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nfluence of Jint Detais n the Lca Ducfiitv f Stee MR Frames

Anthims Anastasiadisl
Lniersity Timisr

victr Gincul

' g00 Timisr

str' Trin Llescu 2 , Romni

eywrds: Jint details , Moment resisting frame , Duti1i , Rtatin capacty DUcRoT computer prgram

During the Nrthridg and b earthquakes , numerous velded stel momnt - resisting rames ( MRFs ) cnnectins failed at the ontat btween beam and clumn. n rder to improve the behavior f these cnnectins, some new nstrutinal details are proposed :(i) reducing the beam flange crss section area in the prximity of the cnntin ( dg bne cnfiguratin ); (ii) inreasing the onnetins strength supply by stiffening th beam flanges. The rotatinal apacity f these conntins ar siificantly enhanced' Th paper presnts th increasing f local dutility for these new cnstructinal detais, using the DUCTROT
omputer prgram.

1. ntroductin For steel moment - resisting frames undr sver earthquakes, it is gnrally assumd in cods that th input nrgy is absrbed and dissipated primariy by the plasti hinges formed at the ends f beams. But th Nrthridge and b earthquakes hav shown that in som nditins , especially in the case f the near - field grund mtins, this cde cnceptin des nt wrk, a widespread brittle damage in the welded nntin curring, withut any sign that sme plastic defrmatins are prdued in beams. Ther are many als many cases in which plasti hinges urred in lumns, du to the fat that the interatin beam - flr slab was underestimated and the plastic momnt capacities f beams were greater than the column plasti moment capacities. n the aim to avid ths damage types and to constrain the deveping the plastic hinges nly in the beams, it is required by desi practice t imprve th onstrutinal details, fr whih a variety f ideas have been proposed.

n the paper, the tv slutions afe proposed: the dreasing r incrasing the moment apacity of beam ends. Taking advantage of using the s called .. standard beam ,, and the DUCTRO cmputer prgTam, the increasing of the beam dutility in function of nstructiona detais, are propsed. The influene f gavitatinal and seismi ads is onsiderd, in the aim to use the atualmoment diagrams.

2. New constructinal detais

Sine after Nrthridge and Kbe the reliability of the welded connectins has lng been questiond , it ariss the idea that is better t mve the plasti hinge away from the lumn Surfac, in the field were the welding des nt determinate the nde ductility. There tw ways t obtain this puses:
(i) Weakening the speific beam section near t onnectin by trimming the beam flanges . Th idea was devepd in priniple in the 80,s by umier [1] and was patnted by RBED , This sution is knwn als as the .. dog bone ,, nfiguratin [2] . The vakening can be btained by drilled holes, pligonal uts, with nstant reduced setion, urv-d ut with variable setion, or adjusted cuts, with variable redued setin in funtin f the shape bnding mment [3],[4],[5],[6]. Due to fat that the last one Seams to be the mre adequate for develping f the arg plastic hinge, it \rill develped in the paper (Fig.1a).

(ii) Strengthening the speific bam near t onnectin by adding covering plates, |atera| reinforement plates, vertical ribs [3],[6]. These solutins move th plasti hing away from th olumn fae , but usually increase the amount of fie1d welding , and may lead t vry diffiult welding predures in vertial r ver - head psitin. n the paper the slutin with
vertical ribs is analyzed ( Fig.1b

Considring the olmn - beam relation, ther are tlvo MR fram types (i) Weak beam - strng column (WB-SC), fr which the pastic hinges are formed ony in the beam ends and at column bases ; (ii) strng beam - weak olumn (SB-WC), whih develp a pasti mhanism ony in th weakest storey, the pastic hings being oncentrated at the lumn ends . he mdern cneptions f des considers that nly th WB-SC slutin an ffer a gd ductility . That means that the mment capaity of clumns must be geater than the n offespnding t the beams But the bam mment apacity depnds n the interaction of steel beam with the reinforced oncrete flor, interation whih is very diffiult t be quantified . Due t this fat, in many aSeS, the cnditin f gbal mhanism is not satisfied, pasti hinges urring also in clumns n th aim to prevent an unontrlled behavir , sme onstructinal details are prposed: intmlptin of cnnectrs r rinfred nret plate in the field of pasti hinges(Fig 2)


