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The Underwater Centre Tasmania Pty Ltd

DMT Exam

NAME . DATE Multiple Choice - Select One Answer Only and Mark on Line Provide 1. Which of the following is likely to cause shock? A. B. C. D. Haemorrhage Burns Fractures All of the above

2. Which of the following would you expect to find in someone suffering from shock? A. B. C. D. Rapid weak pulse, shallow rapid breathing & pale cold clammy skin. Slow weak pulse, deep sighing respirations & pale cold clammy skin. Flushed skin, weak pulse & rapid respirations. Sighing respiration, flushed skin, vomiting.

3. The Glasgow coma scale is used to assess? A. B. C. D. The degree of shock Level of consciousness Spinal damage A&B

4. Which of the following relates to arterial haemorrhage? A. B. C. D. Bright red blood flowing freely from the wound Dark red blood spurting from the wound Bright red blood spurting from the wound Bright red blood oozing from the wound

5. The immediate principle of treatment for a burn is? A. B. C. D. Exposure to the air Sterile dressing Application of an appropriate ointment Cooling of the area

6. Which of the following is the best method of cooling a burn? A. B. C. D. Ice packs directly to the area Running fresh cold water Any cold water available Immersion in lukewarm water Page 1 of 11

The Underwater Centre Tasmania Pty Ltd

DMT Exam

NAME . DATE 7. The area of a burn is calculated using? A. B. C. D. The rule of nines The rule of twelves A burns chart The area not affected by the burn

8. The greatest danger with widespread burns is? A. B. C. D. Pain Scarring Shock Disfigurement

9. The principle FIRST AID treatment for a suspected fracture is? A. B. C. D. Support & immobilisation Application of plaster of paris Gentle traction to align the bone ends Application of a splint, immobilising IMMEDIATELY above & below the fracture

10. What should always be suspected in an unconscious head injury casualty? A. B. C. D. Fractured skull Brain damage Fractured pelvis Fractured cervical spine

11. Aural barotrauma is MAINLY due to? A. B. C. D. Blockage of the external ear on ascent Blockage of the inner ear on descent Blockage of the eustachian tube on descent Blockage of the eustachian tube on ascent

12. Following a rapid ascent from 12msw, a diver complains of weakness down one side of his body, difficulty in speaking & has difficulty with his vision. What steps would you take? A. B. C. D. Keep him under observation on the surface, breathing Oxygen via BIBS. Recompress him to 50msw on oxygen and obtain medical aid. Recompress him immediately as company policy and seek medical aid. Send him for a shower and check if the symptoms improve or worsen.

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The Underwater Centre Tasmania Pty Ltd

DMT Exam

NAME . DATE 13. Which of the following require immediate therapeutic recompression? A. B. C. D. Arterial gas embolism Pneumothorax Mediastinal emphysema All of the above

14. Two hours after a dive a diver complains of a progressive loss of sensation and tingling down both arms. Which of the following is he most likely to be suffering from? A. B. C. D. Arterial gas embolism Oxygen toxicity Decompression illness Spinal barotrauma

15. During a strenuous drive, while working hard on the bottom, a diver complains of a throbbing headache and is continually using his free flow. He is mostly likely to be suffering from? A. B. C. D. Hyperthermia Decompression illness Barotrauma Hypercapnia

16. If a diver is noted to be suffering from the effects of CO2 toxicity, he should be instructed to? A. B. C. D. Returned to the surface to be given Oxygen Stop working, rest and flush his helmet Tell him to finish his work as quickly as possible Return to the surface for recompression

17. Carbon Monoxide is an extremely dangerous gas, because? A. B. C. D. It paralyses the respiratory system It has an affinity for plasma 200 times greater than Oxygen It has an affinity for haemoglobin 200 times greater than Oxygen It destroys the red blood cells

18. Hypothermia is said to occur when the body core temperature falls below? A. B. C. D. 30 Degrees Centigrade 35 Degrees Centigrade 37 Degrees Centigrade 38 Degrees Centigrade Page 3 of 11

The Underwater Centre Tasmania Pty Ltd

DMT Exam

NAME . DATE 19. When unable to use a sterile dressing on a wound, you should? A. B. C. D. Handle the wound as little as possible Use cling film or a socially clean dressing Do not touch the wound at all All of the above

20. The normal average pulse rate of a healthy adult is? A. B. C. D. 30 -50 bpm 60 80 bpm 90 110 bpm 120 140 bpm

21. Falling from a height and landing on the feet is likely to cause fracture of? A. B. C. D. The pelvis The vertebral column The base of the skull The femur

