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Project at MREI

Coordinating Professor
Serban Ioan

Aldea Gabriel Joanta Ioana Nita Cosmin Popescu Radu Tatu Irina

1.Project Theme
Optimization of a wind turbine to the conditions of the site. The choice between fixed-speed and variable-speed wind turbine. Technical and economical issues

Table of contents
1.Project Theme...........2 2.Table of contents..3 3.Wind Turbines ..4 3.1.Generalities..4 4.Chosen sites...7 5.Components..12 6.Optimization.18 6.1General View18 6.2Simulations19 7.Conclusion.34 8.Bibliography..35

3.Wind turbines[6]
3.1.Generalities: Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form, such as electricity, using wind turbines. The technology of wind turbines is simple. Wind turbines capture the kinetic energy of wind with, in most cases, two or three blades shaped much like airplane propellers. These blades are attached to a tower. When the wind strikes the blade, the angle and configuration of the blade form a pocket of low pressure on the downwind side of the blade. This low pressure sucks the blade into movement, causing the rotor to turn. Force is added by the high pressure on the upward side of the blade. In aerodynamic theory, this property is called lift. If the blade is designed correctly, lift is stronger than drag, or the slowing force exerted by the wind on the front of the blade. In wind turbines lift and drag work together to make the entire mechanism spin like a propeller. The process is the opposite of that of a fan. With a fan electricity is used to make wind. With a wind turbine wind is used to produce electricity. The turning rotor of a wind turbine is connected to a shaft, which is connected to an electric generator. Power can be distributed to users over the electric grid in exactly the same way any other electric power is distributed. The most important feature in the operation of wind turbines is lift. To achieve lift, wind turbine designers have borrowed technology from aircraft designers. In cross-section an airplane wing looks like an irregularly shaped teardrop. The shape is irregular because the wings bottom is slightly flatter than the top, which is more curved. When a plane flies, its wings slice through the air, creating wind. Because of the curve of the upper surface of the wing, the air has to flow faster to get around the wing. At the same time, the air flows at a lower speed along the bottom surface of the wing. Because of the difference in speed, the air above the wing is less dense; that is, the air pressure is lower than the pressure of the air below the wing. This difference in pressure creates lift perpendicular to the direction of the moving air, allowing the plane to fly. The same principle applies to turbine blades. Unlike airplane wings, wind turbine wings are almost always twisted. The reason they are twisted has to do with another aerodynamic principle, stall. When an airplane wing is tilted back, the wind continues to flow smoothly along the bottom surface, but along the top surface, because of the steeper angle presented to the wind, the air no longer sticks to the wing but swirls around in a circle above it. The result of this swirling is the loss of the low pressure

along the upper surface of the wing. Without this low pressure, the plane has no lift and drops like a rock. Unlike airplane wings, wind turbine blades are constantly rotating, and the speed of the rotation differs along the entire length of the blade. At the precise geometric center, the speed of rotation is zero. This speed steadily increases along the length of the blade until at the tip the blade can be moving hundreds of feet (meters) per second. This rotation changes the direction at which the wind hits the blade all along its length. In effect, the angle at which the wind hits the blade would be different at each point along the blade if the blade were not twisted. When the blade is twisted, the angle at which the wind hits the blade is the same at each point, and stall is eliminated under normal wind conditions. Excessively high wind speeds can damage rotors, however, so engineers have designed blades that stall when the wind is too strong, and the rotor stops spinning. Types of wind turbines: Horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT) have the main rotor shaft and electrical generator at the top of a tower, and must be pointed into the wind. Small turbines are pointed by a simple wind vane, while large turbines generally use a wind sensor coupled with a servo motor. Most have a gearbox, which turns the slow rotation of the blades into a quicker rotation that is more suitable to drive an electrical generator. Since a tower produces turbulence behind it, the turbine is usually pointed upwind of the tower. Turbine blades are made stiff to prevent the blades from being pushed into the tower by high winds. Additionally, the blades are placed a considerable distance in front of the tower and are sometimes tilted up a small amount. Downwind machines have been built, despite the problem of turbulence, because they don't need an additional mechanism for keeping them in line with the wind, and because in high winds, the blades can be allowed to bend which reduces their swept area and thus their wind resistance. -Vertical-axis wind turbines (or VAWTs) have the main rotor shaft arranged vertically. Key advantages of this arrangement are that the turbine does not need to be pointed into the wind to be effective. This is an advantage on sites where the wind direction is highly variable. VAWTs can utilize winds from varying directions. With a vertical axis, the generator and gearbox can be placed near the ground, so the tower doesn't need to support it, and it is more accessible for maintenance. Drawbacks are that some designs produce pulsating torque. Drag may be created when the blade rotates into the wind. It is difficult to mount vertical-axis turbines on towers, meaning they are

