Keyword: Quality Meat, Fuzzy Logic, Atmega32 Microcontroller

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Along with the increase in beef consumption society, making people who do not take advantage of the conditions responsible for selling unfit meat consumption on the ordinary people who are not informed about the characteristics of fresh beef only for their benefit. To anticipate this, created a tool that can determine beef quality traits based on the freshness of beef. This technology combines two types of sensors that is odor sensor (TGS2602) and a color sensor (DTSense Color Sensor) to determine the quality of beef. Decision-making in this tool using fuzzy logic. The tool that made it relatively small, using power from the battery making it easy to carry anywhere. The use of this tool is easy since only the sensor closer to the meat to be in check, then the data obtained in the micro-processed and displayed on the GLCD. Additionally the tool is also designed to be able to communicate serially with a PC for data recording. From the test results can be concluded that the tool has been created to detect the quality of local beef has a part outside and part has inside. Local beef has the proper outside and has consumed up to 17 hours after slaughter, the meat of the 18th hour is less suitable for consumption, at the 19 th meat was unfit for consumption and at the 20 th has been declared so rotten meat. Keyword : quality meat, Fuzzy Logic, ATmega32 microcontroller.

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