Routine d. None of these 19.Why grandma used to go to the temple with narrator? (Aritra Ghoshal) a. To read scriptures b. Feed village cats c. Learn gravitation laws d. Eat chapattis 20.What made grandma happy in absence of narrator? (Aditya Anand) a. Sparrows b. Narrators mother c. Neighbours d. Television 21.Where was the portrait hung in the drawing room? (Shubham) a. Above television b. Above the mantelpiece c. Beside the window d. Below the tubelight 22.My Grandmother accepted her seclusion with resignation. What does seclusion mean? (Pritam Choudhary) a. Togetherness b. Isolation c. Happiness d. None of these 23.The sagging skin of the dilapidated drum. Dilapidated means (Prabhat Kumar) a. New b. Loose c. Old d. Good

24.Which of the following bird used to meet grandmother in her lonely times?(Sameer Matiari) a. Peacock b. Crow c. Sparrow d. None of these. 25.Following was not a feature in the personality of the narrators Grandfather (Mridul Ganga) a. He wore Turban b. He wore loose fitting clothes c. He had a long beard d. He had short beard 26.She carried several stale chapattis with her for the village dogs. These lines represent which character of grandmother? (Kumari Pallavi) a. Loneliness b. Sympathy towards animals c. Sadness d. All the above 27.Why did grandmother never shoo away the sparrows? (Nishita) a. Because she ignored them b. Because the sparrows were the only companions she had. c. Because she liked their chirruping d. Because she was busy counting the beads of her rosary. 28.She was like the winter landscape in the mountain What does this mean? (Bhavana) a. Grandmother had no complains and demands. b. Grandmother was happy and peaceful. c. Grandmother was old so she didnt move. d. Both a and b 29.What was the age of the author at the time of narrating the story? (Prerna Jha) a. 35 years b. 20 years c. 15 years d. 40 years

30.What was the happiest moment for grandmother in the city? a. Spinning wheel and reciting prayers. b. Time spent with sparrows c. Helping author with studies d. Both b and c 31.What was the turning point of the writer and his grandmothers friendship? (Rashmi Kumari) a. When he went up to university. b. When grandmother started spending time with sparrows. c. When they settled in the city. d. When the author got a separate room for studies 32.What was the thing that grandmother wanted to do before death? (Swati) a. To feed sparrows b. To talk to grandchildren c. To spin wheel d. To pray 33.The story The portrait of a lady is mostly about (Anmola) a. Mother b. Grandfather c. Father d. Grandmother 34.She said her morning prayer in a monotonous sing-song monotonous means (Nikita Sharma) a. Boring b. Sweet c. Lovely d. None of these. 35.Why had grandmother omitted to pray while she was ill? (Akanksha Aditi) a. She presumed her death was near. b. Everyone in the family was ignoring her. c. She did not want to waste her time in useless discussions. d. She did not want to spend time with her grandson

36.My grandmother accepted her seclusion with resignation. What does the narrator mean? (Sonal Shruti) a. Her grandmother accepted loneliness given by narrator and his parents. b. Grandmother went from the house. c. Grandmother didnt want to accept loneliness d. Grandson refused to accept her grandmother. 37.Grandmother was like an expanse of pure white serenity. The given statement tells that she was (Ankita) a. Humble b. Humane c. Calm d. Beautiful 38.When Narrators mother fetched bread for the sparrows after the death of grandmother the sparrows took no notice of the bread. Why? (Sonam) a. They werent hungry b. They had intimate relationship with the grandmother c. They wanted bread only from grandmother d. None of these 39.What did the priest teach narrator? (Priyanka) a. Alphabet and morning prayer b. Ved Mantra c. About humanity d. All the above 40.According to grandmother music is meant for (Ritu) a. Gentle Folk b. Grandson c. Monopoly of harlots and beggars. d. Girls

Made by the students of class XI A

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