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QUESTION BANK FOR 4th and 5th Units

PART-A 1. Why should the transmit and receive antenna be placed at far fields? 2. Write the two tools to predict the propagation of radio waves in complex environment? 3. State the disadvantage of the turnstile antenna. 4. List the design factors of Rhombic antenna. 5. Why is Log periodic dipole antenna (LPDA) called so? 6. State the two modes in which the helical antenna works. 7. What is meant by skip distance? 8. What is diffraction? 9. What are the factors that affect the propagation of radio waves? 10. What is meant by Faraday rotation? 11. Calculate the MUF for a critical frequency of 10MHZ and angle of incidence of 45O. 12. Write the two models of diffraction. 13. What is meant by Bay? 14. What is meant by frequency Independent antenna? 15. What are the applications of helical antenna?. 16. Mention any two important advantages of rhombic antenna. 17. What is meant by ionosode and ionogram? 18. Define receive pattern of an antenna. 19. Why should the transmit and receive antenna be placed at far fields? 20. Write the two tools to predict the propagation of radio waves in complex environment? PART-B 1 (a)With neat sketch explain the construction and operation of helical antenna 2 (i) Explain the principle and operation of Yagi-Uda antenna with neat diagrams. (ii) Discuss the gain measurement by comparison method with necessary block Diagrams. 3.(a)(i) Explain the terms (i) Optimum working frequency (ii) Duct propagation (iii)Virtual height (ii) Explain in detail, the effects of earths magnetic field. 4. Explain the mechanism of ionospheric propagation. How does the earth affect the ground wave propagation.

5(i)Discuss about the Spiral antenna with neat sketches. (ii) Explain about Microstrip Patch Antennas. 6(i) In detail discuss about the design of a Log periodic Dipole Array (provide diagrams and design equations) (ii) Write short notes on axial mode helical antenna 7. Discuss about models proposed for the wave propagation in complex environments. 8.Discuss about the calculation of Great Circle Distance between any two points on earth.

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