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A Close Look at the Week

July 15-26, 2013

e d a r G h t f The Fi
Important Dates and Upcoming Events 15 16 17 18 19

DARE Begins
22 23 24 25 United Skates Back-toSchool Skate Party 26

Greetings fifth grade parents!

We have had an exciting, successful first week of school. Weve spent the week getting to know each other and I couldnt be more excited to have your child in my class What a great group of students! I have never had a class so eager to learn, so willing to ask when they dont understand, nor so able to work so well together. I can tell already we are going to have an excellent year! This past week we began our Investigating Weather Systems unit in science, practiced and improved our descriptive writing, and learned methods for multiplying whole numbers. All of that (and more) in one week can you imagine what well know by the end of fifth grade? I am so thrilled to embark on a new year, and a new journey with your child. Please pay close attention to the homework and behavior policy enclosed in this newsletter. I hope to see you soon! - Miss Cullom Homework Policy
Homework is an expectation for all students in fifth grade. WCPSSs homework policy states that fifth grade students should s pend 45-60 minutes on homework daily, with no homework on the weekend.

Homework will be given as follows:

Math will be given daily. When in the Homework & Remembering workbook, the homework page is required and the remembering page is for additional practice of previous learned skills. Students will always have notes in their binder and usually a video resource on our class website to assist them with math homework. Literacy homework will alternate between reading and writing assignments and be given most nights. Spelling & Vocabulary homework will be given on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Each word list will be used for two weeks and students will have a spelling and vocabulary test every other Friday. Science or Social Studies homework will be given at least two nights a week depending on the current subject of study. Science or Social Studies homework may take the place of or be given as Literacy homework.

Do you have an used books? Harris Creeks annual book drive has begun. If you have gently used books that you would like to donate, please send them with your child. Thanks!

You may contact me at any time!

Ashlie Cullom
5th Grade, Track 2 Room 323

Visit our classroom website!

Have you joined Harris Creeks PTA? Help our class win an ice cream sundae party by joining the HCES PTA. Please fill out the yellow form sent home or visit their website at:

Discipline Policy
Harris Creek Elementary Drop System
Harris Creek has a school wide Positive Behavior System. Each class strives to earn drops throughout each day by displaying positive behavior and good character. Each class aims to earn 30, 65, 100, 150, etc. and decides on their reward for reaching each drop level. The goal of the system is to catch the students doing good things and encourage positive behavior.

Color System
Harris Creek uses a color based, individual behavior system for each child. Each color represents a different level of behavior. Students begin on green each day and have to opportunity to move upwards for special privileges. Teachers put their own spin on the color system to keep students motivated, but the point is to encourage positive character traits. Purple - Super Day (Student is going above and beyond expectations.) Green - Good Day (Students begins here each day.) Blue - Warning (Student is given time to think and change their behavior.) Yellow - Note or email home (Student has a lose of privilege and reflection time to redirect their behavior.) Red - Phone Call Home or Discipline Referral (Student is given a consequence and parent contact is made.)

Class Dojo
In my class, students earn positive and negative Dojo points based on their behavior. Positive points are earned by exhibit ing the following behaviors: teamwork, helping others, staying on task, WOW moments, being neat and tidy, or being persistent on difficult tasks. Negative points are earned when students show the following negative behaviors: disrespect, being off task, being unprepared, not following directions, talking out of turn, being out of his/her seat at inappropriate times, having a messy desk, not completing assignments or agendas, or misbehaving outside of class. Purple - 4+ Positive Points and 0 Negative Points Green - 0-3 Positive Points and 0-1 Negative Points Blue - 2-3 Negative Points Yellow - 4-5 Negative Points Red - 6+ Negative Points *Behavior notes will be stapled in the students agenda for parent signature if a student ends his/her day on purple, blue, yellow, or red. With consecutive negative colors and/or persistent negative behaviors, a parent conference will be requested.*
*To avoid missing important instruction, please refer to our daily schedule when scheduling appointments or signing your child out of school early. Thanks!*

Our Daily Schedule

8:45 9:15 10:15 10:45 11:15 11:50 12:30 Arrival/Morning Work Math Instruction Math Centers Lunch Writing/Spelling Reading Literacy Centers 1:00 1:45 2:15 2:30 3:15 3:40 3:45 Specials Recess Snack Science/Social Studies Enrichment/Intervention Carpool Dismissal Bus Dismissal

Specials Schedule: Room 323

Monday: Music Tuesday: Cultural Enrichment Wednesday: Art
*Bring an art shirt or wear appropriate clothing.

Upcoming Dates:
August 5 - Interim Reports will be sent home! August 6 - Open House August 9 - Meteorologist Vist August 12 - Boosterthon Fundraiser begins! August 16 - Boosterthon Fun Run & Track Out Day

Thursday: Technology Friday: Physical Education

*Wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing.

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