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Southwestern National Service Conference Denver, 2013 Bob Shogren

National service provides an exceptional opportunity for Americans of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to serve their country and to develop a passion for service for a lifetime. This workshop will explore the current status of people with disabilities in America, provide a broad vision for building national service programs that celebrate diversity and inclusion, and will offer practical suggestion and strategies for how to build a national service program that invites diversity and inclusion from the ground up.


will be provided with a thumbnail overview of the current state of the state for people with disabilities in the US and will develop a new appreciation for the inclusion of people with disabilities Participants will develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for being intentionally inclusive instead of unintentionally exclusive. Participants will create a plan to strengthen and expand their inclusive service environments, practices and strategies.


U.S Bureau of Census and Statistics reports that 54 million people are living with some level of disability in our country. The UN estimates that there are one-half billion people with disabilities throughout the world.

For people with disabilities, many research studies validate the existence of wide gaps in almost every important quality of life measure. with disabilities are much more likely to be unemployed, underemployed, or homeless.



with disabilities are more likely to have difficulty accessing a quality education, affordable housing, adequate health care, child care, recreation, leisure, and public transportation.


of adults with disabilities live in households earning less than $15,000 as compared to 12% of those without. of people with significant disabilities between the ages of 18 and 64 are employed in contrast to 81% of all Americans.



with disabilities who have jobs are more likely to report job dissatisfaction and underemployment in low paying jobs than other Americans.


the year 2025, what basic assumptions will we make about the inclusion of people with disabilities?


basic assumptions do we make today about the inclusion of people with disabilities?

What is perceived to be a people problem is often a situation problem.

Often the heart and mind disagree. Fervently. Self-control is an exhaustible resource. When people try to change things, they tinker with behaviors that have become automatic. The bigger the change youre suggesting, the more it will sap peoples self control.


change behavior, youve got to change the situation got to influence hearts got to influence minds




side Holds the reins and seems to be the leader Hold is precarious; rider is small compared to the elephant Has crippling weaknesses; overanalyzes, over thinks, spins wheels Seeks long-term payoff


instinctive side Has enormous strengths; love, compassion, sympathy, loyalty Gets things done; energy


as the situation When you shape the path, you make change more likely, no matter what s happening with the rider and the elephant Whats measured moves


rider provides the planning and direction and the elephant provides the energy. When the rider and elephant disagree about which way to move, youve got a problem.


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