The CAESAR II Main Menu (Search-Manual-Online - Com)

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MIT Department of Piping Design & Engineering Training Centre, Pune

The CAESAR II Main Menu

CAESAR II may be started by double clicking the CAESAR II icon, or by running C2.EXE from the CAESAR II installation directory. After starting CAESAR II, the Main Menu appears. It is recommended that this screen be kept at its minimal size (as shown above). This allows access to the toolbar while freeing most of the screen for other applications. The Main Menu is used to direct the actions of CAESAR II. As elsewhere in CAESAR II commands may be accessed from menus, as well as toolbars and/or keystroke combinations. The available menu options are briefly described here with further detail available elsewhere in this document or in the CAESAR II Technical Reference Guide.

File Menu

The File menu may be used to do the following: Set Default Data DirectorySets the default data (project) directory without selecting a specific job file. Some CAESAR II options do not require that a job be selected, but must know in which directory to work. Note The selection of the data directory is very important since any configuration, units, or other data files found in that directory are considered to be local to that job. NewStarts a new piping or structural job. When New is selected the user must designate whether this job is for a piping or structural model. The data directory where the file is to be placed must be selected, either by entering it directly or by browsing. Note Selecting Structural Input launches the Structural Steel Wizard. For more information,

MIT Department of Piping Design & Engineering Training Centre, Pune

see Chapter 4 of the CAESAR II Technical Reference Manual for details.

OpenOpens an existing piping or structural job. When Open is chosen the user is prompted to select an existing job file. Files of type Piping, Pre-version 3.24 piping, or Structural may be displayed for selection (see below).

Clean Up (delete) FilesEnables users to delete unwanted scratch files, listing files, input, and output files to retain more hard disk space.

MIT Department of Piping Design & Engineering Training Centre, Pune

Recent Piping or Recent Structural Files Displays the four most recently used piping or structural files in the File menu. ExitCloses CAESAR II.

Input Menu

Once a file is selected, the Input Menu indicates the available modules for the file type chosen. PipingInputs a CAESAR II piping model. UndergroundConverts existing piping model to buried pipe. Structural SteelInputs a CAESAR II structural model.

Analysis Menu

The Analysis Menu allows the user to select from the different calculations available. StaticsPerforms Static analysis of pipe and/or structure. This is available after error checking the input file. DynamicsPerforms Dynamic analysis of pipe and/or structure. This is also available after error checking the input file.

MIT Department of Piping Design & Engineering Training Centre, Pune

SIFsDisplays scratch pads used to calculate stress intensification factors at intersections and bends. WRC 107/297Calculates stresses in vessels due to attached piping. FlangesPerforms flange stress and leakage calculations. B31.GEstimates pipeline remaining life. Expansion Joint RatingEvaluates expansion joints using EJMA equations. AISCPerforms AISC code check on structural steel elements. NEMA SM23Evaluates piping loads on steam turbine nozzles. API 610Evaluates piping loads on centrifugal pumps. API 617Evaluates piping loads on compressors. API 661Evaluates piping loads on air-cooled heat exchangers. HEI StandardEvaluates piping loads on feedwater heaters. API 560Evaluates piping loads on fired heaters.

Output Menu

The user is presented with all available output of piping and/or structural calculations, which may be selected for review. StaticDisplays Static results. HarmonicDisplays Harmonic Loading results. Spectrum ModalDisplays Natural Frequency/Mode Shape calculations or Uniform/Force Spectrum Loading results. Time HistoryDisplays Time History Load Simulation results. Animation Displays Animated Graphic simulations of any of the above results.

Tools Menu

MIT Department of Piping Design & Engineering Training Centre, Pune

The Tools Menu includes various CAESAR II supporting utilities that are used for Configure/SetupCustomizes the behavior of CAESAR II, on a directory by directory basis. Enables the user to consider items such as treatment of corrosion, pressure stiffening, etc. differently for each directory, due to project or client considerations. CalculatorLaunches an on-screen calculator. Make Units filesCreates custom sets of units. Material Data BaseEdits or adds to the CAESAR II material database. AccountingActivates or customizes job accounting or generates accounting reports. Multi-Job AnalysisEnables the user to run a stream of jobs without operator intervention. External InterfacesDisplays the interfaces to and from third party software (both CAD and analytical).

Diagnostics Menu

Diagnostics are provided to help trouble shoot problem installations. CRC CheckVerifies program files are not corrupted. Build VersionDetermines the build version of CAESAR II files. Error ReviewReviews description of CAESAR II errors.

MIT Department of Piping Design & Engineering Training Centre, Pune

DLL Version CheckProvides version information on library files used by CAESAR II.

ESL Menu

The ESL Menu gives access to utilities, which interact with the External Software Lock. Show DataDisplays data stored on the ESL. Generate Access CodesAllows runs to be added, or other ESL changes, to be made either through Fax or E-mail (in conjunction with option below). Enter re-authorization Codes(see option above). Check HASP Device StatusVerifies the location and version of the ESL. Install HASP Device DriverInstalls the ESL Drivers.

View Menu

The View Menu allows users to enable the status bar and all toolbars. ToolbarEnable users to display and/or customize a toolbar. Status BarEnables users to display a status bar at the bottom of the window.

Help Menu

MIT Department of Piping Design & Engineering Training Centre, Pune

On Line Documentation Displays CAESAR II documentation in HTML or PDF format. Desktop On-Line Help Launches COADEs online technical support. On-Line Registration Enables users with Internet access to register electronically with COADE. Information Provides information on the best ways to contact COADE personnel for technical support and provides Internet links for COADE downloads and information. Check for Upgrades Enables users to verify the most current version of CAESAR II is installed. About CAESAR II Displays CAESAR II version and copyright information.

Throughout CAESAR II context-sensitive, on-screen help is available by pressing ? or [F1] while the cursor is in any input field. A help screen displays showing a discussion and the required units if applicable.

MIT Department of Piping Design & Engineering Training Centre, Pune

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