Rtatin Capacity

The mdern design philsphy is based n the objetive t provide strutures with sufficient ductility. S, the aai|abe lcal dutiity, determined at the level f plastic hinges must be greater than the required ductility, btained from the full struture bhavir, ativated by a speifi earthquake. For this purpose, a methodlogy is detrmined in [7], based on the plasti rtatin apaity of a standard beam, determined by the psitins in actual strutur of the pastic hinges and the inflectin points ( Fig.3a ). The rotation capaity, R, is given by (Fig.3b )

-! -



;l--:;_:_\--F: .c].-,-
ptace of plastic hinge place of plast[c hnge

required moment caPcitY (gr-avitationat and seismic loads ) ovided moment capacity




|o _y'_',
reqred momenf capacty

provided momenf capacify

place of plastic hinge

place of plastic hinge


_-1 |






Figure 1. Typical details of the analyzed beam-olumn cornection


Figure 2. .pical details or beam-flor onnectlons ,here ,, is the ultimate pastic rtatin , ,' the rotation coesponding t the first plastic hinge , ., . total ultimate rtatin. he rotalin capacity is detenined using a plasti mechanism fnned by plastic Zones and yield lines . A cmputer progam DUCRO has been elabrated at CRC irisara [8] fbr detennlnaion f the ducili of lcal mechanism. The available rtatin capait1,, is detennined tiom the reation [7]


) -

/.. '' ,

'/ ,



local plastic mechanisms



3. Lcal ductilit

where t,, , are numerial ceffiints introducing the effet yli loading and axial fres, respetivelY * is the partial safety fatr t alw for the same tim uncertainties in the determining the available rotatin apacity ; a valu f *: 1,5 is prpsd

4. Ductiity f reduced . beam sectin h moving of the plasti hinge away frm the clumn flange is prfrmed by choosing adequate dimensions fr reduced setion . The main geometrial parameters are pfesented in Fig.l . The distane from the column f redued setin is sected in aim to avid the deterioration of material prperties at the heat - affected zne. The distane remlnended in the literature [4] is sized between 5 - 120 mm , The transitin engths are hsen t avoid th stress nentratins . Th length f redued sectin is determined in a mannr t aw the urring of a single plasti hing . To shrt length impedes the 1brmatin f a arge dissipate plastic hinge, while t long length may allws ccurring of tw pastic hinges produing an unexpted lal beam mehanism , The lengIh of the plastic mehanism is dtermined in [7] as being




; '1 l\D/ \/.,./




Fr the variable redued crss-sectin, a medium b value may be used . The rdutin f ross-setion from the mment diagram, in whih the both seismi and gravitatina lads must be inluded The dereasing of mment capaity with 5 - |0% is proposd in the aim to ensure that yild ocurs in the redued section[4] . So the redued plasti mment capai, fr the t.w ends, t,,

M p'red'\'2=


,'il''(+_, - *+('_



is the bam length, Mo,the unrducd plastic mmnt f beam, _ Mo qL2 q the ' vertial gravitational lads . The value is limited to 0'25 because fr smaller values, the maximum moment oufs away frm the olumn fae . The redued moments, in funtin f gravitatinal lads are presented in (Fig.4). The inreasing f rotatin capaciql, R, due to the plastic moment r width reductins is presented in Fig.5,6 . The inreasing is very important, being about 55% . The importance f onsidering the graitational loads results frm the Fig.7, the effet being the derasing f rotatinal capaity' Negleting f this efft an be ]ead t hs inorret gemetrial paramters and, f urse, to undr estimate the rtatin apacity of beam,

The importance f cnsidering the gravitatinal loads results frm the Fig.7, the effet being th decreasing of rtationa apacity. egleting of this effct can be lead t chose inrrect gemetrical parameters and, of cours, to under estimate the rtatin apaity f beam. n the same time the increasing of gravitatinal lads produces a reducing f rotatin capacity (Fig.8). one can see that the rtation capaity is decrased of abut 25o in case f high vertical lads , Mp / q12: 0,25 - ,30, as mpared with lw vertical lads, p l qL2: ,60 0.80.

0,9 0,8


4,7 0,6
0,5 0,4 0,2

+Li +Li +-Li


/ L =0,01 ;

Lt/ L=0,0'10

/ L =0,040 ;



Li / L =0,070 ; Lt/ L=0,070 / L =0,10


2 U'J

Lt I L=0,10


Li / L =0, 13 ; Lt / L=0,'13 Li / L =0,'tG ; Lt / L=0,16


Figure 4. Rduced pasti mments


tF6000 mm ; Lrn=200mm
Mp / qU =0.30
14 12 1



^t 0
0,9 0,92 0,96

.re / !h.t



5. ncreasing of rtatin apaity

380x12x200x16 Mp / ql :,30

-6000 mm ; Lm=200 mm


'041 7

0,066 0,033

0,058 0,025 '85




g -i'/L I b1/b

Figure 6. nfluene f geometrial parameters and gravitational oads n rotation capaity.

