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Hello I am chinese_mvp as you can see.

First I would like to say sorry for my english because I am chinese and I am horrible at english. Ok so here is introduction. I use Ahri as my main and I always defeat other Ahris that I fight against. They ask me why they lose and I tell them; my build is superior to their build. So now I write guide because I see so many people build Ahri wrong. Ahri can be a very destructive and overpowered champion if you build her good way.
This is good passive, it can help you stay in lane for a very long time. Be sure to count the counters on this spell, and also remember: ALWAYS USE Q WITH THIS PASSIVE!!! NEVER USE ANY OTHER SPELL!!! This is your spell for poking and last hitting and proc-ing your passive. The true damage on the way back is just overpowered and will tear squishies to shreds. I only use this skill for passive-counter building at the low levels. Later when I get higher level of this spell then it does more damage on low cooldown, so it can also help you kill. Use this spell to start teamfights and pick off people who are running away. This is like a triple Flash on a 60 second cooldown. The damage from this is OK but mainly use it to chase/run away.

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