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kcc1p1cnt': namc and contact 1nfovmat1on

MUh/M/0 8/l1Q 81N K
1van:act1on typc /th cvcd1t:
8cncf1c1avy': namc MUh/M/0 8/l1Q 81N K
8cncf1c1avy': banl M/L//N 8/NK1N0 8Lkh/0
8cncf1c1avy': account 1S830S3*****
{lavt of thc account numbcv 1: :hon
a: ***** fov :ccuv1ty vca:on:.)
tu:tomcv vcfcvcncc 31488.31612.123.20130102
2nd pavty vcfcvcncc
kcm1ttancc amount Mk161.00
\a1uc datc 02 Ju1 2013
kcm1ttcv': namc 0U1h8/8 80N 8h0
kcm1tt1ng banl h88t 8anl Ma1ay:1a 8cvhad
1n:tvuct1on vcfcvcncc 900103L80/1S
kcm1ttcv to bcncf1c1avy 1nfovmat1on
0n11nc laymcnt tvan:fcv
/dv1cc :cnd1ng datc 03 Ju1 2013
/dv1cc vcfcvcncc no 010384482220
laymcnt /dv1cc
lagc 1]1
1mpovtant notc:
1h1: /dv1cc 1: 1::ucd at thc vcquc:t of ouv cu:tomcv. 1t puvpovt: to :ct out ccvta1n dcta11: of thc tvan:act1on that ouv 8anl a: 1n:tvuctcd
to cffcct. 1h1: 1: N01 a conf1vmat1on that thc tvan:act1on ha: bccn ov 111 bc cffcctcd. ou :hou1d conduct youv on vcv1f1cat1on and
conf1vmat1on vcgavd1ng thc 1nfovmat1on :ct out 1n th1: /dv1cc 1nc1ud1ng 1thout 11m1tat1on thc :tatu: of thc tvan:act1on mcnt1oncd 1n 1t.
1h1: /dv1cc 1: fov youv vcfcvcncc on1y and 1: not to bc vc11cd upon by you ov any onc fov any puvpo:c. wc havc not vcv1f1cd thc contcnt of
th1: /dv1cc and bcav no vc:pon:1b111ty thcvcfov. whcvc th1: /dv1cc 1: :cnt by fac:1m11c ov ovcv thc 1ntcvnct you :hou1d talc notc that
commun1cat1on by fac:1m11c ov ovcv thc 1ntcvnct may bc 1ntcvvuptcd dc1aycd ov fa11. 1n pavt1cu1av c-ma11 mc::agc: :cnt v1a thc 1ntcvnct
cannot bc guavantccd to bc :ccuvc cvvov ov v1vu:-fvcc a: 1nfovmat1on cou1d bc 1ntcvccptcd covvuptcd 1o:t avv1vc 1atc ov conta1n v1vu:c:.
1hc 8anl :ha11 bcav no 11ab111ty hat:ocvcv fov any d1vcct 1nd1vcct ov con:cqucnt1a1 1o:: av1:1ng out of th1: /dv1cc bc1ng :cnt by fac:1m11c
ov ovcv thc 1ntcvnct hcthcv cau:cd by thc 8anl ov othcv th1vd pavt1c:. 1hc 1nfovmat1on conta1ncd 1n th1: /dv1cc 1: conf1dcnt1a1. 1t may a1:o
bc 1cga11y pv1v11cgcd. 1f you avc not thc addvc::cc you may not copy fovavd d1:c1o:c ov u:c any pavt of 1t.
Issued by HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad

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