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35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Marius Panzarella
2007, All Rights Reserved It is illegal to copy, steal, or distribute all or any part of this book or web page without the authors permission. By purchasing this book, you agree to the following: You understand that the information presented contained on this book is for personal entertainment purpose only. It is not to be considered legal or personal advice. The author is not responsible for any actions or results from the use of this book. 1 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Welcome to 35 Smart Dating Rules Explained. A while ago I came across a funny list of 112 Wedding Crasher Rules from the movie Wedding Crashers. Although most of the rules on the list are obviously intended for humor, some of them do offer dating insights that relate to my Smart Dating Course. For this report, I have picked out 35 rules that I like the most from the list and commented on them. By making a comparison between these rules and my own, I hope to teach you a few things about dating in an entertaining manner. This is the 13th report in a new series of reports I am writing for my loyal newsletter readers and Smart Dating Course members. Past free reports include: The Frog Syndrome How To Cure Your Fear Of Women How To Change Other Peoples Image Of You How To Overcome Your Flirters Block And Become A Smart Flirter Dating Blindspots: Why Most Men Fail With Women How To Overcome Your Breakups Dating Mistakes From Readers: Volume 1 10 Deadly Relationship Mistakes That Cause Breakups
2 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

A Short Guide To Having Great Conversations 12 Deadly Mistakes Men Make With Women 10 Qualities of the Ladies Man 100 Dating and Relationship Tips From Marius Panzarella Archived copies of these reports are available for members of my Smart Dating Course in the members area. If youre not a member of the Smart Dating Course yet, you should definitely become a member as soon as possible! It can really help you date the women you like. You can read more about my program at: The members area currently has over 750 pages of materials from my Smart Dating Course and other publications, making it one of the most comprehensive dating resources anywhere. With that said, here are the 36 Wedding Crashers Rules that agree with my Smart Dating rules, as well as the actual Smart Dating Rules themselves.

The Rules
Rule #5 - Never let a girl get between you and a fellow Crasher.

I think we can change the words from fellow Crasher to friend. As I always say, women come, women go, but best friends are for life. You should never let a woman come between you and a buddy. Of course, it works both ways. Just like you should never hit on your friends girls, your friends should also understand that your girlfriend or crush is yours. If they constantly try to hit on your crush instead of helping you get her, then you really need better friends.

3 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Smart Dating Rule: Women come, women go, but best friends are for life.

Rule #6 - Do not sit in the corner and sulk. It draws attention in a negative way. Draw attention to yourself, but on your own terms.
I partly agree with this rule. In real life, sitting in the corner wont draw attention to you. In fact, women are just going to ignore you since therere so many other guys and things that are interesting to them in the room. You cant just sit there and expect women to come hit on you. You have to go socialize with them yourself. Smart Dating Rule: Approach women. Dont expect them to approach you.

Rule #7 - Blend in by standing out.

I would change this rule to blend in and stand out. Although it sounds like a paradox, its not. You blend in enough to have a good time and not appear to be a freak. But at the same time, you have a bigger personality than the other guys so that you emerge as the alpha male and draw attention to yourself from the girls. It applies to how you dress too. Dont dress up in a suit when everybody is wearing casual clothes. Blend in by wearing a similar style as everybody else. But at the same time, wear something special such as a nice pair of shoes or a special watch or hat so that you will stand out. Smart Dating Rule: Blend in and stand out.

Rule #8 - Be the life of the party.

This one is important. If you are the life of the party, you can stop and end conversations at any time. You can also lead or intercept group conversations. This is very important if you want to isolate a woman and lead her away from the group. Also, by being the life of the party, you will automatically raise your social proof.

4 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Smart Dating Rule: Be the life of the party.

Rule #11 - Sensitive is good.

This one is one that not many guys truly understand. Nice guys think it means being nice to a woman and doing whatever she asks. Player-wannabes think its just a big no-no to be sensitive at all. But the Smart Dater knows that being sensitive doesnt require acting like a wimp. All it takes is opening your ears and eyes and notice what is going on with a woman. You can still flirt, you can still tease, and you can definitely still act like a challenge. Being sensitive just means being more aware of details when you are with a woman and understanding her needs. (Note: It doesnt mean you have to give her what she wants. It only means you have to understand what she wants. Whether you choose to give it or not is a different story.) Smart Dating Rule: Be aware of details.

