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CDEV Computing's favourite key strokes

Feature Date Move around Keystroke Alt Shift D Alt F6 Ctrl F6 Shift F5 Move paragraphs and table rows Functions Alt + Shift + Alt + Shift + F3 Alt F3 F7 Shift F7 Random text Type in = rand() ? Effect

(and other tips)

Feature Para marks Change case Curly quotes Keystroke Ctrl Alt K Shift F3 Effect Remove extraneous paragraph marks change case Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl Shift Enter Ctrl Enter Ctrl Shift Enter Ctrl Shift Space Fields F9 Ctrl F11 Ctrl Shift F11 Ctrl Shift F9 Alt F9 Accents (same for other characters) Show Ctrl ' e Ctrl ` e Ctrl Shift ^ e Alt Ctrl a Ctrl Shift 8 Ctrl C C Field switches \# Numeric \@ Date format \* Formatting Zoom document Ctrl + roll the mouse wheel ` ' ` ' ` ' " " = = = =

Todays date (then Ctrl Shift F9 to unlink field) swap docs swap docs go back to last position Move paragraph(s), tables row(s) Up Move paragraph(s), tables row(s) Down Autotext Save selected as Autotext Spell Thesaurus You get:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Insert special characters

Line break Page break Section break Insert non breaking space Update selected fields Lock fields Unlock fields Unlink fields Toggle field codes Toggle para marks Show/Hide Displays the clipboard task pane \# $#,##0.00,($#,##0.00) = $1,234.50 \@ "dd MMMM, yyyy" = 03 March, 2007 eg \* Upper \* Mergeformat \*Caps \*CardText 103 = one hundred and three Document zooms in and out

(needs Autocorrect switched on) Formatting Ctrl Space Ctrl Q Ctrl Shift C Ctrl Shift V Ctrl Shift N Ctrl Alt 1 (2,3,..) Ctrl Shift Ctrl Y Ctrl ] Ctrl [ Remove direct Font formatting Remove direct Para formatting Copy formatting Paste formatting Apply Normal Style (Ctrl N creates a new blank document) Apply Heading 1 (2,3,) style promote / demote heading Repeat last action increase font size by 1pt decrease font size by 1pt

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