Midterm Review - November 2006

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Continuing Studies Centre for Intercultural Communication


Culture & Communication Workshops

Midterm Review

If you have been paying attention in class and you have read over your notes a few times, the Culture and Communication Workshops midterm exam should be unproblematic. Here is an overview of what we have covered in the course so far: Culture Iceberg model of culture (understand it & be able to apply it) Human behavior model U, C, P triangle diagram (understand it & be able to apply it) Terms to know: perceptions, assumptions, values, generalizations, stereotypes Etiquette Email (review Netiquette article and Minding your Es and Qs handout) Dining/restaurant Communication Presentation Skills (Review handouts: Audience Skills, Verbal/Non-Verbal, Organization/Preparation, Phrases for Organizing Information, Transitions, Answering Questions) North American Greeting Customs Language Development Almost every class, I introduce you to vocabulary words or phrases that you may not be familiar with. Hopefully you were paying attention! (Slangs, Idioms etc) Newflash and Two-Minute Talks You will be asked questioned related to the two-minute talks and Newsflashes that you heard in class. Case Studies You will be given 2 case studies. You must read the case studies and give your impression of the situation from a cultural perspective.


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