Rtb-Hs Lesson-Poetry

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MARION LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL Raising the Bar Grant - Lesson Plan

LESSON INTRODUCTION: Brief description of the lesson or project.

Students design videos or slide shows through electronic media to show their understanding of a poem.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: What skills or learning outcomes will the student achieve from this lesson?
After reading and studying various poems dealing with either emotions or stories, students will learn to analyze a poem of their own choosing and show its story or emotional appeal.


Research Skills (where/how information will be gathered)

Students study poems individually and in the class. They have discussed two purposes of poetry: to tell a story and to share emotions. They have used print and electronic means to find poems on their own that they shared with the class.

Analysis Skills (highlighted are the skills that will be used in this lesson)
Students will be aware of the emotions the poet is trying to communicate. They will compare the words of the poem to pictures they find from searches in the Internet. They must choose the pictures and music for their videos keeping in mind the purpose of the poem. Students need to keep in mind how all the elements of the poem work together to either tell a story or to share an emotion. They should capture that story or emotion in the pictures and the music they choose to accompany the poem.


Skills (how will the results/conclusions be communicated to others)

Students will present their completed projects to the rest of the class on the assigned dates. They may use Power Point or some other presentation software, or they may video record the pictures/action they wish to accompany the poem.

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How will students be graded?

Students will be evaluated by : their interpretation of the poems meaning how well they capture that meaning in pictures or video how well the music accompanies the meaning how the entire piece works together to reflect the poem and how well they used required language skills.

RESOURCES/MATERIALS NEEDED FOR THE LESSON: Hardware, software, network connections, books, printers, cameras, etc... What tools are necessary for this lesson?
Students need access to poetry first and foremost, either in printed anthologies or in collections on the World Wide Web. They need computers for compiling the information into presentable material in the presentation software or they need video equipment to record the material if they wish to use motion presentation.

TEACHER REFLECTION: Was the lesson successful? Were students interested or motivated with the use of multimedia? Would you do this lesson again? Would you do anything differently?
I found this project to be a motivational tool to help the students appreciate poetry. In spite of a seemingly inborn dislike for poetry, they did respond positively to this activity. Several factors seemed to be responsible for that positive reaction. First was that the students were allowed to choose their own poems. They selected poems whose topics were of interest to them. Second, the students interest in music videos carried over into this project. The two are similar enough (or the students could make them similar enough) that this assignment was simply an extension of something they already knew and liked. Last, the use of multimedia allowed them to experiment with different methods of presenting their interpretations and final products. Use of recorded music, pictures from the WWW or scanned, and the compiling a final product of their own made it a very personal project in which the students took ownership.

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