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[Crosstalk] [Inaudible] See [inaudible] what is it? [Inaudible] Hold it diagonally, thats a good idea.

[Inaudible] Let me try it [inaudible] Teacher: Students: Will you tell me something? [Inaudible] First [inaudible] if you press it down it goes forward, press it, it goes back. Pump it twice it opens. [Inaudible]


Oh, I see that. [Inaudible] Why is he there? [Inaudible] [Inaudible] pictures and its older class, see Oh, Amber, my long lost friend.


Oh, Chris what are you doing [inaudible]?


This is your chair right? [Inaudible] This is so nice Im gonna cry. So what are you doing? [Inaudible] [Inaudible] All these ugly faces. [Inaudible] God, I hate that guy. Mr. Balls Im so scared of him. She made me go in the room with him by myself. Mr. Balls, hes talking about Mr. Balls. He turned the light off while I was in there, Im telling you, he touched me, just Like that, with his old nasty self. Now I know why [inaudible].

I want you to go in there, Im a lock you in there, remember that, hes gone come get you, Im serious Allen. Like your teasing [inaudible]. That mans a lie, hes acting all good [inaudible] whatever her name is, hold your breath, he acts all good in front her, hes really not. Right there, Mr. Balsy. Why are you doing it [inaudible]? Why are you doing it? [Inaudible]

Remember what Tyler said yesterday? [Inaudible] when we press the, pressed it Thats it; it does two things like it opens and close. Oops, Im sorry. It opens and closes the clasp and it goes. So, one can be for opening and closing the clasp and the other one can be for steering. Like you said, cause thats what we were doing at first. [inaudible] but it didnt work. Untie it please. Wheres the robot though? Its charging. Is it dead? Well, let it go then. [Inaudible] [Inaudible] Its low battery. [Inaudible]

[Inaudible] Oh, Im sorry. [Inaudible] Cause, I was yawning. [Inaudible] Teacher: Amanda, what were you saying needed to touch the ground?

Amanda: [Crosstalk] Amanda: [Crosstalk] Teacher

[inaudible] Allen, Tyler and I tested it yesterday, it was like um. Oh, wait you keep stepping on me. Sorry, um, it was like this was the ball and our clasp was up here And there up there and they cant reach [inaudible] then they fall. Its a problem too huh, so what are you thinking? Okay, so, that happens, so what are you thinking now? Well to lower them so they can touch, so they can be lowered, if there is something on the ground they can get them. Its too high, first of all, it needs to be lowered, we were thinking thats what we are going to do. The problem is, I was thinking, like yesterday, I was taking this and putting it under here that way itll be really low. [Inaudible] I took something off cause it cant attach with the rechargeable battery.


Teacher: [Crosstalk] Teacher:

Oh, I see, Like we had the problem with the legs, so, its not gonna work that way. So, do you something else youre going to try or what are you going to do now? Were just gonna wait for it to charge maybe. Or, basically lower the legs and were looking at our program. [Inaudible] [Inaudible] Did you show her the thing? [Inaudible]


Teacher: Students: Teacher: Students:

Id love to, actually, yes, Id love to see it. It doesnt really do anything but it will go if you tell it to, so, it will go. One touch sensor on it? But we are thinking about having two maybe. One for steering and one for opening and closing. Yeah.

Teacher: Students:

Why do you think you need two? Because its a little confusing, thats a little multi-tasking and its easier.

Because this is like, it goes and has to do this at the same time, it has to go and do that the same time which means its gonna be a little harder so, if we could just Teacher: Students: A little harder to do what? Go at the same time, you see how it has to do that, its a little bit harder, its harder to stop first of all because like these go bad and then its trying to stop and then. Lets say it grabs something and you wanna keep the claws closed because you have it but if you press it again to steer is open it and it will let go Teacher: Students: And thats a problem if you have on touch sensor because? Cause its gonna let go of it cause if you wanna steer it some more to put it in that place. How bout you cant move it without opening the claws again? How about the program? How are you all felling about the program? Pretty good.




Amanda, you werent here yesterday when Allen and Tyler were working on the program. So, how are you feeling about the changes made? Well, they just said they didnt really do anything, they just said it was charging the [inaudible] e entire time. But I saw a bunch of new blocks, am I wrong? No, Amanda was her for that. I was not here.


Teacher: Students:

Teacher: Student: Teacher:

Now are you ok? Did you get a chance to look at the program? Okay. Im not caught up on anything accept for this little part. Gotcha, alright, Ill let you guys get caught up, you got a lot of work, thank you. Is it done charging?


Let me see. [Inaudible] Well we could at least use it for little bit its really low. Okay. If we want this ort to work we have to download it and then Yeah, I know, I was just pressing it, I was being rude. [ Inaudible] Do you know what to do/ Yup. Here this port two where the touch sensor is here the claws open. Wait, port one, right, not port two? Cause they are all port ones. Well, thats for this program. Well, port two, wait, does that one plug into port two? No, so that needs to be, well, this one, yeah, that needs to be n port two. Also, thats for the claws. Wait, thats for the claws too? Yeah, port two is for the claws. Yeah. Thats for the turning and thats for the wheals going. This is for movement and thats for the claws. Ok, yeah, so this, if you press the button then the claws will open if you let go the claws will close. Well, it didnt do that a while ago. Yeah, it did. No, it didnt. It didnt use to. Yeah, we didnt use two.

