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ABSTRACT Putu Shely, the Relationship of Cognitive Function to the Level of Independence in Advanced Ages at Posbindu Lansia Pergeri

Depok RW 02, guided by dr RIA MARIA SpKJ danMAMAN SUBARMAN, S, Si, M. Biomed Advanced ages are having a great changing in their in their life, one of them is the changing in nervous system which be able to manifest in the decrease of cognitive function. The decrease of the cognitive function happens in almost all of advanced age. It is caused by the changing of biological that happens on them and commonly releted to the aging process. That will impact on daily activities. The cognitive decrease is really related to the decrease of the daily activity or the independence of advanced age. The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship of the cognitive function the independence level of the advanced ages in Posbindu Lansia Pergeri Depok RW 02. This research was an analytical descriptive, used cross sectional to the 95% belief and used primer data. This research was done in Posbindu Lansia Pergeri Depok RW 02. The population of the advanced ages are at the age of 60 or more and had educational status at least Elementary school and also didnt have hearing problem who came to Posbindu Lansia Pergeri Depok RW 02. The technique that was used in taking sample was non probability sampling by the sahrated method so 90 people were gotten. The instrument that way used in this research was Mini Mental State Examination , Activity of Daily Living and Instrumental Activity of Daily Living. The result of chi-square experiment showed that it was gotten the value of p = 0,000 ( p value < 0,05) showed that there were a relationship between the cognitive function and the level of independence in advanced ages Key : Cognitive Function, Level Independence, Advanced Ages Bibliography : 43 (1993-2010)


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