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If- clause

Type 0 Situation: the fact or theory which are always true. Example: If it is six oclock now, the sun shines. Type 1 Situation: something which is possible to happen in the future. Example: If I work hard in my academic result, I will have an improvement.

Type 2 Situation: something which is impossible to happen. Example: If I were you, I would take a rest after taking revision.

Put in the verbs in brackets and form Conditional sentences - type I or type II. Mind the negations.

Example: If Adam spoke Italian, he ________ (to work) in Italy. Answer: If Adam spoke Italian, he would work in Italy.

1) If Tracy had a mobile phone, she ___________________( phone) all her friends. 2) I _____________( be) very angry with Nick if he forgets my CD again.

3) If the boys ____________________( win) this match, their coach will invite them to a barbecue.

4) If you don't read these articles, you ___________________(not/to know) the facts about Africa. 5) You would get very wet if you _____________________( walk) in this rain. 6) The engine ________________________(not/to start) if Ben connected these two cables. 7) If he has time, he_________________________ ( buy) her some sweets. 8) Maria _____________________( play) in the school orchestra if she practiced the trumpet more often. 9) We won't fetch something to drink if Jim _______________________(not/to bring) some sandwiches. 10) If he _______________________( carry) the rucksack, I'd pull the suitcase.

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