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PART 1. SYNONYMS 1. We should never be apathetic towards other people for we have a social responsibility to fulfill.

indifferent concerned generous worried 2. A good leader should be cognizant of the numerous issues that affect his constituents. aware uninformed confused idealistic 3. Always be careful not to issue any disparaging remarks against other people. praising confusing damaging discouraging 4. Flowers are ephemeral; they bloom yet wither in a week or so later. shrivel long lasting beautiful short lived 5. A fastidious person will never find true happiness. simple choosy greedy contented 6. The Ortigas Center is filled with gargantuan buildings, some having up to 50 floors. crowded old and weak first class gigantic 7. Nobody liked haughty Monty who kept bragging about his riches. arrogant foolish respectable dependable 8. The corrupt policeman was discharged from service due to his ignominious act of accepting bribes.

honorable disrespectable unwanted remarkable 9. The impudent child was scolded for answering back to older people. respectful honorable clever rude 10. Spores are infinitesimal reproductive units of fungi and lower plants. invisible interesting microscopic large 11. Never trust an insidious person because youll never know what goes on in his mind. honest treacherous loyal trustworthy 12. Jessica is an irascible girl who frequently has tantrums. impatient cheerful hot-tempered jolly 13. Surgeons should be meticulous especially when performing operations. careful careless strict lenient 14. Christ teaches us to be concerned about putting riches in heaven and not to be obsessed withmundane things. temporary worldly insignificant important 15. Rochelle has difficulty seeing things from afar because she is myopic. cross-eyed eagle-eyed

farsighted nearsighted 16. Regina, being a child of three, is oblivious to the world around her. careful carefree aware unmindful 17. Man can never be omniscient like God. all-knowing logical immortal miraculous 18. The piquant mouse was able to find its way out of the maze in a short while. dumb clever small unusual 19. It is now plausible to say that someday, interplanetary travel will no longer be impossible. reasonable unusual illogical extraordinary 20. A prudent person is not easily deceived. loyal careless wise foolish 21. Spare the rod and spoil the child is a common aphorism. slogan battlecry proverb motto 22. Charmaines deportment is highly commendable. belief behavior intelligence competence 23. For enmity and hate are contrary to friendship and concord.

agreement mutual hatred confusion division 24. The Filipinos fortitude is the reason why he seldom complains. endurance peace-loving discontent satisfaction 25. Poverty should never be viewed as an impediment towards attaining good education. reason way link obstruction 26. The students were upbraided for misbehaving during the assembly. praised honored scolded stopped 27. Urbane people are appalled by rude behavior. well-mannered ill-mannered modern rich 28. Clowns are never vapid but the sick usually are. lively and energetic lacking spirit and liveliness clumsy funny 29. The client was asked to verify the veracity of the statement of accounts issued. accuracy discrepancy redundancy mistake 30. Dentists believe that babies should be weaned from feeding bottles as soon as possible to prevent malformation of the infants erupting teeth. get used to develop hatred for

free from dependence make more dependent




1. Moby Dick : Herman Melville :: The Old Man and the Sea : Charles Dickens Ernest Hemingway Charles Perrault Robert Frost 2. Confucius : China :: Mahatmah Gandhi : India Japan Africa Philippines 3. BIR : Taxes :: DPWH : Public Roads Houses Traffic Churches 4. Barangay : Captain :: Provincial Governmnent : Congressmen Mayor Senator Governor 5. USA : Washington D.C. :: Philippines : Quezon City San Juan Manila Cebu 6. Presidential : President :: Parliamentary : Prime Minister King

House Speaker Cardinal 7. Tagbanua : Palawan :: Kankanay : Ilocos Cavite Benguet Cebu 8. Pyramid : Egypt :: Taj Mahal : China Japan India Malaysia 9. Tigris-Euphrates : Mesopotomia :: Nile River : Egypt Greece Italy Spain 10. Mahabrata : India :: Gilgamesh : Assyria Sumeria Chaldea Babylon 11. Italy : Latin :: Greece : Grecian French Greek Greece 12. Sistine Madonna : Raphael :: Last Supper : Michaelangelo Leonardo da Vinci Rembrandt Van Gogh 13. Stalagmite : Floor :: Stalactite : Wall Ceiling Mouth Window 14. Catholic : Priest :: Moslem : Rajah

