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Paper: Maths B course. Note : Attempt any Five (5) Questions . Q: 1 (a) Solve the D.

E (b) Solve the D.E

Max. Marks : 100

Time : 3 hours.

Q: 2 (a) Prove that family of confocal conics (b) find the general and singular solution of Q: 3 ( a) Solve If , (b) Solve = Q: 4 (a) Solve the D.E (b) Solve Q: 5 (a) (i) If (ii) If , are unit vectors and then Show that


= 1 is self orthogonal.

= 0


then show that is angle between them


| ] = [ ]

(b) Show that [ Q: 6 (a) Evaluate (i) div

(b) Show that

curl (

) =


Q: 7 (a) Find the Radial and Transversal components of velocity and acceleration (b) Find the tangential and normal components of acceleration of aparticale describing Ellipse

= 1 with uniform speed

when the particle is at ( 0 , b ) , if it start at t = 0 from a

Q: 8 (a) Disscuss the motion of a particle with an acceleration Point where and velocity is

(b) A particle is describing S. H. M has velocities 5 ft/ sec and 4 ft/ sec when its distances from Centre are 12 ft and 13 ft . Find time period .

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