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REFLECTION The English Language Society is aimed to encourage us to speak English and practice of using English in our daily life. This is one of the activities that are required in the foundation year of TESL. The activities of the ELS start with the management of society that holds by Mr. John Roy Chacko. This was our very first meeting and the election of the committee members were done in this meeting. Then we started to talk about the activities that we are going to do during the ELS. Then the activities are gone on with the introduction to the concept and theory of English Language Society by Mr. Joseph Yabai. After that, we have the activity of identity of the society where we are required to write a song for ELS and design a logo and motto for our society by Madam Nora Angas. This was a quite fun activity where we all can write our own song lyrics, then sing together. After that, a lot of activities were held. Such as, the language games, choral speaking, drama and talent time. I do like the drama and the talent time the most, well, I am the one who really like all the music and the rhythm person. So I do enjoy much these two activities. Then, the activities of planning and management where we are asked to work on a working paper. I did learned how to prepare a working paper, and seriously, preparing a working paper is not an easy job. All the budgeting, planning, I still need work on it. During this society, we also had our drama rehearsal. And I had to admit, this was the best part during this ELS. We are practicing our drama every night, in the morning, even in the afternoon. Meet everyday, and our bong become closer and closer. No more TESL group 1 and TESL group 2. Now we are one, one TESL. Even though

we are quite tired and sometimes we are bored for repeating the same scene over and over again. And this society really make me learned a lot especially the cooperation and interaction between each of the entity and members of the society.

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