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Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur Department of Mechanical Engineering VI Semester, University Practical Examinations,

Apr., 2013 Subject & Code: TURBOMACHINERY LAB. & 6ME8 M.M.:20 Time: 1h.30m.

1. (a) Draw Overall efficiency v/s Discharge curve for Francis turbine. (b)What is a Draft-tube? Why it is used in a reaction turbine? Which type of draft tube use in Francis turbine in our laboratory?

2. (a) Draw Discharge v/s Power curve for Pelton wheel turbine. (b) Explain hydraulic efficiency, mechanical efficiency and overall efficiency of a turbine.

3. (a)Draw Overall efficiency v/s Discharge curve for Kaplan turbine? (b)Write the four differences between Francis turbine and Pelton wheel turbine. Draw a neat sketch of Hydraulic ram. 4. (a) Explain the working principle of axial flow compressor with a neat sketch. (b) Write the difference between inward flow and outward flow reaction turbines. Which type of turbine we have use in our laboratory (inward or outward)? 5. (a) Calculate the Rankines efficiency of the Hydraulic Ram. (b) Define the following term:-


Unit power Specific speed Unit discharge

6. (a) Calculate overall efficiency of Kaplan Turbine. (b) Explain the working of rope brake dynamometer. Why it is used?

7. (a) Calculate the Rankines efficiency of the Hydraulic Ram. (b) Explain the governing of pelton wheel turbine with a neat sketch. 8. (a) Calculate the DAubuissons efficiency of the Hydraulic Ram. (b) What factors decide whether Kaplan, Francis, or a Pelton type turbine would be used in a hydroelectric project? 9. (a) Draw Discharge v/s Power curve for Francis turbine. (b) Explain hydraulic efficiency, mechanical efficiency and overall efficiency of a turbine.

Describe the function of main components of Pelton wheel turbine with neat a sketch. Describe the working of Hydraulic ram with a neat sketch.

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