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What we can get in learning

10% 20% 30 % 50% 70% 80% 95% From what we read From what we listen From what we see From what we listen and see From what we discuss From what we experience From what we teach others

Study tips for getting good results in PMR

Find out what the examination questions ask for. Maintain a questioning state of mind in class when studying. Do the homework faithfully.

Plan a revision timetable on how you revise all your materials. When examination approaches , stick to your revision timetable. Dont be crippled with nerves, anxieties, stressed out and have butterflies in your stomach before the examinations.

Recall the information in the examination. Many examination questions are repeated. In the examination room, do read all the instructions on the examination paper.

Plan the examination answers, follow the steps. Watch out for the allocated time. Do those questions that you can do first.

Spend more time on weaker subjects or topics. Avoid being nervous or having feelings of anxiety before and during the examinations.

Be prepared for possible questions in the examination Concentrate when you are studying. Be motivated Answer all questions in the examination

Avoid getting mental blanks in the examination. Managing your time effectively so that you can have more spare time. Have a system to remember facts for example KISS ( keep it sweet and simple ) Be respected by your friends, family members and teachers by getting As.

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