Hajji Koran Imam 15. Gionnani Boccacio : Decameron :: Niccolo Machiavelli : The Little Prince Utopia The Prince Wealth of Nations 16. Samuel Morse: Telegraph :: Alexander Graham Bell : telescope telephone teleportation door bell 17. Parachute: Andre Jacques Garnerin :: Television : John Logie Baird William Sony John Vincent Crowe Howard Aiken 18. Earth is the center: Ptolemy :: Sun is the center : Albert Einstein Aristotle Galileo Copernicus 19. Pythagorean Theorem : Pythagoras :: Cubic Equation : Alfred Nobel Isaac Newton Tartaglia Rene Descartes 20. Henry Cavendish : Hydrogen :: Henry Priestly : carbonic acid oxygen radium potassium 21. Allied Powers: Russia :: Central Powers : France Britain Italy Austria 22. entourage : attendants :: cortege :

procession for a saint procession in court funeral procession floral procession 23. islet : small island :: rivulet : small river small land small review small rebel 24. conspicuous: obvious :: hideous : hidden ugly expert in hiding very bad 25. nose : nasal :: abdomen : abnormal abdominal abominate adenoma 26. agnostic : doubts God's existence :: atheist : denies God's existence denies God as creator affirms God's existence affirms God as creator 27. infanticide : killing of infants :: genocide : killing of genies killing of geniuses killing of a race or social group killing of Geno 28. latrine : toilet :: lavatory : basin tub sink bathroom 29. masticate : chew :: eradicate : collect count complete throw

30. mazurka : Polish :: fandango : Russian Spanish German Polish


1. 3 6 9 12 15 2 18 22 20 2. C E G I K L M N O 3. I K M O Q R T S P 4. B D F H J L M N P 5. 10 17 26 37 48 49 50 51 6. 37 50 65 82 98 99 100 101 7. 3 9 5 25 8 64 12 144

15 17 20 16 8. AB EF IJ MN OP PQ QR RS 9. ZY WV TS QP NM ML LK KJ 10. DC HG LK PO OP RQ SR TS 11. 1 2 5 6 11 12 19 20 25 27 29 31 12. 4 9 5 11 6 13 7 15 19 9 8 17 13. 6 12 36 72 216 250 300 400 432 14. A C C F F F J G K V

15. 1 2 6 12 36 50 52 70 72 16. H H L L P P T T V X Y Z 17. E F H G I J LK JL KM MN 18. 6 12 7 11 8 10 13 7 10 9 19. A C F J O T U S R 20. B DE GHI MNDP LMNO JKLM KLMN 21. A B C D E F J I H G 22. N O P Q R S W V

U T 23. 3 8 48 55 440 448 449 450 451 24. 16 12 17 11 18 7 9 10 12 25. 29 58 29 145 29 231 232 233 234 26. MZ KX IV GT ER FS DQ CP 27. LO KP JQ IR HS GT FU EV DW 28. G F I H K J M L O 29. AZ BY CX DW EV GT FU HS IR
30. 396 384 370 354 336


314 316 320


1. CJ de Silva's painting abilities are uncanny. remarkable ordinary astonishing unbelievable 2. Beside the boulevard are gigantic buildings. alley street avenue road 3. He often got into trouble because he was brusque. blunt rude refined curt 4. The reporters candid remarks caught the mayoralty candidate off-guard. secret frank well-thought reserved 5. The mean boys derided the sickly boy. made fun of ridiculed praised abandoned 6. Charm was ecstatic when she won first prize in the short story writing contest. melancholic overjoyed worried energetic

7. Migraine headaches are excruciating. extremely painful mild pain painless healing 8. The quiz proved to be facile so the students got high scores. difficult easy average answerable 9. The garrulous girls were distanced from each other. mute talkative behaved quiet 10. The heathens used to practice cannibalism. uncivilized people barbaric people old people cultured people 11. Keep on believing that physical disability is not a hindrance to success. block stepping stone opportunity difficulty 12. Never operate a machine once you are inebriated. sober drunk sleepy active 13. The people inveighed against the sharp increase in oil prices. admitted amended accepted deliberated 14. Some people believe that breaking a mirror is a jinx. bad luck evil expensive good luck

15. The players were confused when the kibitzers suddenly butted-in during the teams huddle. advisers spectators onlookers crowd 16. The lanky lad stood out among the average-sized students. fierce-looking gigantic short and stout tall and thin 17. The sickly dog was given a lethal dose of morphine tablets. fatal safe deadly nasty 18. Heinous criminals are truly loathsome. repugnant foul adorable nasty 19. We listened attentively to the mellifluous sound produced by the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra. harsh resonant melodious mellow 20. The free medical and dental checkup conducted by the AFP Group is just a proof of theirmunificence. commitment generosity extravagance stinginess 21. Justice calls for penalizing nefarious acts. honorable detestable infamous vile 22. The MSA Reviewer Books are noteworthy materials. remarkable substantial

trivial significant 23. You will never get sufficient nourishment if you are obdurate in refusing to eat vegetables. stubborn obedient firm willful 24. Dont be so obtrusive but instead, mind your own business. reserved snoopy nosey interfering 25. I admire people who are modest despite their opulence. great wealth poverty affluence lavishness 26. Do you always try to be a paragon of virtue? model example yardstick anomaly 27. Tragic stories had so much pathos that it let me feeling down. anguish woe intrigue humor 28. Chin is such a precocious girl who can already read at age three. slow learner bright inquisitive advanced 29. She had the quixotic idea that she was a reincarnation of a British princess. wild fantastic realistic dreamy 30. The ramshackle building collapsed easily. new

old outdated shabby




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