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A Case Study Template

A Case Study Template: Learn Delightfully Simple Paper Formulas!

To benefit from great academic opportunities, youve got to have a number of skills, great enthusiasm and a template for case study writing. Its easy to get the first and the second, but its a bit more complicated to get a sample case study template that is just perfect for you. However, you wont have to search long check any free case study template you can find here, and youll be able to use it whenever you do your own research!

A Case Study Template: Check the Variety of Fascinating Examples

Just take a look at the explanations below, and youll get a case study template free! Depending on what kind of study you need to do, the templates can vary IT Case Study Template Introduction State the type of technology relevant for the study and the topic of the study. Background Offer statistical data, relevant information about the issue and people involved. Name the problem and put it in a larger context, if possible. Aims and Objectives Explain what the goal of the research is. Mention the additional goals (objectives). Approaches and Theories Enumerate all methods used (such as interviews, surveys or statistical methods) and the basic underlying theory of the study. Analysis Assess the existing data in a critical way. Positive and Negative Results State the results of the research, both positive and negative. Conclusion List the major findings and draw logical conclusions. Quotations and Citations Provide the relevant opinions of leading IT specialists.

Business Case Study Template Introduction Name the enterprise in question, key people and major problem studied. Background State the premises and stages of the problems development. Aims and Objectives Explain what you want to achieve with the study. Approaches and Theories Mention the business theories you rely on for this study and any concrete approaches that you use. Analysis Evaluate the data and provide efficient solutions. Positive and Negative Results This is much like a loss and gain account: mention both your positive and negative findings Conclusion Sum up the results and offer prognoses of likely developments. Quotations and Citations Include famous economists ideas that are relevant to the topic.

Clinical Case Study Template Introduction Describe the clinical problem, including symptoms and probable factors. Background Give a clear picture of the participants, including their age, social status, etc. Aims and Objectives List the key objectives you intend to reach with your study and your major aim. Approaches and Theories Specify the therapy approach that you use for the study and any theories that you rely on. Analysis Check every single symptom observed during the study and find a reasonable explanation for it. Then, develop a specific intervention. Positive and Negative Results Mention every single outcome of the study. Conclusion Offer suggestions for further therapy. Quotations and Citations

Provide the ideas of world renowned theorists. Nursing Case Study Template Introduction State the number of participants, broader area of research and major statistical data. Background Describe the patients backgrounds and their diagnoses. Aims and Objectives State what you want to achieve (the aim) and the objectives youll need to complete for that. Approaches and Theories Describe and explain your choicee of a specific approach and corresponding theory to use in the study. The Analysis Evaluate the symptoms before and after the intervention. Comment on the changes, if any. Positive and Negative Results Make notes of every single outcome, either positive or negative. Describe and discuss those notes in this section. Conclusion Offer a short summary of the results and future prospects. Quotations and Citations Include several citations of the experts in the given sphere.

Psychology Case Study Template Introduction Introduce the field and specific problem to the readers. Background Offer the data of the case, e.g. age, symptoms, specifics of behavior, etc. Aims and Objectives State the key aim of the research and all additional objectives. Approaches and Theories Choose a theory and a specific approach to address the problem. Analysis Assess carefully any changes in patients behavior. Positive and Negative Results List the key observations and your deductions. Conclusion Offer the grounds for further research.

Quotations and Citations Quote the principles of the theories used in the study. Education Case Study Template Introduction Name the educational establishment involved in the study, as well as the participants and problem investigated. Background Tell something about the school/college/high school, participants and issue. Aims and Objectives State the goal and objectives that will lead to the goal. Approaches and Theories Pick a specific theory to base your solutions on (e.g., Piagets ideas, brainbased learning, etc.) Analysis Analyze the students and teachers behavior. Positive and Negative Results Mention the key results of the analysis. Conclusion List the major findings and outline further potential development of the issue. Quotations and Citations Include participants ideas and relevant quotes from authoritative scholars.

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