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INTRODUCTORY RITES Commentator 1.Enters Entrance Song No. 2.Good Evening Everyone, Today we Celebrate The 4th 3.

Reads Misalet Introduction 4.LET US ALL RISE AND SING OUR ENTRANCE HYMN (..) Assembly Commentator Priest Assembly Priest Sings Entrance Hymn Turns off Song Board In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all Assembly Priest And also with you. As we prepare to celebrate the mystery of Christ's love, let us acknowledge our failures and ask the Lord for pardon and forgiveness Assembly Commentator Priest Assembly Commentator Commentator Priest Assembly Commentator OPENING PRAYER Priest Assembly Commentator Let us pray that we will be. Amen LET US ALL BE SITTED I confess to almighty God. Enters Penitential Rite Song No. Let us examine ourselves. Sings Penitential Rite Song (Lord Have Mercy..) Turns off Song Board Enters Gloria Song No. Glory to God in the Highest Sings or Recites the Gloria Turns off Song Board

LITURGY OF THE WORD Commentator First Reader Reads First Reading Introduction A Reading from the prophet. This is the word of the Lord. Assembly Responsorial Psalm Commentator Second Reader Thanks be to God Responsorial Psalm. Let our response be. Reads 2nd Reading Introduction A Reading from the . This is the word of the Lord. Assembly Commentator Commentator GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Assembly Commentator Priest Assembly Priest Priest Assembly Commentator Priest Sings Pre-Gospel Song Turns off Song Board The Lord be with You And also with you A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to.. This is the Gospel of the Lord Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ LET US ALL BE SITTED Says Homily. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Assembly Commentator Assembly Priest Amen LET US ALL RISE TO PROFESS OUR FAITH I believe in God.. General Intercessions. Let us say: Assembly Commentator Commentator Assembly Commentator Lord. Enters Offertory Song No. LET US ALL BE SITTED Sings Offertory Song Turns off Song Board Thanks be to God Enters Gospel Song No. LET US ALL RISE TO HONOR THE HOLY GOSPEL

Priest Assembly Priest Assembly Priest Assembly

Blessed are you, Lord Blessed be God Forever Blessed are you, Lord Blessed be God Forever Pray, my brothers and sisters that our sacrifice May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands, for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his church.

Commentator PRAYER OVER THE GIFTS Priest Assembly LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Priest Assembly Priest Assembly Priest Assembly Commentator Priest


Lord, we celebrate.. Amen.

The Lord be with you And also with you Lift up your hearts We lift them up to the Lord Let us give thanks to the Lord our God It is right to give Him thanks and praise Enters Sanctus Song No. Father it is our duty and our salvation And so we join the angels and saints in proclaiming your glory

Assembly Commentator Commentator Priest Priest Priest Commentator Priest Commentator Assembly

Sings the Sanctus LET US ALL KNEEL Turns off the Song board Father, You are Holy indeed. On the night He was betrayed. When the supper was ended.. Enters Acclamation Song No. Let us proclaim the mystery of our faith LET US ALL RISE Sings the Acclamation

Commentator Commentator Priest

Turns off the Song board Enters Song No. for Our Father (if to be sung) In memory of his death and ressurection May we praise you and give your glory


Through Him, With Him, and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father forever and ever

Assembly COMMUNION RITE Priest Assembly Commentator Priest Assembly Priest Assembly Commentator Priest Assembly Priest Assembly Assembly Commentator Commentator Priest


Let us pray with confidence to the Father in the words our Savior gave us Sings or Recites the Our Father Turns off the Song Board Deliver us Lord from every evil. For the Kingdom, the Power and the glory are yours, now and forever Lord Jesus Christ you said to your apostles. Amen Enters Song No. for Lamb of God The Peace of the Lord be with you always And also with you Let us offer each other the sign of peace Exchanges signs of peace Sings or Recites the Lamb of God LET US ALL KNEEL Turns off the Song Board This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, Happy are those who are called to his supper.


Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed.

Commentator Commentator Assembly Commentator

Enters Communion Song No. LET US ALL BE SITTED ( this is after the Priest has drank the Chalice) Sings the Communion Song (As soon as the last Communicant is finished) PLS BRING YOUR CHILDREN TO THE FRONT TO RECEIVE THE PRIEST

Commentator Commentator

Turns off the Song Board (ANNOUNCEMENTS..)

CONCLUDING RITE Commentator Priest Assembly Commentator Priest Assembly Priest Assembly Assembly LET US ALL RISE The Lord be with you. And also with you. Enters Recessional Song No. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen Go in peace to love and serve the Lord Thanks be to God Sings the Recessional Hymn

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