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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact Rationale/Reflection NAEYC Standard: Standard 7.

Early Childhood Field Experiences Field

experiences and clinical practice are planned and sequenced so that candidates develop the knowledge, skills and professional dispositions necessary to promote the development and learning of young children across the entire developmental period of early childhood-in at least of the three early childhood groups(birth-ages3, 3 through 5, 5 through 8 years) and in a variety of settings that offer early education (early school grades, child care centers and homes, Head Start programs) (National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2011)

Brief Description of Evidence: During the summer of

2013 as part of my ECED260 course,I wrote my professional resume. On this resume I have listed teaching experience that I have completed over the last several years. I worked with toddlers, preschool age children and school age children at Wee Wisdom and worked with preschool age children at Head Start.

Analysis of what I learned: Over the last several years I have learned a lot working
with the different age groups. I learned that when working with toddlers that they had different needs then preschool age children. For example, toddlers love to explore and they put everything in their mouths so you needed to have materials available for them to do this. This first hand knowledge will allow me to be successful in any career that I will pursue in the future.

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the NAEYC Standard: I worked at Wee Wisdom at for 14 years and during that time I worked with all
three different age groups. I worked with the toddlers for 2 years, preschool age for 8 years and school age children for 4 years. I worked at Head Start this last year with preschool age children. Having this listed on my resume proves that I have meet this standard.

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