Rule #18 - You love animals and children.

I would add respect the elderly to this list. Men who love animals and children and respect the elderly prove they have the potential to be a good long term mate. Furthermore, playing with animals or children can teach you how to be playful when you are around women! Smart Dating Rule: Love animals and children; Respect the elderly.

Rule #19 - Toast in the native language if you know the native language and have practiced the toast. Do not wing it.
I would change this one to be curious about a womans native culture without showing ignorance. For example, a lot of guys who hit on Asian girls actually offend them by saying lines such as, Where did you learn to speak English?

5 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

A good way to not be ignorant is to study other cultures. Learn some basic words in different languages if you can and make sure you can pronounce the words properly! Smart Dating Rule: Be curious about other cultures without showing ignorance.

Rule #20 - Always have an early "appointment" the next morning.

This is properly a joke referring to guys who find lame excuses to leave a womans place after a one-night stand. But to the Smart Dater, its similar to one of my rules, Always end a date early. This way, you will leave before the energy drops and your date will long for another date. Just when the first date is going really well, call it a night. Youll almost be certain to get a second date then! Smart Dating Rule: End dates early.

Rule #21 - Definitely make sure she's 18.

This one is obvious. Always make sure youre not doing anything that could land you in jail. I *have* seen it happen! Smart Dating Rule: Make sure she is legal. Male sure she is legal. Make sure she is legal.

Rule #27 - Don't over drink. The machinery must work in order to close.
Having a drink or two is okay because it will help you blend in and relax. But if you need alcohol to boost your confidence, then youre drinking for the wrong reason. Leave the heaving binging for when youre with your buddies. Stay sober when youre trying to score. Smart Dating Rule: Dont get drunk.

6 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Rule #29 - Always be a team player. Everyone needs a little help now and again.
Id actually change this to one to always be a leader. Everyone will need your help now and then. The more you act like the alpha wolf of your pack and take care of your guys, the more social proof you will build. The more social proof you build, the more confidence youll get. And the more confidence you have, the more girls youll get! Smart Dating Rule: Act like a leader.

Rule #30 - Know the playbook so you can call an audible.

For the Smart Daters, this rule should be Know the Smart Dating Course inside out. It has helped thousands of men across the world and it will help you too. Dont just read it once. Read it, practice it, and internalize it. You will be unstoppable then. If you still dont have a copy after all this time, you can get it now at:

Smart Dating Rule: Know the Smart Dating Course inside out.

Rule #36 - Your favorite movie is "The English Patient".

Find a sensitive, artsy film to be your favorite movie, and youll give the women yet another reason to love you. Of course, youll actually have to do your homework and know the movie well. Know the best parts and the best lines. See if you can turn any of it into a routine. For example, for Shakespeare in Love you can tie it in with your knowledge of Shakespeare and talk about the part of the movie where Shakespeare twirls Viola around to undress her. If the woman hasnt seen your favorite movie, invite her to watch it with you. If she has, see if she wants to watch it again anyway.

7 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Smart Dating Rule: Find an artsy movie to be your favorite movie.

Rule #39 - The way to a woman's bed is through the dance floor.
My version of this rule is take dance classes. Not only will you learn how to dominate the floor, there are many girls in any dance class so you will meet tons of women as well. Smart Dating Rule: Take Dance Classes.

Rule #44 - Create an air of mystery that involves some painful experience when interacting with the girl you're after. But don't talk about it.
Obviously, this rule meant to be a joke. However, this is a certain amount of truth to it. Having an air of mystery around you does help make women become intrigued by you. Smart Dating Rule: Be mysterious, but not aloof or strange.