So, that means we need to add some more ports. No, because there is one two, you have ones all the way across. Two on this row Yeah, cause thats for something else. Thats for the claws, this for the moving of the robot. So, there are two different things. Okay. So, here this is, if you click it the robot will go forward, let go it will stop, click it again it will turn let it go it will stop, click it again it will turn the other way, let it go it will stop. Okay, thats what we do. Okay, this for the movement and this for the claws. Movement, claws, Movement, claws. Yeah, you might wanna label that. [Crosstalk]


Amanda, could you like get a sticky note or something? I have one. You do, well [inaudible]. Just [inaudible] thats how he remembers his name. Thats so bad. I know, when we were posting something, we were all like how do you spell and he was all like A, B, A. Yeah, so you deal with it. There you go Allen. This is for the, what port is that port two that for the claws. What is this?

You need to write this, you need to write this What is this? [Inaudible] because they gave us this. Ms Crook, I got it from Ms. Crook. Oh, okay, I messed up. I need to rewrite this, the flaw, I cant write, I cant even write, I cant write I Yeah, right. I cant write. Thats good. No, its not. Ok, fine Ill just make like this is a decoration. [Humming] Your program is complicated. No its not, its easy Really, it looks but its easy, easy.


Theyre ready to go outside; I wanna sit here so bad. Because it has water and its a pool. You need a program thats going to take the motor and make it sing. Thats good. Thank you for making me feels good, even though its not good. Its not bad, Allen, its not bad. I know, geez, I wish we had a pool, I know I wish we had a pool for ours then I could go swimming after. Even though I couldnt fit in there, I couldnt fit in there. My body is too long. Your not going to write to us?

Oh, we already know its for the movement provide by the claw. Where is the, oh let me see that, there it is. This [inaudible] So, arent we gonna start lowering it Amanda? Yeah, well, lets just see if the download, Download, Download. Lets just see if the two modem, the two ports work. Yeah, did we change anything? Nope. Are you still the captain? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Oh, my gosh, oh, its not on, I was going to say. What was wrong last time did Ms. ___ ever find out? No. So, it might not work. Well, what happened was that day it didnt work, that it didnt work, I tried it again at lunch and it worked. I guess it was just overloaded or something, I guess, I mean it was nothing wrong with it. Overloaded, I dont know what that means. Yeah, I dont either. [Inaudible] [Robot moving] [Inaudible] Shes crazy, she needs attention. [Inaudible] Is it course one? Yes, it works. Why did you do that?

Why are you doing it like that? Hes confused. [Crosstalk] [Inaudible] Can we show Ms-----? The claws are port two. [Inaudible] You mean these wires, maybe we can remember by color. I like the red ones. Oh, yeah the red ones. [Inaudible] As long as nobody minds this. Tyler. Oh, well. [Inaudible] We are just taking one piece. Can I just take that apart and then throw it down? Never mind, oh, here it is ok I already got it in here, this is how you get it in, now how do you get it out. Okay, red, red and blue. I know why its not going straight, yeah because [inaudible]. I know that. This means port, the one that makes the claw right? No, thats port two. Port two is the claw and port one is the movement . So movement is red and claw is blue oh, okay that makes sense, It does? Okay, I just picked colors. Can you move so I can sit down? Sure

Thank you Sorry. Allen, isnt that mine? Yeah, what are you doing? Hes gonna pick it up. Blue is the claws right? Yeah, wait blue is claw and red is the movement. Yeah, I cant remember, I need to write this down, I cant write will you. [Inaudible] Blue, blue equals claw, I cant write on this Amanda. You know what Im going over here, ok, red equals movement and blue equals claw ok. Amanda? Allen can you get the remote control? [Inaudible] Can you program it to go straight? Uh huh, all I have to do is click that and click that, ok. Are you ready Allen? Now I am. Okay, Okay. [Inaudible] He wants to test it on your water bottle I think. Can you get that paper? Right there that says that [inaudible] red is movement, blue is claw. Yeah, that is your goal you want to pick the water bottle up. Ok, Im ready, Im ready. [Inaudible] Im trying to move, what happened? Oh, no, go I am going.

Sorry, Can I try? Sure, you can Amanda. Somethings wrong with the wheel. Hold on a sec. No, its the claw. Its like dragging or something. [Inaudible] Its, yes it. [Inaudible] The water bottle is your goal. Something fell. His legs are crooked, hes knock kneeded. I get it, is that why? Yeah, thats why [inaudible] its suppose to be we solve the problem? We did solve the problem. No we didnt [Inaudible] There is he knocked kneed anymore? No. Nope. Hes good. [Inaudible] Your goal is the water bottle, you can do it. After its me, Amanda Im after Amanda. Oh, okay, now its going ok yeah. Backwards means forward and forward means backward. Right. Your disqualified.

What? Your disqualified, you picked it up. Backwards means forward and forward means backward. People the batteries. Why is rotation [inaudible]? Battery, I mean water bottle. I called this number eight for three times now, three times. Are you pressing both at the same time? You can do it. Maybe, its okay, Amanda, maybe you wanna cross your hands the right way. Okay, while youre doing this Im gonna go see if theres any longer cords that that if we make it longer she wont have to bend down like that. Your holding back. You should keep the claw open [inaudible]. My turn, my turn. Dead bug run away, here you go/ We are currently trying to make the robot move and activate the claw at the same time. Hey, its easier for you, thats cause you put it close. Yourself, you see, now drag around, with it, let go of it, ah not spinning around and twisting the wires. Yeah, we gotta fix that if there are disabled and lets say cant use their legs how they gonna follow it. Wheel chair keeps up with it, following you. Almost had It., move it a little this way Allen. I know what Im doing. You might wanna move that paper. Your twisting the wires is it running ok. Okay, I can do it.

You have to go straight, aw so close, aw still so close, while youre doing it Ill be right back Allen is trying to see if he can make the robot pick up [inaudible] ___water bottle. [Inaudible] They said if wanted t make longer. [Inaudible]

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