Subject Cede: BB - S0L Paper Id: Lca224L

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Roll No.

TotalNo.of Questions: 071 BBA (Sem.- sth) BUSINBSS ENVIRONMEI\T

ITotalNo' of Pages: 01

T i m e :0 3 H o u r s

lNotc: Pleasc f i l l s u b . j c cc t o d ca n d p H p r r i l ) o n O \ l l t l

SUBJECT CeDE:BB- s0l PaperID: lCA224l

Instructionsto Candidates: - A is Compulsory. l) Section 2) Attempt any Four qllestions fi'omscction

M a x i m u mM a r k s :6 0 B.

-A Section
QI) a) b) c) d) e)

h) i)


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x I0=40) Q2) How is br-rsiness affected by its microancl nracro elr'ironn.,rr.,t,l( Q3) what is the role of'governntent in afftctingbusirlcss en'irtxment,/ Q4) what doyou rnean by technological environmrent'/ Discuss the problems in imporlof technology. QS) How is busihess responsible towards society? Discuss the variousparties rendering suchresponsibi lity. the salient Q6) Discuss fbatures of competition Act.

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Vision Components of internal environment Classify the functions of state Social audit Balance of Payment Technology transfer Provisions of FEMA Factors affecting international investment SWOTanalysis Consumerism -B Section

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