Rule #46 - The Rules of Wedding Crashing are sacred. Don't sully them by "improvising."
My version of this rule is, Do not improvise on the philosophy of the Smart Dating Course, but do try to be creative with the techniques. The philosophy and rules of my course are going to save you from making terrible mistakes. Compromise on them, and you will make mistakes. The individual techniques, however, are just examples. Use them as a guideline to create your own techniques. Smart Dating Rule: Do not improvise on the Smart Dating philosophy, but do try to be creative with the individual techniques.

Rule #49 - Always work into the conversation: "Yeah, I have tons of money. But how does one buy happiness?"

8 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

This one is very interesting. Note how the line talks about wealth indirectly. The focus on the line is on happiness, which allows the guy to talk about his wealth without being showy. This is the best way to reveal someone about yourself. Also note the philosophical question. Once you have built basic rapport with a woman, asking such philosophical questions can often help you deepen the rapport. Smart Dating Rule: Show, not tell. Smart Dating Rule: Ask philosophical questions when building rapport.

Rule #56 - Don't fixate on one woman. ALWAYS have a back-up.

There is always a woman who is just as good as the one youre going after. You may not believe me, but one day you will - when you meet the NEXT woman youre CRAZY about! Smart Dating Rule: Therell always be another woman.

Rule #66 - Smile! You're having the time of your life.

I agree with this one completely. There are some dating coaches who believe it is bad to smile. I think that is absolutely silly. Look at all the charming people out there in the real world and one thing youll notice is that they always look happy in public. And heres the thingif you LOOK like youre having the time of your life, then people, not just women, will THINK youre having the time of your life, which means they will want to join you and become part of it too! Smart Dating Rule: Smile and act confident.

Rule #67 - Mix it up a little. You can't always be the man with the haunted past.
I would say, Mix it up in general.

9 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Any move, technique, or strategy will become boring to a woman if you keep on using it. For example, if you use the same line every time a woman compliments you, you can bet it will get lame really fast. Learn to mix things up a little and be creative! Smart Dating Rule: Mix it up or it will get boring.

Rule #70 - Two shutouts in a row? It's time to take a week off. Ask yourself: what is it that is getting in the way of my happiness?
My version of this rule is If you keep hitting the same wall, take a break. We are all humans and we DO burnout. If you keep on approaching and meeting women, no matter how much fun you are having, eventually you will feel tired and your success rate will drop. No problem. Simply take a small break and come back to the game refreshed in a few weeks. Smart Dating Rule: If you keep hitting the same wall, take a break.

Rule #71 - Research, research, research the wedding party. And when you are done researching, research some more.
Learn, learn, and learn. But dont just stop there. Practice, practice, and practice too. Confidence comes from competence, which comes from experience And the only way you can gain experience is through both knowledge and practice. Smart Dating Rule: Learn, learn, learn. Practice, practice, practice.

Rule #72 - Studies have shown that women have a more developed sense of smell. Breath mints - small cost, big yield.
Breath mints and cologne are good, but personally I think most pheromone products out there are scams. With that said, if they give you more confidence due to a placebo effect, then perhaps they are worth the money after all. Not that I would endorse any, of course.

10 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Smart Dating Rule: Have good breath.

Rule #73 - No excuses. Party like a champion.

My rule is to Work hard and play even harder. Act like a champion no matter what youre doing. No excuses at all. Every man can do their best. Heres a little secret to life. Most people are NOT going to do their best in life. So if YOU go the extra mile and do your best, youre going to have more success than the majority of the population, be it in school, sports, work, business, or dating. Plus, men who really live life and both work and party had are justsexy to women! Smart Dating Rule: Work hard, play even harder.

Rule #74 - In case of emergency, refer to the rulebook.

Whenever you get into doubts, use my what would my role model do technique. Construct in your mind a perfect Smart Dater who knows what to do and what to say in every situation. Then whenever you get into a tough situation, disassociate yourself from the scenario and put your role-model in your shoes. Think about what your role-model would do if he were you. Then do the same. I have used this technique to cure many guys with mental blocks when it comes to meeting women. It works very well. In fact, it even works in other areas of life such as sports and business. Smart Dating Rule: Think about what Marius would tell you to do. Then DO IT.