22. The danger from an underwater blast injury is? A. B. C. D. Decompression illness, due to being blown to the surface Possible fractured skull Rupture of the spleen & liver Pulmonary barotrauma

23. Respiration is affected by the level of which gas in the blood-stream? A. B. C. D. Carbon Dioxide Oxygen Carbon Monoxide Nitrogen

24. Asphyxia can be caused by? A. B. C. D. Choking due to inhalation of a foreign body. Gas toxicity or smoke inhalation. Electrocution All of the above

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The Underwater Centre Tasmania Pty Ltd

DMT Exam

NAME . DATE 25. When in doubt whether an injury is a fracture or not, the first aider should? A. B. C. D. Check for unnatural mobility. Check for crepitus. Treat for a severe pain. Treat as a fracture.

26. One of the HIDDEN dangers of a closed fracture is? A. B. C. D. Shock Internal haemorrhage External haemorrhage Loss of consciousness

27. While breathing Oxygen via BIBS in a chamber under pressure, a diver complains of feeling unwell, you should? A. B. C. D. Tell him to take deep breaths and control his breathing. Ask him if this feeling was present before commencing Oxygen. If not take him off O2 and observe him. Increase the depth of the chamber. Take him off Oxygen and decompress him.

28. If a diver suffers from a convulsion while breathing Oxygen under pressure in a chamber you should? A. B. C. D. Stop any chamber movement, take him off Oxygen, maintain a clear airway and prevent him from injuring himself. Take him off Oxygen, continue decompression and prevent him form hurting himself. Ensure the BIB remains on his face and that there is a good seal. Ensure the BIB is removed and increase the depth of the chamber.

29. Following a dive a diver complains of a progressive pain in his legs with loss of sensation and an increasing inability to lift his foot off the ground. What should you do? A. B. C. D. Recompress him and treat for decompression illness, obtain medical advice. Recompress him on Oxygen to 50msw, treat him for decompression illness and obtain medical advice. Put him on Oxygen on the surface and observe him. Carry out a full neurological examination and observe.

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The Underwater Centre Tasmania Pty Ltd

DMT Exam

NAME . DATE 30. Following a dive a diver complains of difficulty in breathing, which becomes worse with every breath that he takes, you notice lack of movement on one side of this chest. Which of the following is he most likely to be suffering from? A. B. C. D. Emphysema Arterial gas embolism Pulmonary decompression illness Tension pneumothorax

31. The signs and symptoms of arterial gas embolism are apparent within? A. B. C. D. Immediately 5 minutes of onset 10 minutes of onset 20 minutes of onset

32. The sinuses of the skull? A. B. C. D. Require to be actively cleared during pressurisation Require to be actively cleared during decompression Do not require to be equalised for diving purposes Clear automatically if free from inflammation or blockage

33. In a casualty suffering from hyperthermia it is important to? A. B. C. D. Warm them up Warm them up rapidly Cool then down Keep them still and give them sips of warm water

34. In arterial bleeding with a foreign body in the wound, where would you normally apply pressure to slow the bleeding? A. B. C. D. Below the wound Above the wound Directly to the wound Apply a tourniquet

35. What physics law explains the reason for barotrauma? A. B. C. D. Charles Law Henrys Law Boyles Law Daltons Law Page 6 of 11

The Underwater Centre Tasmania Pty Ltd

DMT Exam

NAME . DATE 36. Following a dive you notice that a diver has Nystagmus. What type of DCI would you suspect? A. B. C. D. Pulmonary Vestibular Spinal Any of the above

37. Why is Hydrogen Sulphide a dangerous gas? A. B. C. D. It destroys the sense of smell at very low levels. It has an affinity for haemoglobin 200 times greater than oxygen. It causes severe lack of judgement in the diver. It causes loss of vital capacity if exposed to it for a long period of time.

38. Which of the following are signs and symptoms of neurological DCI? A. B. C. D. Choking, loss of sensation, paralysis, incontinence, confusion coming on immediately on leaving bottom. Loss of sensation, difficulty in walking, pins and needles coming on progressively after a dive. Difficulty in breathing, lack of movement on the chest wall, especially on one side. Tunnel vision, ringing in the ears, girdle pain and voice changes.

39. The basis of treatment for DCI is? A. B. C. D. Decompression, oxygen and supportive therapy. Immediate recompression to 50 msw on oxygen. Recompression to 50 msw on oxygen and supportive therapy. Recompression, oxygen and supportive therapy.

40. Why must decompression be halted if a diver suffers an O2 convulsion? A. B. C. D. To prevent barotrauma To allow the tender to carry out a neurological examination. To enable recompression should the condition become worse. There is no need to stop decompression unless the diver becomes unconscious.

