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No to cuts, closures and privatisation our health is not for sale

Save our NHS: demonstrate 29 Sept

Trade unions Unison and Unite have called a national demonstration in support of the NHS at the Tory Party conference in Manchester on 29 September. The TUC leader Frances OGrady and the GMB have also backed it. The Tories plans to privatise the the NHS will destroy public health care as we know it. The worlds largest private healthcare company, Hospital Corporation of America, , says it is looking to expand further into the NHS.
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Earlier this year, 25.000 people marched in Lewisham. Thousands marched in north and west London and 30.000 people marched in Stafford against closures and mergers of hospitals. We support the demonstration on 29 September and urge the unions to combine such protests with strikes, to call for more money for the NHS, and for private firms to be driven out of the health service.


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