Topic 3: Philippine Society and Culture

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Topic 3: Philippine Society and Culture Paul Gaugin Barkada raw ni Van Gough 1897, Tahiti Shows the

the life cycle of the individual Where do we come from? Archeology and History History is the study of the past; as an academic discipline, it is the study of the human past. Archeology is the study of the human past through contextual materials. Tracing history and establishing time: Carbon dating Association Isotope dating Homo erectus Tabon cave Mannungul cave What are we? (as humans) Or Who are we? (as Pinoys) Interaction through material Maritime orientation Austronesian language Interaction = not just Trade Not a single culture transformed in isolation Very conscious attempt within a culture Biogeographic signals We dont have early evidence in the rise of the Philippine language

What are we?

Where are we going?

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