41. In injuries to the lower jaw, what is your priority of treatment? A. B. C. D. To protect the airway To support the jaw To lie the casualty down and treat for shock. B&C Page 7 of 11

The Underwater Centre Tasmania Pty Ltd

DMT Exam

NAME . DATE 42. If you are to evacuate a diver by helicopter, which of the following must be adhered to? A. B. C. D. Approach the helicopter from the rear. Catch the winch line, if used, before it hits the ground. Wait until a crew member comes to meet you. Keep a flag flying close to the landing zone to indicate to the pilot the direction of the wind.

43. When would you NOT insert a naso-gastric tube in a trauma patient? A. B. C. D. When they have a base of skull fracture. When they have low blood pressure. When they have just eaten. When they are on oxygen therapy.

44. Following a rapid compression, a diver complains of pain in both shoulders and knees. Which of the following would you suspect? A. B. C. D. Compression arthralgia Dysbaric osteonecrosis DCI Compression illness

45. Why is wound hygiene in the saturation chamber of the utmost importance? A. B. C. D. The wound cleaning fluids are less effective in saturation. The temperature and humidity make the wound prone to infection. A&B None of the above.

46. During the primary survey a diver is noted to have an open wound that is bleeding profusely. What is the appropriate intervention? A. B. C. D. Suture it. To Explore it. Apply pressure and elevate. Contact the company doctor.

47. IMMEDIATELY following a dive, a diver complains of difficulty in speaking, headache, numbness down one side and blurred vision. What would you suspect? A. B. C. D. Neurological DCI. Cerebral arterial gas embolism. Barotrauma CO2 poisoning. Page 8 of 11

The Underwater Centre Tasmania Pty Ltd

DMT Exam

NAME . DATE 48. What would you do if after intubating a diver, only the right side of the chest was inflating? A. B. C. D. Remove the E.T tube and start again. Push the tube down further. Do nothing. Deflate the cuff and pull the tube back slightly.

49. Before using an IV fluids bag in a chamber you should? A. B. C. D. Check its the correct fluid. Check the expiry date. Shake and visually examine the fluid. All of the above.

50. When dealing with an unconscious diver in a bell, the airway of choice is? A. B. C. D. Naso-pharyngeal Oral-pharyngeal Endotracheal None of the above

51. Pulmonary barotrauma is dependant on? A. B. C. D. Time Depth Pressure change Vital capacity

52. How would you initially deal with a diver who complained of chest discomfort during decompression? A. B. C. D. Instruct one of the other divers to carry out a neurological examination as you observe through the port. Ask for the decompression to be stopped. Ask the supervisor to slow down the decompression as you prepare your equipment. Visually examine the diver through the port and then seek medical advice.

53. Information about the casualty gained by the medic should? A. B. C. D. Be relaying to shore by VHF radio. Be made public to all diving personnel. Be treated as confidential. Both A & B Page 9 of 11

The Underwater Centre Tasmania Pty Ltd

DMT Exam

NAME . DATE 54. During treatment of the diver in a chamber you should? A. B. C. D. Rely on the team outside to record all the information relevant to the treatment you have given. Make a mental note of your actions and record them later as you shouldnt take your eyes off the diver. Only keep notes if there have been any complications. Keep your own notes of your actions.

55. The blood pressure of an average healthy diver would be expected to be? A. B. C. D. 100/40 mmHg 120/80 mmHg 140/60 mmHg 160/90 mmHg

56. To take blood pressure in a decompression chamber you should use? A. B. C. D. Any type of sphygmomanometer A mercury sphygmomanometer An aneroid sphygmomanometer A fever-scan thermometer

57. The best way to assess fluid intake is to? A. B. C. D. Ask the diver if they are thirsty. Take the divers blood pressure at regular intervals. Measure urinary output. Ask the diver if they feel they need to go.

58. When inserting a urinary catheter your procedure should be? A. B. C. D. As aseptic as possible. As fast as possible to prevent embarrassment. Done when the diver is asleep to minimise discomfort. Any procedure is acceptable as infection is not likely.

59. CPR for a medic alone in a chamber with the casualty should be a ration of? A. B. C. D. 5 breaths to 1 compression. 2 breaths to 5 compressions. 2 breaths to 15 compressions. 15 breaths to 2 compressions. Page 10 of 11

The Underwater Centre Tasmania Pty Ltd

DMT Exam

NAME . DATE 60. CPR stand for? A. B. C. D. Cardiac percussion resuscitation. Chest pulmone resuscitation. Cardio pulmonary resuscitation. Catholic priest required.

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