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Date 23.01.

2013 Enrollment No:500022332

Name:Ayalasomayajula Venkata Naga Raghavendra Academic Session:2012-2014


Course Code
GNEG711 MATH803 MROE701 MROE711 MROE712 MROE721 MROE731 Final result

Course Name
Advanced Solid Mechanics Applied Numerical Methods Introduction to Robotics Instrumentation & Sensors Instrumentation & Sensors Lab Analog & Digital Electronics Control Systems SGPA Qualifying Criteria Met

Credits Grade Result

3 3 3 3 2 3 3 TotalCredits: 20 SGPA 2.70/4 C+ B B B C B+ C

Candidate in consultation with the Dean/Program Co-ordinator CES-DDN needs to reappear in one or more low scoring courses to meet SGPA criteria. This grade supercedes all grade cards issued previously. RPM/RPF/Repeat:Repeat Term-end Examination SGPA:Semester Grade Point Average CGPA:Cumulative Grade Point Average NC:Not Calculated

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