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Teacher Education Curriculum Library Meeting Haskell Library and Teacher Education Department Inventory and Collection Development

June 26, 2013 Jacqueline Boyd and Shannon McGillis, instructors in Teacher Education department met Beverly Fortner, Haskell Librarian, and Carrie Cornelius, ESU, School of Library and Information Management practicum student to provide input for the Teacher Education Curriculum Library collection housed in Tommany Academic Support Center. The collaborating departments met for two hours discussing inventory and the future development of the Teacher Ed Curriculum library collection. The goal was to create a collection filled with current teacher curriculum and quality fiction and nonfiction for teacher education students to utilize in their degree at Haskell Indian Nations University. Quality Native American childrens literature, bilingual and in English, are prioritized in fiction. Quality childrens literature which supports local school district Core Standards is also high priority. Inventory Discussions began with inventory of the collection. 4,130 titles were inventoried. 477 titles were missing from the collection. Approximately 280 titles were weeded from the collection. Additional math texts will be weeded upon input from Kay McCord. One unique tribal folklore series is not yet cataloged and 8 books were not cataloged. By subject, missing titles were analyzed for reordering. Two subject headings were priority. 117 titles were missing from Library of Congress heading, Literature titles. 118 titles were missing from Education: 75 from Theory & Practice of Education; 26 Special Aspects of Education; 26 from the General headings. The two other high areas of missing titles were 57 from History of the Americas and 35 missing from Social Science (20 Economic history and conditions). Reordering current subjects in these areas will be high concern. Beverly gave Jacqueline a copy of the list to identify titles that she would like reordered. All toured the collection and the content of the Teacher Education department collections in Parker Hall to identify titles used in curriculum in which to be included in the Tommany Teacher Education collection. A diabetes collection and dated periodicals were identified to be possibly discarded or kept in Tommany. Collection Development Student Teaching Needs The Teacher Education department input was valuable input in the direction of the collection development. They discussed subject content for the collection. Student teachers need a wide variety of not only K-6 fiction for meeting the Lawrence Public School District and Eudora Schools curriculum needs, but nonfiction. The Core Standards of reading are addressed, not through reading books but by

fiction literature and nonfiction titles of choice by teachers. Student teachers are required to create lesson plans using nonfiction content for science concepts and critical thinking skills. Other topics needed for developing lessons for students teaching were: o o o o o o o Kansas and local history and symbols Health Multi-cultural fiction/nonfiction Sciences: physical (magnets, energy, light), earth (weather), biology (insects butterflies and animal kingdom such as: authors Gale Gibbons and Simon Seymour) and recycling Holidays Applied science (technology) Dealing with American tragedies: Katrina, World Trade Center

Curriculum Support Many current teaching topics were needed to update the collection to support the Teacher Education department curriculum. o Foundations of Education Check ASCD for Marzano, Piaget, Kohlburg, Erickson, Bruner, Noddings, Gardener, Vygotsky Developmental Education Developmental stages Piaget, Kohlberg Instructional Strategies Integrated Instruction C. A. Tomlinson & J. McTighe Differentiated instruction Brain Learning Developmental Psychology Classroom Management-Designing Groupwork Bilingual Instruction- ELL, ESL, Duel language, Structured English Immersion Motivational Strategies Gifted and Talented Exceptional Sp Ed- Learning disabilities, autism, Aspergers syndrome, inclusion strategies Assessments Teaching Health Nutrition Teaching Art Instructional Technology iPads, Prezi, Guru,

o o

o o o o o o o o o o o Specific Titles

Heller, Ruth. Cronin, Doreen. Diary of a Worm.

Cronin, Doreen. Diary of a Fly. Cronin, Doreen. Diary of a Spider. Humble, Emma. The Jayhawker Book. Deedy, Carmen Agra. 14 Cows for America

Programs/Texts Reading A Z. Online subscription Indians, Lets Move. Reading First support Serials Periodicals were toured. Most education periodicals were in one location. Move Education Week to one location for use by the Teacher Education department. Instructors will promote the titles to include in curriculum assignments. Ed Helper Education DVDS Teacher Department encouraged updating all VHS to DVDs although no specific content was identified. Continued Collaboration The Teacher Ed and library would like to continue to meet yearly to develop the collection. Shannon and Jacquelyn will promote the use of the materials in their curriculum. The positive effects will take time as ordering and processing materials is a timely activity, yet both departments look forward to developing the Teacher Education Curriculum library as a useful resource for their student teachers. The practicum had two goals. The inventory is completed. Focus in July will be to create an order out of these materials listed from the knowledgeable input from the Teacher Education department and the Haskell librarian. Thank you.

Carrie Cornelius

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