Organic Garden Donation

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Wilton High School Independent Study Project in Organic Gardening

By Jim Hunter February 2009

RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education accepts the donation by Millstone Farm and Teich Gardens of an organic garden to be placed at the south end of the building. The total amount of this donation will be $32,000. The total donation may be less as we may have others donate equipment and services.

PROJECT GOALS: 1. To develop and convert a piece of land (near the greenhouse) into an organic garden. 2. To use the completed garden to teach students about organic farming, conservation, pollution reduction, how to cook, cost benefit analysis, how to use your local resources, and all about going green. 3. To involve the Special Education Department in assisting with harvest and weeding, especially during the summer. 4. Looking to the Future: Use the greenhouse and the garden to sell seedlings and crops to other schools and groups that are starting this kind of a program. Use the funds for maintenance. Incorporate into biology curriculum, environmental science curriculum, as well as other curricula. 5. The garden will be continuously maintained by students, the extended year program, as well as parents and others. The garden is most productive when school is not in session; however we have plans in place to have people here during the summer, including students to maintain the garden. 6. Students will record each step of the process and, with the aid of Video Production; they will produce a video documentary that will be a teaching tool to assist other districts with the process of using garden. 7. The addition of this garden will add curricular opportunities for Special Ed., Culinary Arts, Science, Business, Continuing Ed, Adult Ed. 8. Convert the Greenhouse to a production program, currently it is used to house plants that may or may not be used in the classroom. By converting, at least part of it, we will be able to produce seedlings for the garden and also for other school groups or people who do not have access to a greenhouse. Students would be able to learn the process of germination, transplanting, and planning the garden from seed to harvest. 9. Utilize the Greenhouse to build an outreach program to assist with Fodor Farm in South Norwalk.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: This project combines curriculum from Wilton High School science courses (Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Science) as well as outside information about gardening. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to plant and grow crops. Students will understand the

reasons for going green and why conservation is important. Students will be able to show the reasons for buying locally grown produce. Students will be working in collaboration with other students from other communities in addition with adult groups. Some of the following are groups of students that will be working with this project: Special Ed. (through the year and extended year program), Science classes, art classes, culinary arts program, clubs, etc. Students will also produce a video and or lessons to teach other districts how to implement a similar project. Students will be able to apply the notions of where their food comes from and how this impacts their lives and health. Students will learn the benefits of donating and assisting in other communities. LANDSCAPE VALUE: In addition to greatly enriching our curriculum and our community collaborations, this organic garden will provide another boon to Wilton High School. Its location across from the Board of Ed at Catalpa Road, is highly visible. The well-designed structure and efficient layout will support an abundance of growing plants. The raised beds and hard surface paths will create a neat and clean line. It will add beauty and greenery to the school building. Its proximity to the greenhouse will help to create the feeling of a horticultural complex that is balanced, well scaled, and vibrant. The constantly changing plantings will provide continuing interest and color. Ornamental plantings will anchor the fenced garden into the site and will help us to accent valued horticultural memorials in the area. For instance, the school wall will showcase espaliered fruit trees, and the two doorways will bring scale and meaning to the perennials and shrubs that up until now, were high maintenance islands in the lawn. The fence will keep out the ever-present deer yet it will be beautiful, sturdy and easy to see through. It will become a green oasis in the sea of parking lots and brick on the south side of the Wilton High School building. METHODS OF EVALUATION: Students will meet with advisor(s) weekly to discuss progress and each student will keep a journal of the groups progress as well as ideas to further the project. Students will work together to keep journals of the amount of produce harvested, where it was delivered to, and that data will also be used by other classes to create spreadsheets to keep consistent records so that it will not matter who the advisor is that records are present to review. TIMELINE: The group will be meeting on a weekly basis to discuss progress and to work on the instillation of the garden, work on grants, research crops, etc. Upon approval of the B.O.E. we will move forward as quickly as possible, but also at the pace determined by the building renovation project. CURRENT SPONSOR INFORMATION: Millstone Farm Fink Environmental Foundation:

Newmans Own Foundation Teich Garden Systems Anne Farrell Snows Farm Student Government These funds will be used to support funding for tools, equipment, and the installation costs. This independent study is intended to be an ongoing project from year to year and it is important that funds be available for future use. In addition, this program will be selling seedlings that are grown in the greenhouse and those funds will be put into the WHS Garden Activity Fund which will then allow us to have money for future upkeep and maintenance. PENDING SPONSOR INFORMATION: Additional donations from parents and other community groups.

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