Rule #77 - Carry extra protection.

This one is likeduh 11 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Smart Dating Rule: Always be protected.

Rule #82 - Always think ahead but always stay in the moment. Reconcile this paradox and you'll not only get the girl, you might also get peace of mind.
This one I agree with 100%. Whenever youre with a woman, you should have a clear sense of where you would like to go with her. But at the same time, you should stay in the moment and just have fun. If you dont have clear objectives, then your energy is going to drop and the conversation will just become fluff talk that leads nowhere. You wont ever close her number or get a kiss from her. At the same time, if you focus too much on your expectations of the future, you may paralyze yourself, become inflexible, and ruin your game as a result. With a little bit of experience, you can have both at the same time! Smart Dating Rule: Have clear objections, but stay in the moment.

Rule #86 - Shoes say a lot about the man.

Definitely true. I would add, Having a cool looking watch really helps too. Women really look for things such as shoes when they check out a guy. Smart Dating Rule: Wear nice shoes. Shoes make the men!

Rule #90 - Of course you dream of one day having children.

I agree with this one too. Nobody minds a man who likes children. Even the bad boy can have a little brat, you know. Smart Dating Rule: Yes, you do want children one day. Key word: One day.

12 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Rule #94 - Deep down, most people hate themselves. This knowledge is the key to most bedroom doors.
I wouldnt call it the key to the bedroom door. But I do think it is very important for you to recognize the fact that most people do seek approval from others. If you can get a woman to seek your approval, shes going to fall in love with you. You can do this by acting like a challenge and be being the one person who really understands her in this world. Smart Dating Rule: Get people to seek your approval. Smart Dating Rule: Be the only person that really understands a woman.

Rule #96 - Etiquette isn't old-fashioned. It's sexy.

Not only is etiquette is sexy, its mandatory! If you act like a gentleman and follow proper etiquette such as holding doors open for women, your charm factor will rise. Smart Dating Rule: Follow good etiquette.

Rule #99 - Be judicious with cologne. Citrus tones are best.

I wouldnt say citrus tones are best, but I would say finding your own favorite cologne is important. Everybody has a different body chemistry so theres no set cologne that works for everyone. Go to the department store and see which ones work best for you. Bring some girl friends to help you pick one if you have to. Smart Dating Rule: Wear a nice cologne.

Rule #104 - Be well groomed and well-mannered.

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35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Oh yeah. This one is so obvious it should be common sense for every man. Unfortunately, according to my experience, its not! Smart Dating Rule: Be well-groomed and well-mannered.

Rule #107 - Know when to abandon ship if it ain't floating.

This is a rule that many men ignore. A true man should be strong enough to accept failure. If it is clear that things are not going to work out with a certain woman, admit it and look for another woman. You dont need a certain woman to live. If you do, youve got a big problem! Smart Dating Rule: Know when to move on.

Rule #108 - Know your swing and salsa dancing. Girls love to get twisted around.
Yup. And the classes are packed with hot women. Go try it if you can. Youll probably have a great time! Smart Dating Rule: Take dance classes.

Want To Learn More?

Want to learn more? Then download my Smart Dating Course now at: Its packed with practical information and smart dating techniques that you can use to start attracting women immediately. I have watched men from all walks of life (and from all over the world) use my Smart Dating Course to easily, effortlessly achieve success with women that most guys can only dream of.
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35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Just take at the following five dating success stories and see how the course has changes these guys lives: (Note: these success stories are raw, unedited testimonials.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Mr. Panzarella, im writing this email to express my gratitude with the material you have written in the smart dating course. I am a 19 year old British born Chinese youth who is now experience the fruits of labour when I came across your course, adopting your teachings and principles has now made me become a more confident and magnetically attractive male. Life is just flourishing so much for me now and I hand it down to your years of diligence and consistency of dwelling into this profession, just to give you an idea of whats been happening, yes the girls are loving the confidence, teasing and flirting!!! but most important the course has taught me to carve myself into a better person, provided me with the basic leadership skills, communicating, being attentive to everyone's thoughts and feelings. Life is great and touching my career and financial side ive set up a couple of small businesses and I am now currently on my way to be a market trader at a prestigious firm (sorry to boast, but this is what the results of your course has given me!). Mr Panzarella again I thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart and will continue to study your course till the day i die... I hope to keep in touch with you sir when I come across some situations or problems. Till then take care yours sincerely, Mikey C. (U.K.)

