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Assignment objectives
The introductory speech should help students to: begin a study of public speaking in a low risk setting. practice delivering a speech within a time limit. begin the process of getting to know their classmates. work on conversational delivery. check their recording setup. do a test run of the peer review system.

Assignment description
Since we will be using the peer review system for video speeches, a good run through of the system is useful. In the video on the introductory speech, I asked you to put together a :45 second-4 minute speech that tells us: 1. Who you are and where you live. 2. Why you enrolled in the course and what types of presentations you want to work on. 3. Who do you think is an effective speaker? Please give one solid reason for why you think this person is so effective.

Hints on doing well

Practice: Do a few run throughs before you record the speech. Speak normally: Dont adopt an artificial sounding speech voice. Such voices often sound disingenuous. Dont rerecord the speech a thousand times: The goal is to get better at avoiding mistakes when we can or navigating our way out of them when we need to. Let us see you: Position the camera away from you so that we can see you move and so that you need to practice speech projection.

Have fun: This is the lowest intensity speech you will give in the course, so you better enjoy it now.

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