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Diarrhea Passage of loose, unformed stools Rapid movement of intestinal contents through the small bowel >3 liquid

stools/day Abdominal pain 3 or more loose liquid stools vomiting Assessment Cramping weight loss hyperactive bowel sounds Infection Causes Disease (irritable bowel syndrome, AIDS, colon cancer, rotavirus) Laxatives Food poisoning Medications (antibiotics and antacids) Food intolerance(lactose intolerance) hypovolemia( hypokalemia(K shock Complications Dehydration Interventions Find causes and eliminate Decrease food intake : offer more soft,nonirritaing foods Replace fluids & electrolytes(Pedialyte, Rehydrate, Infalyte), progress fluids and diets as tolerated Decrease activity Protect skin, skin care Protect privacy, reassure patient Bowel retraining Medications Evaluate changes in vital signs correlating with fluid loss Evaluate electrolyte changes and urine specific gravity Strict I&Os and daily weight Assess changes in abdominal distention and cramping Obtain stool culture and x-ray of GI tract Disease Description

urgency distention

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