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TCLA School Report Card Series

Student Survey on Teachers

Teaching to Change LA invites students to respond to questions about teachers in their schools. High school students developed many of these questions during a seminar at UCLA this past summer. Please note: The survey is anonymous for students and their teachers. Students can fill out the survey online in Spanish or English. Or they can download a copy in Spanish or English and fax their responses to TCLA at 310-206-8770. TCLA will publish the results of this survey in the journal at the end of March. School: __________________________________________________________________ Grade: __________________________ Quality Teaching
I consider my teachers highly qualified No Somewhat 1 2 3 My teachers know the subject matter well. No Somewhat 1 2 3 My teachers believe that all students can learn. No Somewhat 1 2 3 My teachers want to teach at this school. No Somewhat 1 2 3

Absolutely 5

Absolutely 5

Absolutely 5

Absolutely 5

My teachers are often available during their free time to provide students extra help No Somewhat Absolutely 1 2 3 4 5 My relationships with my teachers are based on respect No Somewhat 1 2 3 4 My teachers value other students beliefs and ideas No Somewhat 1 2 3 4

Absolutely 5

Absolutely 5

My teachers use creative methods to help me understand the lessons and materials No Somewhat Absolutely 1 2 3 4 5 Additional Comments Please use the back of this form to write in additional comments.

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