often installed nearer to the base on which they rest, such as the ground or a building rooftop. The wind speed is slower at a lower altitude, so less wind energy is available for a given size turbine. Air flow near the ground and other objects can create turbulent flow, which can introduce issues of vibration, including noise and bearing wear which may increase the maintenance or shorten the service life. However, when a turbine is mounted on a rooftop, the building generally redirects wind over the roof and this can double the wind speed at the turbine. If the height of the rooftop mounted turbine tower is approximately 50% of the building height, this is near the optimum for maximum wind energy and minimum wind turbulence. A wind turbine has the following components: Rotor and blades. The rotor is the hub around which the blades are connected. Often, however, rotor is used to refer to the hub and the blades as a single unit. The rotor is the key component, because it translates the winds kinetic energy into torque (TORK), or turning power. Nacelle (nuh-SELL), or the enclosure that houses the turbines drive train, including the gearbox, the yaw mechanism, and the electric generator. The gearbox connects a low-speed shaft to a high-speed shaft. This mechanism can increase the speed of the shafts by a factor of as much as fifty to one, meaning that the high-speed shaft turns fifty times faster than the low-speed shaft. The yaw mechanism automatically senses the direction of the wind and rotates the rotor to keep it facing into the direction of the wind. Tower, or the support for the rotor and drive train. Electric equipment such as controls, cables, and an anemometer (an-uhMAH-muh-tuhr)

Figure 1. Wind turbine components [8]

4.Chosen sites
First step is to chose three sites We chose three sites because we want to see to importance of the chosen site. For this we must consider the climate and the geographical position.

Figure 2. Solar radiation in Romania[1] With data obtained from the European Community(fig.1) we chose a hot spot, a central spot and between them. Therefore we have:

I)Location: Sulina latitude 45934, Longitude 29 7 south east, Romania. Wind power is approximately 5 to 7 m/s all year, with top speed during critical periods (the months January and February) 9 6 4 2 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

-red line is wind power -blue area is solar radiation (electricity produced)

Figure 3. Solar Irradiation & Wind Speed For Sulina Romania[2] For this location we have the following overview of wheatear conditions:

Table1. Data regarding climate information for Sulina[5]

II)Location: Fagaras Latitudine: 4585, Longitudine: 2496, Central Romania. Wind power is approximately 1.8 to 3.1 m/s all year 8 6 4 2 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

-red line is wind power -blue area is solar radiation [3]

Figure 4. Solar Irradiation & Wind Speed For Fagaras Romania[3] For this location we have the following overview of wheatear conditions:

Table2. Data regarding climate information for Fagaras [5]

III)Location: Iasi Latitudine: 4717, Longitudine: 2757, North east Romania. Wind power is approximately 2.3 to 5 m/s all year 8 6 4 2 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

-red line is wind power -blue area is solar radiation

Figure 5. Solar Irradiation & Wind Speed For Iasi Romania[4] For this location we have the following overview of wheatear conditions:

Table3. Data regarding climate information for Iasi [5]


Since we use only one wind turbine we will chose only a limited set of consumers. That is why we will consider, for example, the consumers that are found in a home. Therefore we have the fallowing profile with the total installed power is 9.1kWh/d, and 1.3 kW peak.

Figure 6. Daily Profile of energy consumption


We will chose different components(turbines) in order to see how much energy can we produce in different locations and what can we do to improve efficiency and costs. We will use the same components an all three chosen sites. Since we are interested in the optimization of the wind turbine for all situation we will have the same converter and same loads. We only modify the turbine and the batteries(namely the batteries number). We will use the fallowing components:


Wind Turbines: Exmork FD-10kW wind turbine [9]

Price: 14.745$


Exmork FD-5 kW wind turbine[8]



BCW EXCEL-S(AC)-10kW [12]






- Vision 6FM200D Absorbent glass mat (AGM) sealed deep-cycle lead-acid battery price: 839$[15]

-a regular 3KW converter: 1.500$. [16][17]


6.1General view
In order to optimize a wind turbine considering the condition an the site we have to consider costs and energy production. Therefore depending an the available funds we will be able to produce a limited amount of energy. We will present different situation where we will have high cost but enough energy to ensure no failure and situations where we reduce the costs but we will produce less energy. As mentioned before we can chose between two types of wind turbine the horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT) vertical-axis wind turbines (or VAWTs). If in our chosen site the wind usually blows in the same direction then the horizontal-axis wind turbine is recommended, but since we need maxim efficiency it is better that we use the vertical-axis wind turbine. The Key advantages of this arrangement are that the turbine does not need to be pointed into the wind to be effective. Wind turbines can produce alternating current or direct current. Since we use renewable energy, energy storage is very important. This aspect also brings extra costs. If we use a wind turbine that produces alternating current we will need to use an ac to dc converter and also an voltage regulator in order to be able to safely charge the batteries. On the other hand if we have a wind turbine that produces direct current an dc to ac converter is required because most consumers require alternating current. Basically all systems that use renewable energy usually have the following components: elements for energy generation(PV, wind turbine or both), energy storage elements (batteries), converters, voltage regulators and consumers. In order to have an efficient system we need to chose the elements that are best fit for our situation. All simulations were made using the software Homer: The optimization model for distributed power. We will present three situations for each location: -First situation: produce enough energy in order to ensure no failure -Second situation: reduce number of batteries to a minimum accepted -Third situation: use a different turbine and adjust number of batteries


Chosen location Sulina latitude 45934, Longitude 29 7 south east, Romania. Annual wind speed is 6.5m/s. System architecture: Wind turbine: Exmork FD-10kW Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5KW

For the first situation we have:

The average electrical production for the chosen location is:

The turbine output is:

The colors shows the amount of energy the turbine produces. We have to store the surplus and to do this we need many batteries.