Marius, I cant stress it enough! Ive learned so much from you. Buying the Ebook was a long term investment. My dating life its crazier than its ever been I always have girls calling me and trying to get with me and my friends that were natural players cant explain how I can be so smooth with the ladies. It is literally like magic. The girl friend stealer technique has worked every time it is actually very dangerous because I know have some pissed off guys that want to kick my ass, I love it. I love being in a night club and watching guys blow their money away getting girls drinks then see their faces when I walk over talk to the girls then turn to the guys and say excuse me gentlemen and walk away with the girl and holding her hand. I am writing this email to Thank you for writing that ebook and for the daily tips. Thank my man

15 Copyright 2007 - Marius Panzarella - All Rights Reserved

35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

Ruben C from Seattle, WA

Holy Shit!! Your tips and books are off the hook, I finally really started applying the stuff I have been reading and not only has my luck changed with women, but I feel like I have my confidence back. For example there was this hot smoking chick at the bar, I would never in a million years think I would get her number. Well I grew some balls and followed the book asked for the number and the chick threw the line at me: give me your number, and I told her No(in a teasing voice),you won't call; give me yours and I will call you. She was so shocked, that she smiled and said OK. I got a date next Wednesday. Thanks Marius. You must be a communication major!!!! - Rob @. From Phoenix, AZ

Ever since your book and the newsletters Ive been out with a lot of girls at the start it was fun getting to know them and by following the steps you've outlined got laid too well raped is more like it. Eventually I got to realize that they were not my type basically as you would put it they were not feminine to me, had no dreams and wasnt going no where with there lives and we hardly shared the same views on life. The sex was great, wow! Mostly in cars, Ive got to stop that get new hot spots anyway the good thing is Im still good friends with most of them. I just never saw them as girl friend material. I even have this friend who wants to be more than a friend Im seeing tomorrow again not girl friend material. Just my luck the type isnt interested she does not see me on a daily basis and she does not even know that Ive been out with other girls and flirting with them. As you could tell I dont really give up. I go after what I want and in my life experiences this Ive proven I get what I want. There is the hypnosis love.mp3. From the package during the recording he asks you to visualize your prefect mate, how it feels to be in her presence. This is very powerful. Guess u know who fits the description and of course who I want, cant help that. Ill have to think of a way to be seen flirting with other girls in front of her. Thanks for the reply and for listening.

Trini R. from the Caribbean island of Trinidad

You know what I did exactly what you said here the other night at a club to a beautiful women following your advice and to my surprise she asked for my number and was following me around in the club like a lost puppy lol!! I Joked on her was sarcastic but flirty with her and she was eating out of my hands in fact we spent the night together that same night! Please keep your great advice coming you're every guys inspiration thanks.

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35 Smart Dating Rules Explained

I'm from South Carolina. Name is Rodney Darwin. I'm stationed in the Navy in Guam and you can use my name it's ok thanks for the response! Rodney Darwin, U.S. Navy

Would you like to have the same success as these guys? With my Smart Dating Course, it is very possible. My course is simply a comprehensive system (now with over 750 pages in the members area) that delivers AMAZING results and I have thousands of happy readers from my past 7 years as a dating coach to prove it. Think about the last time you made a mistake with a girl and didnt get a date, a kiss, or a phone number. Of course, theres no point in trying to go back in time to fix your mistake. But how can you prevent it from ever happening again? How can you turn your love life around and become the guy women want? The answer is simple: By learning how to perform the right actions and say the right things that will increase a womans attraction for you. And thats what my Smart Dating Course can do for you. Your love life lies in your own hands. If you decide to stand up and do something about it, then check out my course now at: I'll be waiting for your success story! Your friend, Marius Panzarella.

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