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Literature-based Multi-genre Research Project Requirements

Due: August 1st, 2013 220 points At least 12 different genres Reflection Letter to the Reader (counts as 1 of 10) Table of Contents Lead (does not count as 1 of 10) 10 of the 12 genres must be written 4 different references of research A bibliography using MLA format 10 bibliography note cards Notes page

Of the10 written entries, 5 of the following must be used: persuasive letter formal letter letter to the author (formal) double voice poem cut-up poetry journal entry dialogue between two people (or two inanimate objects) character sketch newspaper article short story/memoir application or resume (college, job, scholarship)

Reflection Letter to your reader

One of the ten genres must be a letter to the reader that shows your reflection of this unit. Write a preface, forward, or introduction that explains the topic of your paper. You should write about the genesis (creation) of the project or of the importance of its subject matter to you. Why did you choose this topic? Are you glad you chose it now? Did you learn what you expected to learn? More? Less? Why? Did something surprise you that you learned? Are you still wondering about something that you couldnt find in your research? After you have included this information, spend some time writing about the areas of interest relating to this unit. What did you like? What should we change? How has this helped you become a better researcher? A better writer? A better thinker? This may be written in an informal letter form to me (Ms. Cox) or to the Reader.
Examples of Leads: Unfinished Music # 1John He hit the pavement ass-first Yoko raised his head. he wanted to embrace her but a hundred people were standing on his arms. Oh God, Yoko, Ive been shot. --Brian McKnight: Grade 12

Safe Distance No body lives where I live, far from jagged edges of broken capillaries and the dark infusion of blood below the skin, away from raw nerves jutting from the apex of a tooths cracked root deep in the jaw, nowhere near lavish layers of cells smoothed over fractured bone shard. No body lives where I live far away nowhere --watching myself from a safe distance. --Kate Boyles *Blending Genre, Altering Style: Writing Multigenre Papers, Tom Romano Dialogue The most effective dialogue contains an essential element of conflict...tension and drama are heightened when characters are constantly (in one form or another) saying no to each other (Burroway, 161). NEW BEGINNINGS, April 18, 1973, 4:10-4:11 T: OUCH! Hey, what was that? S: I dont know, but do you mind? Its not very comfortable here with you right on top of me. T: Well, excuse me! You think I have all the room in the world? Who are you anyway? S: Im ....Im...I dont really know yet, but I think by the way were being pushed Around were about to find out. Why? Do you know who you are? T: Duh! Of course I do. I run this joint! Im the boss. S: Shh! Whats that noise? T: I dunno...hey...wait a minute...I know that voice. Thats the nice lady who sings to me. S: Oh yeah, I recognize her now, gosh, it sounds like shes having a hard time talking T: Yeah, whats she saying?...Something about... Get... Out ... 3

S: What do you think that means? T: I dunno, maybe youre being evicted. S: Evicted? T: Yeah, its too crowded in here with you anyway, you gotta go. S: I aint going nowhere. T: Oh, yes, you are, Im bigger than youdont make me push you out... hey, where are you going? S: Help! I dont wanna go! T: Hey, how are you doing that? S: I dont know! Im being tugged. T: Well, hurry up, theres a draft! S: If I go, so do you! T: I dont think so, pee-wee! S: Oh, yeah? Well, Ive got your leash and Im not letting go! T: OH NO! Im going to get you for this! S: Yeah, yeah, you cant do nothin! Im going to be older than you! T: Well see about that, meet me on the outside! CONGRATULATIONS, TWIN GIRLS! --Tonia Stacy Miami University *Blending Genre, Altering Style: Writing Multigenre Papers, Tom Romano OH (What else can you say when you dont know what youre supposed to know) Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the ________________? Stairs? No, its clock Why would a mouse run up a clock? Its just a story. Youll learn OH This is hard Its hard for me tooIm tearing out my _______________? Pages? No, hairIm frustrated OH Wow, we need help. Calling all __________________? Teachers? No, cars Why cars? Not real cars Fake cars? Nonot cars at all Why did you call them cars? Thats just the way we say OH 4

What else do we say? I need to know All right, Ill give you some _________________? Stories? Nopointers What? PointersIll point some things out With your fingers? No, with my voice OH I know its tough but youve got to pay attention. Take my _____________________? Hand? No, advice I need it I know OH --Archer Siggers Neal Miami University

Genres Ads Announcements Autobiographies Awards Baseball cards Bedtime stories Billboards Biographies Book jackets Book reviews Book trailers Brochures Bulletins Bumper stickers Calendars Collage Campaign speeches Captions Cartoons Certificates Character sketches Childrens books Comic strips Contracts Conversations Concert Tickets Cooking Critiques Crossword puzzles Course syllabi Dialogue Dedications Definitions Diaries Diplomas Directions Directories Double voice poems Editorials

Epitaphs Email Encyclopedia entries Essays Eulogies Fables Family trees Flip books Flyer Game rules Glimmers Graffiti Good news/bad news Grocery lists Headlines How-to speeches Impromptu speeches Information Table Interviews Job applications Journals Laboratory notes Letters Lists Lyrics Magazines Maps Memos Memoirs Menus Mind Map Mission statements Movie Flyer Mysteries Myths Newscasts Newsletters Newspapers Novella Obituaries Observational notes Pamphlets

*The Multigenre Research Paper: Voice, Passion, and Discovery in Grades 4-6

Parodies Plays Poems Posters Postcards Prayers Propaganda sheets Product descriptions Puppet shows Puzzles Questionnaires Questions Quizzes Quotations Real estate notices Recipes Remedies Requests Requisitions Research pieces Resumes Reviews Riddles Sales pitches Schedules Scrap Book Slogans Songs Speeches Stamps Stickers Tables of contents TV commercials Telegrams Tickets Time lines Tombstones Tributes Video Clips Vignette Web pages Webs Word searches Wills

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