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Lecture 1 Lesing 1

Polytheism as primary religion/ Politesme as primre godsdiens Monotheism as newer or secondary religion/ Monotesme as nuwe of sekondre godsdiens

1. Polytheism 1. Politesme
Deities function within four dimensions/ Gode funksioneer binne vier dimensies: Cosmic dimension/ Kosmiese dimensie Political dimension/ Politiese dimensie Mythical (narrative) dimension/ Mitiese (narratiewe) dimensie Human life and history dimension/ Menslike lewe en geskiedenis dimensie


2. Monotheism 2. Monotesme
Two forms are distinguished: Evolutionary monotheism/ Evolusionre monotesme Revolutionary monotheism/ Revolusionre monotesme

Evolutionary monotheism/ Evolusionre monotesme

Translating gods/ Die vertaal van gode Hyphenating gods/ Koppeling van gode All gods are one/ Alle gode is een Belief in a supreme being/ Geloof in n opper wese

Revolutionary monotheism/ Revolusionre monotesme

Negative or counter religion/ Negatiewe of teengodsdiens Canonization/ Kanonisering Idolatry, sin and the construction of paganism/ Afgodery, sonde en die konstruksie van heidendom The theologizing of justice/ Die teologiseering van geregtigheid

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