H 380x12x200x16


-- :1-:"0 ---

14 12 1




Mp /qL2 =),3)

0,041 0.75

0,066 0,033

0'58 0,025

'05 ,016


/L /L


Figure 7. nfluene f lading System on rtation apaity

380x12x200x16 .- 6000 mm

Lm =200 mm
16 14 12





Lt ,:0,05 Lt ,{-:,058 Lt

4 2



;b2iF0,65 ; h1/b:0,85

--x-- Li{,O

;b2r0,6 ; b1,ib=O,8 1o



(o^ -. . oooo p/qL





Figure 8. nflunc f $avitatinalloads

5. Ductility of strengthened beam sectin he dimensins f strengthened beam are presented in Fig.1b. Fr this setin the plasti hinge ocurs at the distane of dl3 frm the edge of reinforced nnetion[6]. For determining the required strengthened sectin, it iS recmmended t consider different Strain hardning ffets fr beam and Strengthned setins. The over strength f reinfored beam can b f rder 20-30% [7], while for the strengthened setin may be nly 5-10%. S, the plastic mment capaity f strengthened sctin must be:


where the oeffiient onsiders the ffect of strain hardening, t is recmmended that :0,75-a'65. The influene f this cffiient is presented in (Fig.9).


380x12x200xl6 ;6000 mm

a 1)



0,6 0,4









Figure 9. Effect f stain hardening

t is very learly that the effet is t inrease the required strengthning . The influenc f ribs lngth and pasti hinges position on the rtation apacity is presnted in Fig.10, one can see that the increasing f distane between lumn fac and plasti hinges give rise to an increasing of rtation capacity f order 8%. The influene f gravitatina frces n the rtatin apaity is presented in Fig' 11, fr different rib lengths'
380xl2x200x16 Mp / ql{},3











Figure 10. nfluene f rib length n rtatin apacity

380x12x200x16 =6000 mm

:.+L. i -.

L {'008

-JFLr /L 4.025 i-.tsLr l,4'03 -{-Lr /L {.04

_-*_Lrl, {'065
0,4 0,5
rp /q}

Lr /L 4,016

6. Cncusions

11 nfluence of gravitatinal loads on the rotation capacity

Th veakening r strengthening of beam ends, in the aim to mve away th formatin of pastic hinges frm coumn faes, is in the same time a very god solution t inreasing the local ductility of beams. he weakening of cross Stion seems to be the mst adequate solution, the inreasing of rotation apaity being highst than for strengthening solution. The second sution an be effective when the weding material have suff,tcient toughness and the rveding is xeuted \/ith high quaity. t is very important t consider in analysis the influene of gravitational lads, therwise the above mentined effect f weakenins or strngthning bing questionabe. References t1l Plumier, A, ,1996' Reduced beam section; a safety oncept for structures in seismic Zones, uetin Stiintific, Seri Construct, rchitectur, m 41(55), Fas.2, 46-60. wankiw, N. R., Carter, Ch. J., 1996, he dgbone: a ne\ry.idea to chew on, Mclern Steel (|'nstructin,36, N 4' |8-23. Chen, S. J., Chu, J.M. , Chu, . L., |997 ,Dynami behaviours of steel frames with beam flanges shaved arund onnection, J.Constr.Seel Res.,42, N1, 49-70. Chen, S. J., Yeh, C. H., Chu, J.M. |996'Ductie steel beam-to-column connctins ' fr seismic resistane, J,Struct. ng.' 122' 1 1, 1292-|297 Popov, E' P', Bondet, M., Stepanov, L., t996' ppliction of Dgnes for improement f seismic behiour f steel cnnectin^s, , Report UCB/EERC 96-05, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. Bruneau, M., Uang., C, M,, Whittaker, A, 1998, Ductile Design f Steel Structures, McGraw-Fill, ew York. Ginu, V., etcu, D',1997, Availabe rotatin apaity of wide flange beams and beam column, Part 1, Thoretical approahes,Part 2, Exprimenta and Numerial tests, J.Cnst. Seel Res.,43, N -3, 161-217,29-244 Petcu, D., Gincu,.' |996, DUCTR)T 96, Guide for SerS, CERC Timisoara Ro. '

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