Battery state of charge:

The graph above shows conditions of batteries. As we can see we can produce the necessary energy but at higher cost. As a battery bank we use strings of 4 batteries per strings. In order to obtain the result shown above we have to use 6 strings of batteries(24 batteries). This would lead to a total cost of $ 36,381.


Second situation: reduce the battery bank:

By lowering the battery bank to a minimum accepted we would obtain the fallowing battery state of charge:

As we can see our batteries are not always fully charged so we cant assure the proper energy generation. But this compromise reduce our cost to $ 19,601. We now have only 4 batteries in use.


Third situation: use a different wind turbine.

Chosen wind turbine: Exmork FD-5 kW wind System architecture: Wind turbine: Exmork FD-5 kW wind Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5kW The average electrical production for the chosen location is:

With the battery state of charge:

Using a turbine that is best fit for our condition we reduced our system cost from $ 36,381 to $ 10,146


Chosen wind turbine BWC EXCEL-S wind turbine. System architecture: Wind turbine: BCW EXCEL-S-10kW Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5kW The average electrical production for the chosen location is:

Turbine output is:

Battery state of charge:

In order to have a working system we should use 3 strings of batteries which would lead to a total cost of $ 37,930 and it is possible that during some periods the system would not produce the necessary electric energy

Chosen wind turbine BWC EXCEL-R wind turbine. System architecture: Wind turbine: BCW EXCEL-R-7kW Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5kW The average electrical production for the chosen location is:

Turbine output :

Batteries state of charge:

This system costs $ 29,267


For the location Sulina using 4 types of wind turbines from 2 different manufactures we obtained the fallowing system costs: System architecture: Wind turbine: Exmork FD-10kW Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5KW Price : $ 19,601. System architecture: Wind turbine: Exmork FD-5kW Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5KW Price : $ 10,146 System architecture: Wind turbine: BCW EXCEL-R-7kW Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5KW Price : $ 29,267 System architecture: Wind turbine: BCW EXCEL-S-10kW Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5KW Price : $ 37,930. As we can see for this location the turbine from Exmork has lower price and better results, that is why for the next location I will use in my simulation only the turbines from Exmork


Chosen location: Fagaras Latitude: 4585, Longitude: 2496, Central Romania. System architecture: Wind turbine: Exmork FD-10kW Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5KW

For the first situation we have:

The average electrical production for the chosen location is:

Turbine output:

Batteries state of charge:

This system uses 30 strings of batteries. Total cost is $ 116,925


Second situation: reduce the battery bank:

By lowering the battery bank to a minimum accepted we would obtain the fallowing battery state of charge:

We use 8 strings of batteries(32 batteries). Total cost of system $ 43,093


Third situation: use a different wind turbine

Chosen turbine: Exmork FD-5kW The average electrical production for the chosen location is:

Turbine output:

Battery state of charge:

This system uses 7 strings of batteries(28 batteries). Total cost: $ 30,282


For the location Fagaras using 2 types of wind turbines we obtained the fallowing system costs: System architecture: Wind turbine: Exmork FD-10kW Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5KW Price : $ 43,093. System architecture: Wind turbine: Exmork FD-5kW Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5KW Price : $ 30,282


Chosen location: Iasi Latitude: 4717, Longitude: 2757, North east Romania. Using the system architecture: -Wind turbine: Exmork FD-10KW -Battery: Vision6FM200D -Converter: 5KW

For the first situation we have:

The average electrical production for the chosen location is:

Turbine output:

Battery state of charge:

This system uses 14 strings of batteries(56 batteries). Total cost: $ 63,229


Second situation: reduce the battery bank:

By lowering the battery bank to a minimum accepted we would obtain the fallowing battery state of charge:

This system uses 3 strings(12 batteries). Total cost $ 26,313


Third situation: change wind turbine

Chosen turbine: Exmork FD-5KW The average electrical production for the chosen location is:

Turbine output:

Battery state of charge:

This system uses 3 strings of batteries(12 batteries). Total cost: $ 16,858


For the location Iasi using 2 types of wind turbines we obtained the fallowing system costs: System architecture: Wind turbine: Exmork FD-10kW Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5KW Price : $ 26,313 System architecture: Wind turbine: Exmork FD-5kW Battery: Vision6FM200D Converter: 5KW Price : $ 16,858


In order to have an reliable system that supplies enough electric energy we have to chose the wind turbine that is best fit for our location. The most expensive is not automatically the best, neither the ones that could produce great amounts of energy, we have to see what wind power is available and chose the turbine that obtains the best output for us. Too many batteries also increase costs. Our batteries dont have to be fully charge for an entire year as long as they provide enough electric energy when required.


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