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Complaints Against West Yorkshire Police

There were 59 allegations made against West Yorkshire Police Professional Standards Department between April 2009 and March 2012. The nature of the allegations are shown below:

Breach of Code B Breach of Code E Corrupt Practice Incivility Irregularity in Evidence Lack of fairness and impartiality Mishandling of property Oppressive Conduct Irregularity in Procedure Neglect or failure in duty Unlawful Arrest

The table below shows the number of public complaints made against West Yorkshire Police employees.
Financial Year 01/04/11 31/03/12 01/04/10 31/03/11 01/04/09 31/03/10 Complaint allegations 1662 1804 1604

The table below shows the number of public complaint allegations of discriminatory behaviour. None of these cases were upheld following investigation.

Financial Year 01/04/11 31/03/12 01/04/10 31/03/11 01/04/09 31/03/10

Complaints of discriminatory behaviour 18 31 27

The table below shows the total number of complaints of neglect or failure in duty. In order to establish if each case related to the recording or crimes and/or investigating crimes properly a manual search of each case would be required, however this could not be carried out within FOIA timescale limits.

Financial Year 01/04/11 31/03/12 01/04/10 31/03/11 01/04/09 31/03/10

Complaints of Neglect or failure in duty 332 306 299

The table below shows the number of public complaints referred to the IPCC, and the number deemed to be independent investigations.
Financial Year Public Complaint Allegations Referred to the IPCC 99 113 114 Dealt with by way of Independent Investigation 2 5 0 Referred back to West Yorkshire Police For investigation 97 108 114

01/04/11 31/03/12 01/04/10 31/03/11 01/04/09 31/03/10

The number of appeals against the outcome of a complaint investigation upheld by the IPCC, this figure would be 82 cases in the 3 year period.

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