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SYNOPSIS The poem Nature written by Danial tells us about the beautiful of nature that God give to us which by now have been destroyed by the people who is low on their humanity. The poem shows that the Mother Nature is a wonderful gift that God give to us. The birds that chirping on the trees, the goats that are grazing on the grass and the fresh flowers that blooming shows the beautiful creatures that God gave to us. The poet also states his grateful on the beautiful Mother Nature that he lives in. The freshness of the surrounding air makes the poet feels free to breath in the air. Furthermore, the children that are playing around in the beautiful garden make the world more cheerful. The swishing sound of river that flows also makes the surrounding area to be peace and calm. The ability of the river to reflect the appearance of moon makes the scenery of night more beautiful. Plus, the waves the ocean and the coconut trees that waving around makes the scenery of the beach becomes peace. All of those are the past situation. In contrast, the poet shows his disappointment on the people nowadays who have no the sense of humanity in them. The earth is now on risk. The birds that were chirping once ago have flied to find their new habitat. The same goes to the other animals, which had lost their habitat due to the human activity (deforestation). The poet also wonders why the people are getting cruel and no sense on humanity on taking care of their environment. The situation of bald forest and dirty beach shows the effect of the human no awareness activity towards the environment. Moreover, the poet begged the people to stop all of the inhumanity activity. People especially the youngsters must stand up and realize that it is the time for them to fight for the right. Fight for better future, better Mother Earth. In fact, the awareness on taking care of the Mother Earth should be a responsible for all of us (the human) to sustain the better place to live. Is time for us to heal the world.


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