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A Law firm is a business organization consisting of one or more lawyers who engage themselves in the practice of law. a. They advise clients about legal rights and responsibilities. b. They represent their clients in civil and criminal cases. c. They provide legal assistance.

8 Ps of Marketing

Good Service as well as supplementary service which adds value to the customers such as legal assistance etc.

Place, Cyberspace, and Time

It includes Physical as well as electronic distribution channels to ensure delivery of service such as telephone, mails and direct contact in the office rooms.

Process It should be effective and it should describe the method and sequence of actions. It should not be slow and bureaucratic.

Productivity and Quality The Firm should focus better on transforming the inputs into outputs which is valued by the customers also it should meet the customers expectations. Here Technology can be used for better processing.

People Employees should be well dressed and they should be trained and motivated by the Proprietor.

Promotion Communications should be delivered through media such as TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, posters, brochures and Websites.

Physical Evidence Visible Cues such as Infrastructure, interior furnishing, equipments, staff members, printed materials. These things create a profound impact on customers impressions.

Price and Other Under costs Trade margins should be set and establish credit terms. Minimize other burdens that customers may bear in purchasing and using and using the service.

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